
Worlds: Gehenna

6 realms worlds connected through special. Like a six sided mirror, each reflections of the other side...

And above those Six realms is the great branches of YGGDRASIL, holding the greatest realms, heaven and hell.


The abyss world of Devils wretched and twisted fiends

A world of darkness, endless night and terror

And the God that rules there Hades for time memorial...

This realm seeks to bask in its own perpetual state of war, or even bring it to the other worlds of the great tree... YGGDRASIL...

(Anime fans will get the reference >.>)

The god that rules there is often referred to as The prince of Chaos and the only god to fight heaven itself to a draw...

Even if his realm is considered to be a lesser realm of the tree.

Since than he has waged war with every other realm... timelessly

Hence his monicker Prince if Chaos