
Dungeon Master's Misunderstood Retreat

In this tale, the protagonist stumbles upon a portal in their apartment, transporting them to a new world. Initially drawn by curiosity, they find themselves in a cave where they rescue near-death creatures, unwittingly becoming a Dungeon Master. Striving for a quiet, secluded life, their actions start influencing the world's politics, leading to conspiracies and misunderstandings. The protagonist, unintentionally thrust into the role of a mastermind, grapples with the consequences of their impulsive actions, creating a diagonal vector in the history of the new world.

Romop · Games
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67 Chs


Chapter 41 [Norland 2 - Royal Capital Illustra, King's Office)

"I report! The checkpoint in the north of Norland has fallen!"

The air in the previously busy but orderly King's office instantly changed to one of chaos and tension.

"What happened?"

"Do you mean Morphane has invaded?"

"No, we have not confirmed an invasion by the Morphane army."

"Then what happened? Speak clearly!"

The reported information was more than enough to cause headaches and stomachaches among the members of the office.

"Summon General Rover and Lord Warren! It's the top priority for the nation!"


"...So, a border surveillance unit, a whole squad, has vanished without a trace. It took three days for the Norland headquarters to notice something was amiss. During that time, the checkpoint remained open, and we had no idea who might have passed through."

"This is infuriating."

"In addition to that annoyance, there's another problem. One of the roads from Norland to the capital is partly blocked due to a cliff collapse. Pedestrian traffic is possible, but it's impossible for military horses and wagons. The collapse is significant, and securing a foothold is difficult, so it will take about a month to repair."

"Meaning, sending reinforcements from the capital to Norland is impossible."

Needless to say, the cliff collapse on the road was the work of Crow and the others. It was done not only to conceal their operation objectives but also to sow confusion among the higher-ups. In terms of causing the kingdom's bewilderment, Crow and the others had fully accomplished their goal.

"General Rover, Lord Warren, I want to hear your opinions."

"Even if someone infiltrated or escaped, dealing with the culprit, even if it's a whole company from Norland, shouldn't be a problem. However, we didn't want any reinforcements beyond that. I can't say much more."

In response to the Prime Minister's question, General Rover first answered, followed by Lord Warren, who expressed a particular concern.

"I'm concerned because the perpetrator's intentions are unclear. The act of erasing a whole squad of surveillance guards and leaving the checkpoint gate wide open suggests an intention to discreetly carry out something. However, if that's the case, I don't understand why they didn't leave behind the bodies of the squad or at least one squad member. If I were to suggest something, it might have been to gain a three-day window before being noticed, but..."

"Hey, Warren, are you saying that...?"

"Yes, there's already a possibility that someone or some force has infiltrated on a scale beyond a company."

"On a large scale?"

"Entering with a small group wouldn't require breaking through the checkpoint. Suggesting a breach of the checkpoint indicates the potential involvement of a large force or the transportation of something significant."

"Something significant... like what?"

"... Even the things I've mentioned so far are based on dangerous speculation. Saying anything further would..."

"I don't mind, speak up. ...No, speak for the sake of our country, at the king's request."

Under the pressing voice of the king, Warren finally spoke after a moment of silence.

"...It's just a wild imagination, but it could be a siege weapon or a weapon similar to one. Or perhaps a magical beast like a dragon or its egg..."

Lord Warren's statement, though significantly disconnected from the truth, carried enough persuasive force upon hearing it alone. The diversion or disruption Crow and the others intended surpassed even their own expectations, causing more chaos in the kingdom.

"Warren, in that case, what is the enemy's strategic objective?"

"With the disruption of communication to the capital, it's unlikely they are targeting the regions south of Barren. We can assume Norland is the goal."

"However, not bringing an occupying force..."

"It suggests the sole objective is destruction. However..."

Even as Crow and the others seemed on the verge of causing a potential international crisis, Warren, the kingdom's elite, suggested another possibility.

"All of these might be elaborate diversions."

"(A diversion!?) ×3"

Voices from everyone in the room, except for Lord Warren, overlapped.

"If this incident is related to the series of events surrounding Baron Barren's territory, it could be a diversion to divert our attention away from the southern part of the kingdom."

"So, Warren, are you saying this incident is just a false alarm?"

"No, both possibilities can not be ignored. Whether it's the infiltration of a large enemy force into Norland or an attack on the southern kingdom, neither can be dismissed. We must be prepared to deal with both situations. Even if it imposes unnecessary tension on our forces."

"Warren, is there no clue at all?"

"...It's also speculation, but... if a large force had infiltrated, they couldn't have hidden for such a long time. If we assume a week has passed since they broke through the checkpoint, and if there is no disturbance in Norland within the next three to five days, it is highly likely to be a diversion."

"... What can we do until then?"

"As a precaution, investigate the identities of those who have come to Norland in the past month and examine vacant houses in the town."

"What does one month mean?"

"We can not ignore the possibility of having infiltrated collaborators in advance. Also, even if something happens in the south, the investigation should continue."

"Hmm. We should expedite the restoration of the road to Norland and alert each battalion. Anything else, Lord Warren?"

"Yes, if this attack so far is a diversion for an attack on the south, that, too, won't be straightforward. It might be dangerous to mobilize the entire army in a hurry. Of course, this is considering a large-scale enemy force."

"What do you mean, Warren?"

"The size of the enemy force is entirely unknown. If it's a small group, there might not be room for unnecessary diversions like breaking through the checkpoint. The fact that they did that suggests the possibility of a large force or transporting something significant."

"Something significant... like what?"

"... Even with everything I've said, it's based on dangerous speculation. Saying more would..."

"I don't mind. Speak up. ...No, speak for the sake of our country, at the king's request."

Pressured by the king's compelling voice, Warren finally spoke after a brief silence.

"...It's just a wild imagination, but it could be a siege weapon or a weapon similar to one. Or perhaps a magical beast like a dragon or its egg..."