
The old bow Part 2

Bella, Nika and Alice headed straight for the airport to look around for the zeppelin Professor Pangeotis said would be waiting for them. It hadn't been long since Uriel broke Sam's blockade, but the airport was already crowded with all sorts of zeppelins, mostly from the Mapple corporation.

They ranged from the relatively small but fast courier ships to the bulk trading gargantuan airships only international conglomerates could possess. Inside the airport things were also different from anything they've ever seen before as it was brimming with people to the point where moving was difficult.

"The Sparrow? Let me check real quick," Said the clerk behind the counter as she skimmed through the manifests. True to her word, it didn't even took her a minute to find the ship's location and she handed them a small piece of paper that gave them access to where they needed to go. "Landing bay 19. Next!"