
Weather forecast Part 2

The demon roared a raging shout that sounded like a thunder which Uriel took as his cue to escape the basement through the duct. Up there, Luna waited patiently for the cryptid to appear wearing both her orichalcum claws and already in her werewolf form.

"It's coming, I got under its skin... literally." Uriel said with jagged breath as despite the stab he managed to land, his body was still tired due to the effort he put in the previous fight.

When the cryptid fell silent, they intently listened on every little sound they could hear finding out that instead of a stomping cryptid the sound of its footsteps was rather a scuttling sound that gave Uriel the creeps.

A dark hand poked through the dumbwaiter duct first, its uncannily long fingers holding on to the exit in turns like a tippling and then it pushed its body upward revealing the unsightly face up to that point only Uriel had been able to see.