
Dungeon Core Mutation

This the world of heravious where probos race is its supreme ruler and when one day human race conquered them did they realized how feeble ants they were in the vast universe . This is the world of our mc Archlys who's race has been conquered to became humans servant and cannon fodder soldier in wars with other race's . As their servants there work is to conquer the dungeon and mainly provide them the plundered dungeon core . Join his journey where archlys devised a plan to commit the taboo of his race for to literally die trying as through some sheer will [ Mostly luck / Plot armor ] he survived to further became anomaly in the dungeon core to ultimately the terror of Infinite species . ...... [Bit more about our mc ] Archlys is an orphan with analytic personality and no feeble emotional attachment to anyone. driven by hunger for power , he is future terror of infinite species and one and only anomaly of the universe . ...................................................... Hy, I am a new Author , This is My first book Be kind guys You Will see Some Spelling and grammer mistake here And there And as a new author my story telling might be a bit shaky .. i hope you guys comment and tell my mistake and correct me .

ObviouslyAbsolute · Fantasy
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Heravious World

Author note: The Story Start In Chapter 1. The Prologue Introduce The MC And Explains His Background And His World. As a Author I Recommend Not To Skip It As It's Vital Knowledge To Understand The Future Chapter. 

This is the world - Heravious , Where life flourishes and chaos reign supreme . This world was named by the pioneer's of this world. Heravious like any other world out there in vast universe has MANA or SPIRITUAL ENERGY . Different species call this energy by their unique and different names.

This world is bigger than any normal world because before any intellectual species born or have taken root here .This world has collided with other worlds in its solar system because of collision this world 's surface area became 666 billion km²  ( ten times the size of Jupiter ) and it has solid beautiful rings which revolve around it is made up of other world's debris. intellectual species who have been born here believe the other world's collision happen because of the heravious immense gravity which forced other world's to collied with it to make heravious a much bigger and beautiful world compare to any other normal world in the universe

Heravious is mix between magic and technology world . As technology supplement and helps species in there day to day work. As the world's progress inhabitants of the heravious has came contact with Mana . Firstly they was absorbing mana in there body through pores instinctively. As first race born in this world known as PROBOS race made up of flesh and blood have micro pores on their body that we can't even see with finest microscope. 

Through long history they have became stronger by absorbing mana and after 10 milleniums Their worlds pioneer succeed their generations long task to make their race exclusive techniques to increase absorption and filtering pure mana from nature.

 From the moment intellectual life born on this world its has been 100,000 years . PROBOS race have became apex ruler of this world by Slaughtering every other intellectual species who challenged their rule . 

Their is also demi's know as mix species in this world. PROBOS race has been mating with beasts of this world as far as they can remember. Probos have advanced in technology fields and have beautiful skyscrapers as long as 1km height In every cities . As big as this world is its consist of 60%land and 40%water Of which only 40%land is convenient to inhabit because of other worlds debris there lies tall mountains and deep craters all over the world. 

Heravious worlds solid ring where in just recent years Probos have taken step they found space cracks and space portals attaching to another space known as Dungeons . Dungeons have there own small world inside them with multiple floors and a specific floor consist of its dungeon core . Dungeon as any other dungeon comes with their unique environment and monsters . When Probos found this amazing small world known as dungeon they flourish like never before and thus increase their speed to gain more power through killing beasts reside in the dungeon.







OTHer - Unique ( Only one )