
Spain Part 1

When the battle was finished the towsmen took over the care of the injured bandits, though after the dullahan had been slayed their behavior had changed to their original selves. The same happened to Alice who was remorseful for what she had done, though thankfully no one died despite the gruesome injuries she inflicted upon them.

Luna had the theory that since the people who were attacked by Alice were technically possessed by the same cryptid it healed their wounds to keep them as spare hosts, but Alice refused to believe it despite the evidence and preferred to believe that some part of her was able to resist the cryptid's influence and that was why they survived.

Uriel couldn't care any less about either option as the lives of those bandits weren't his responsibility and he only cared for his friends, though he still resented Nika for draining his flux energy on purpose just to be able to fight the cryptid herself.