
Dungeon Crawler: Loki's Ascension

In a dystopian world plagued by monster-filled Dungeons, young gravedigger Loki dreams of becoming a Dungeon Crawler like his missing father. On the day of his birthday, he hopes to obtain a Class that will elevate his status and achieve his goal; Instead, an unexpected incident happens that will change his life for better or worse.

Numerical · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 31 - You Have Slain a Ghoul!

With his dagger, beheading the corpse would be difficult; therefore, he had to tweak his tactic in a more feasible way.

How about destroying its brain? I think that's doable; after all, the purpose of beheading is to separate the brain from its body.

Loki sprinted, his emerald eyes focusing solely on the rotting head of the undead. Yet, when he arrived next to the corpse, he didn't immediately target the brain, as he knew it would be too simple and the undead might learn his plan.

He brought his body down; his dagger glinted within the darkness, slashing the undead's feet. Of course, his enemy didn't make it easy, as it jumped back, distancing itself from him.

Regardless, Loki already anticipated this action; he kicked the floor, propelling himself towards the corpse while his dagger pointed at the undead's head. Since the corpse was still in midair, Loki was positive it couldn't avoid his piercing attack.