
Dungeon Quest

Warning: My grammar may be bad so read at your own risk. BTW I’m on phone and this is my first original novel so don’t be to hard and yes I did take this name from a game on roblox ———————————————— Seo -Jun who was betrayed many times by the people he called friends during the Age of Dungeon where everyone could have a status panel and could get stronger by killing demons in the dungeon or get a strong awakened skill that decides on their class but everyone can only have 1 skill. Jun who was reborn will become someone that is at the top of the food chain —————SPOILER When Jun was about to kill the last demon to get a attribute point, a woman appeared in front of him and said “Do you really think I would let you get stronger” and than stabbed Jun right on his heart but before jun could die he killed the last demon to get a attribute point because it was his dream to at least get 1 attribute point The woman was shocked that jun didn’t attack her but the demon, she couldn’t help but ask “Why did you not attack me?” Jun simply replied “How could I injure you? Im just average while your a Rank S raider, I would even be able to touch you much less attack you, you could simply freeze me with a thought” The woman just smirked and said “We’ll you are smart, I congratulate you on achieving your dream, but you will still die” Jun didn’t say anything and fell to the floor, the woman seeing this just disappeared ——————————————— I hope you read this since I’m answering some question Is the mc gonna be soft? -No, mc will be ruthless and merciless but mc will not r@pe or kidnap anyone Is it gonna be harem? -No, to many names for me to remember and I might just forget their Existence Is mc gonna get a system? -Yes, He will be a exception and have more than 1 skill What class is mc gonna be? - He will be a Shadow Necromancer, because he will not work with people other than the people he considers friend so necromancer is the best job(It’s like a assassin mixed with necromancer) Why not tamer class? Or summoner? - you can’t tame demons, Summoning is stupid go away Anyway that will be all for now and I will get some non-chapter ready like skill ranking and class ranking or any thing My update schedule will be when I have time even though it’s gonna be summer I still have things to do too and it’s hard to write on phone

StressedByHW · Eastern
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Chapter 1 Reborn and trail

Jun woke up in a warm bed and got confused 'Didn't I die?' He thought but than heard

[Congratulation you have completed a quest]

[Quest : Kill 100 Demon(Complete)

Info : Kill 100 demon that is at least 5x stronger than you with no skill

Difficulty : SSS

Reward : Choice of any class,???]

[Please chose your class]

[SSS-:Shadow Sovereign : one who can turn any dead body into a shadow, they will keep 70% of their strength and can grow stronger from killing, the higher the int stat is the more you can control, can use Shadow king skill]

[SS:Necromancer : One who revive the dead but the dead will be absolute loyalty and regain their strength overtime and can grow stronger with the user, can use undead magic skill]

[SSS+ :Shadow Necromancer : One who is Fast and flexible, Can summon and revive any dead body and keeps intelligent, Undead will immediately grow stronger or weaker depending on the users status, Ex : Lower status than undead than it will get weaker, higher status means it will get stronger, can also grow stronger from killing, Can use Shadow Undead magic skill]

Jun was shocked at the classes he could pick but it still didn't explain how he is still alive he couldn't help but asked again "How am I alive didn't I die?"

[Yes you did die but a certain skill brought you back in time]

[Now which class would you like]

Jun was dumbfounded at what it's saying since he thought he never had a skill but he also heard it say back in time, he looked around and saw it was his room before the dungeon break where dungeons starts to appear all around the world

Jun became calm and said "I would like the Shadow Necromancer"

[Are you sure you would like the Shadow Necromancer class]

Jun replied with a yes but than he appeared in a black room

"So you will be my successor I see" a unknown voice said

Jun got confused from what he heard and asked "What do you mean by successor"

"The successor to the Shadow king Necromancer, The Great Dragneel"Said the unknown voice

Jun didn't reply right away to digest the information and than said "I see but is there a catch?"

"Just pass my trail and you shall get your reward" said Dragneel

Jun asked "What kind of trail" but he didn't get any replies but than he sees a white room

"Why did you let me die"Said a unknown woman but than a man also appeared and said "Why did you kill me?"and countless other people started to appear and asked the same question

Jun was still calm and simply replied "Why can't I? You betrayed me so why should I leave you alive, it was either me dead or you and I still had a dream to accomplish so why should I die for your sake of getting stronger?"

The souls didn't know what to say but than they disappeared and a unknown HUGE dragon appeared in front of him

Jun was thinking 'Did I kill this dragon too? how could I? I was really weak' and sweated

The HUGE dragon said "No, you did not kill me, I am Dragneel The King of Undead Dragon, you have completed my first trail now there is only 2 left"

Jun sweats disappeared and said "I will complete your 2 other trail"and than appeared in a ancient ruin room

100 dead body lay on the floor

Dragneel appeared and said "Your 2nd trail is to revive all of them" than he disappeared

Jun looked closely and saw that all of the dead bodies are from rank A he seen before on tv, he walked up to a dead body and said "Rise" but nothing happen and after 1 hour it opened its eyes and said "Master, what is your wish"

Jun was thinking 'It actually worked but why did it take so long' so he tried to asked his new undead "Why did it take so long for you to get revived"

The undead replied "Master, it is because it is your first time, the more you revive the less time it takes"

Jun understood and revived the next one and like what his undead said it took less time

He started to revive more and more until there was none left he happily laughed "Ahaha I finally finished reviving them all" and looked like he lost track of time

The dragon appeared and said "Good you have enough patience and waited until it's revived to revive another, this trail was a test of patience so reviving won't actually be like this"

Jun just said nothing and thought 'Good thing I lost track of time' but forgot the dragon can read minds

The dragon just ignored that and said "Now for the third trail, kill all your undead" and disappeared

The undead didn't say anything and jun didn't want to kill them after all they became his subordinates so it's his responsibility to take care of them unless they annoy him

Jun just shook his head and yelled "I will never kill my subordinates unless they attack me first"

The dragon appeared and said "So you wish to fail this trail"

Jun didn't want to fail but also didn't want to kill his subordinates after all he made his motto after being betrayed many times [I won't do anything as long as you don't mess with me] but people call him arrogant for that because he can't back it up

Jun sigh and said "I will not kill them" and waited to be failed


Lol get cliff hanger and enjoy