
Dungeon Crawler: Loki's Ascension

In a dystopian world plagued by monster-filled Dungeons, young gravedigger Loki dreams of becoming a Dungeon Crawler like his missing father. On the day of his birthday, he hopes to obtain a Class that will elevate his status and achieve his goal; Instead, an unexpected incident happens that will change his life for better or worse.

Numerical · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 29 - Crumbling Reality!

Heartbroken and devastated, Loki stared blankly at the person tied to the cross. Or, more precisely, the silver necklace around his neck. He could vividly remember the silver cross that Father Laryatt often used to pray on. It was engraved in his mind, and he would never mistake it for something else.

At that moment, his heart, mind, and soul were empty, devoid of any feelings or thoughts.

He remained in the position for several hours, hopeless and afraid. Then, when he imagined the suffering Father Laryatt had endured being burned alive, a small flame ignited in his vacant heart. However, that was only the beginning.

The flame slowly grew, feasting on his negative emotions. When the fire of rage engulfed his whole heart and he was on the brink of explosion, Father Laryatt's teaching brought him back from madness and dampened his burning anger. Still, the flame of hatred remained, biding its time to devour everything.