
Dungeon Quest: Zeldoria

In a continent torn by war a young knight must venter fourth into a dungeon system of unspeakable dangers in the hopes of attaining an unimaginable prize. Young Ukonian knight Adam must find the spectrum.

Spaz_Dragon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Adam's Pet Peeve

Adam is currently on floor two and is walking before he is bombarded by arrows. The forearm part of his armour transforms into a shield which he uses to block the incoming six arrows. He looks at the six goblins holding bows as two more goblins holding swords advance, charging Adam.

Adam transforms the shield into a sword and cleanly slices off the heads off the goblins before transforming the sword into a bow and picking up the arrows to shoot the goblins. He picks up only three arrows shooting them at the same time killing three off the goblins. The remaining three shoot more arrows as Adam dodges and pulls his empty bow as if he had arrows. In an instant, three lightning arrows appear as he shoots down the remaining goblins.

The young lad sighs and continues on his journey turning the bow back into his armour. The lad walks for a little while before walking into a goblin ambush. Seven goblins attack him from above as he simply makes two swords from his chest plate and kills four goblins with two swift slices. He kicks one of the other three as he dodges the remaining two. He then kills the two with one sword slash and throws the second sword hitting the third goblin's head. He takes making up his chest plate again. He continues walking as he eventually leaves the floor. He reaches the following floor. He makes his forearm sword from the start and starts sprinting cutting down anything in his path. With this tactic he makes it past the third floor with ease. He reaches the fourth floor and looks in front of him as hordes of goblins stand ready to attack. Adam makes a second sword from the upper part of his right arm's armour, leaving his arms armour less. The lad lets out a battle cry and charges into the hordes of goblins. He slashes his right killing three, slashes on his left killing four. The lad starts slashing and kicking as his anger builds up making him more effective at killing. Some goblin archers get lucky hits on his right shoulder as the lad turns and charges at them.

The poor goblins thought they had him where they wanted him but in truth it was the exact opposite. Adam kept slashing and kicking, and he kept track of how many goblins he killed. He continued slashing, kicking and counting until there were no more goblins left. The lad carved on the wall. 'FIFTY-EIGHT GOBLINS DIED IN VAIN.' The lad then continued to walk until he encountered eight slimes which attacked him instantly. He still had his swords, so he easily cut through the first three and then he kicked the fourth killing it before slashing the fifth with intense speed the six and seventh fell quickly to Adam's sword. The eighth tried running as Adam just simply threw his sword at the monster killing it. The lad then started walking as he transformed the swords back into his armour. The lad walked down the corridor sighing until he reached the next door, the lad opened the next door.