
Dungeon Core Mutation

This the world of heravious where probos race is its supreme ruler and when one day human race conquered them did they realized how feeble ants they were in the vast universe . This is the world of our mc Archlys who's race has been conquered to became humans servant and cannon fodder soldier in wars with other race's . As their servants there work is to conquer the dungeon and mainly provide them the plundered dungeon core . Join his journey where archlys devised a plan to commit the taboo of his race for to literally die trying as through some sheer will [ Mostly luck / Plot armor ] he survived to further became anomaly in the dungeon core to ultimately the terror of Infinite species . ...... [Bit more about our mc ] Archlys is an orphan with analytic personality and no feeble emotional attachment to anyone. driven by hunger for power , he is future terror of infinite species and one and only anomaly of the universe . ...................................................... Hy, I am a new Author , This is My first book Be kind guys You Will see Some Spelling and grammer mistake here And there And as a new author my story telling might be a bit shaky .. i hope you guys comment and tell my mistake and correct me .

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The Ethereal Burial

500 Meter from the entrance of the dungeon, Archlys is scouting for guards or any hidden Human experts to make sure there's no suspicious person entering the dungeon and he is sure there will be at least 1 or 2 expert stationed here because of this newly found dungeon That haven't been deprived of its core .

' one , two , three and four Human experts , Damn.. its two more than i thought and they are high level too likely level 300 - 400 and if dungeon gate is this guarded then their branch here will have at least one level 500 commander ' 

' such tight security they really do want these dungeon core's badly because of the recent ongoing war with another races , there's likely already Team of my race climbing the floors but i am sure they will only send Level 200 - 250 normal member and only one level 300 leader as scouts ' 

' I have to enter it sneakily if my presence here alerted someone then that level 500 commander will be notified immediately and if that happen i have to use my emergency artifact to fuck off from here and forget about this dungeon entirely . ' 

" Stealth - Aura suppress - Shadow Step " 

 I activated my skills and stealthily reached the space portal , My eyes Landed on that portal , it was the biggest i have ever seen

' so that's why there's double the amount of human expert here , its biggest one so far , portal size differentiate the amount of floor there's going to be in a dungeon , space cracks are the lowest with 10 floors max , as he entered the dungeon a message sounded in his mind telling him about this dungeons name - The Ethereal Burial .'

" so that's how they know the dungeon name.. hum quite convenient " 

" whoosh.. sounded in the air . as he teleported to the 1st floor.. "

' after 2 sec . He landed on grassy surface as he scans surrounding .. Umm.. That was easy , they have not deployed formations likely because its still second day after finding the dungeon . it will take some time for formation master to make an formation array around this entrance . i lucked out , nice now i have to leave fast after taking the core.

' this dungeon going to have at least 100 floor , my race team that enter yesterday might still be in first 10 floors i have to hurry and get out of here '

" whoosh " " whoosh "

Black silhouette passing through the jungle came to the stop , about 200 m ahead there's 5 man team resting at the humongous Door of 10th floor guardian .

there's one Guardian every 10 floor in the dungeons , its not like you have to kill that guardian to advance to the next floor because there's a teleportation rune etched on ground that guardian safeguards it with its life .

" Creak " As door opened five man team enters it to fight the guardian . they were only resting because they speed run the entire first10 floor seeing how weak the monster were , highest one was level 40 Spider Guard with only C Grade skills . 

Archlys enter the door right before it closed and he saw his race team fighting in proper formation even while fighting hundred level 40 spider guards and a single level 50 Royal Arachnid that is shooting poison web from behind the guards.

' Before they make a quick work of that arachnid guardian i should get to the next floor , he activated Stealth and get passed the team & guardian and entered the teleportation rune where it teleported him to next floor . ' 

Nobody even saw the space fluctuation that was behind the arachnid that's 50m in height.

 As i Teleported to the another floor i saw a volcano that's 10,000 meter in height , volcanic rocks everywhere , ashy weather and fire forming out of hot lava all over the place ,


' OHH , so these next floor theme is magma ,hmm... it will probably have lava golems or fire salamander and i just hope i get passed 100th floor guardian without alerting it , if not then i have to fight that level 500 Monster and there's no way i can kill that thing solo and will probably have to use one time artifact to stall him for a sec and make a run for it . sigh.. man i don't even know that there's any monster guarding the last floor where's dungeon core is . fuck.. I have to quickly find the passage to the next floor and just hope for the best '

10 hour later ...

' humm.. finally i reached the 20th floor guardian door , " Creak " as door opened , Guardian and its underlings got alerted and got ready to kill the intruders as they waited intruders to come and attack , They will find nothing to kill as Archlys is all ready behind the guardian thats eyeing the door... Oh! a Level 100 - Cherufe a humanoid reptilian creature that lives in magma pools umm.. but its too weak for even a warm up and its guards level 90 Golems . heck they won't even be a warmup to that five man team . lets get going there's long way to go.. '

7 days later at the front of 100th floor guardian door..

 ' " Huff " catching my breaths . i thought about these past days where i almost alerted that level 450 - Ice Wolf at 90th floor , now i just have to hope that i can get pass this level 500 guardian . '

As the before the door open i already activated my assassin class skill so to not get seen by this monster as i entered the door my sight drifted in this large open wide floor with smooth ground and empty space , heh? there's no Guards here there should be at least 500 hundred Guards here . As i walked for 5 min with caution suddenly my caught a red silhouette !! floors guardian - Drake  who is all eyeing me out from 1000 M distance while lying there's majestically . 

" Fuck.... " Why!! there's a drake here , i was breathing heavily while calming myself down and activated my Parallel thinking and Thought acceleration as i started thinking my next move it got up and started running toward me , I activated my best skill Dream reality and saw that monster closed that 1000M gap in half a second and got caught in my false reality . As i deployed the false reality and tried to make some changes to it , guardian broke free from it instantly and before i could do something i got slammed on the floor by its huge tail. 

Boom.. Urgh! shit!! i couldn't even see his tail and got slammed me on ground with it . I have too use my treasure if not forget about retreating I'll most likely die here ( these thought took place in less then .01 because of thought acceleration skill ).

I take out Pitch black paper talisman from my space ring and threw it out to that beast as it reached on top of the drake instantly and bind it at his place . i made a run for the transportation rune that i can see is 1200M away from me .

' fuck.. its too far i hope talisman can bind the monster of at least 2 sec .' 

Shadow step Shadow shield i activated my movement skill and defence skill that i placed on my back , i started running toward the rune . just when I was 200M away from the rune I got hit by its claws on my back , shadow shield got broken like a paper as i was rolling on the floor and bleeding from my back , i clearly saw that fire drake for the first time , its scales shining with red luster and its Dragon like head , its sharps obsidian black claws on its legs and its red fiery eyes filled with disgust and pride eyeing me like a prey .


' I saw That monster just standing there eyeing me and not doing anything as it spoke to me ' 

" heh.. You are Too weak to even kill That ice wolf are you here too die you ANT!! ? " 

after his voice echo's in my ears for a whole second i got up and scan my surrounding with Mana sense i saw teleportation circle right behind me ..

' so that's why that damn monster spoke to me so he can distract me from seeing teleportation circle what cunning monster , I smirked at him while sprinting towards the circle , as i touched that circle with my foot , i spoke while looking directly at his eyes - You are just a overgrown lizard heh.. ' 

" Whoosh "

It was in a instant that guardian couldn't even stop him from entering and after hearing that Ants words he got so enraged he started destroying the ground where that rune is but he couldn't even lay a scratch on it ... as a Heh.. echoed this empty space he got berserk and started blasting everywhere , though archlys all ready made to the last floor .

' "whoosh" after landing on my butt.. "phew" I made it to the last floor , that was close i would have not made it if that monster was not playing with me and blasted me toward the direction of the circle , Thinking this i felt myself soaked in cold sweat.. And if that Mf didn't move from his position and safeguarded that circle i would haven been dead .. hehe.. i am sure that lizard is going berserk right now by my words.. '

' Urgh...' suddenly huge pain assaulted me from every part of my body and i dropped at the floor "Thud" blood started dripping from my injuries .. i tried to sense my injury and seeing two huge injuries , one on my chest and a huge Claw mark on my back that's too deep that it shredded my backbone like a grinder.

I cant even stand , i took out my healing pills from my space ring and gulp it straight down . after 5 min my chest started healing slowly but surely but my back is still bleeding ... urgh.. fuck! its not working i am missing a huge chunk of my back with half of backbone gone , as pain assaulted me again AHHH!...Huff...huff.. my breathing became irregular and my consciousness started too fade away i crawled my self close to dungeon core that is placed on a extravagant throne with a Golden crown hovering above it . I crawled my self with all my will too the dungeon core's and took it from its throne and ate it..... 

That was my last memory before my consciousness faded away...

there was a pair of black gold eye's seeing me from darkness that i didn't even perceived and it saw me drop at the floor , crawled with all my might , eating dungeon core and then finally dying there laying at foot of the throne .. In my stomach that core Shudder and starting absorbing my body inside out without leaving a stain of blood on the floor .. then a pair of hands put that core back on the throne and faded into the darkness one's again.. 
