
Dungeon Crawler: Loki's Ascension

In a dystopian world plagued by monster-filled Dungeons, young gravedigger Loki dreams of becoming a Dungeon Crawler like his missing father. On the day of his birthday, he hopes to obtain a Class that will elevate his status and achieve his goal; Instead, an unexpected incident happens that will change his life for better or worse.

Numerical · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 30 - A Change of Scenery

Loki woke up from the uncomfortable cold and solid surface. As his eyes slowly regained their normalcy, darkness was the first thing he saw; in fact, he was surrounded by it. Still, his eyes could discern his environment, though with difficulty.

He was in some sort of corridor where the walls and floor were made of bricks. Confused, he tried to recall what happened to him, as he didn't remember ever going to a place like this.

Gradually, his memory returned, bringing with it the fear, trauma, and disbelief that happened in a single day.

"That's right, I fell into a void… I thought I died… Where am I?" Loki muttered to himself.

The air was dry and smelled a bit moldy. In the distance before him, there was a right turn where a light could be seen. As he had no idea where he was, any information would immediately pique his interest. He walked closer, wanting to investigate what was in there.