
Closing time

Uriel returned to the megacity of Hollywood along with Nika after confirming they weren't on the most wanted list like he suspected. It was hard for him to believe Mark didn't give the story a spin to make Uriel or his company look like they were the culprits as Uriel knew Mark to be a snake in the grass, but there was nothing incriminating in June's live transmission as it was cut right after Mark rescued Mason out of the crater.

"Great, now people think he's a hero." Uriel bit his thumbnail as he grumbled.

"What do you care? It's not like it will affect us in any way, not after today." Nika said her eyes red from crying, yet she dutifully followed Uriel across the streets acting as his bodyguard.

"Don't be sad, this wasn't a failure, just a small setback. If Medusa's plan works we'll make it big." Uriel tried to comfort Nika thinking she was sad about their failure, but his suspicions were cleared when Nika started ugly crying.