
Chapter 38 - Reasons for Promotion Failure

In front of Alan various spirit plants have been collected,

All spirit plants written on the list have been collected in full. Alfred has contributed around 90% even though only looking from the floor of the Dungeon, Alan himself was a little surprised by this, besides the remaining 10% of the ingredients on the list are rare or spiritual plants that only grow in certain environments.

Like kidul mushrooms, for example, which only grow in misty swamps.

For plants like that, Alan had to buy it himself, which ended up spending all the money he had from the savings since last week.

Near spiritual plants there are also other additional tools, such as water bottles, spoons, pans, kettles, mini electric stoves and other related equipment.

Potions for rank 1 mages do not require many requirements, only a few plants that need to be burned or boiled, do not need a special flame or require super high temperatures, therefore electric stoves are already more than enough

Assisted by Alfred, Lina and Bell all four of them began the process of making concoctions.


4 hours later, all processes are finally complete.

In front of Alan, there are now 3 small glasses filled with thick colored liquid, but if seen correctly the actual color of the liquid in the glass is not as vibrant as that seen on the surface, the liquid actually only has one color, which is gray.

The color difference when someone sees it with focus and carelessly looks at it is quite surprising.

Besides seeing these characteristics, Alan now did not need to confirm whether the Potion he made was successful or even failed.

Seeing the colors that are full of falsehood, no need to ask again this concoction was successfully made.

"All of your good work"

"This is all thanks to your master's direction"

Alan didn't really hear their answers, and only focused on 3 glasses in front of him.

"Let's move to another place, Alfred and Bell bring the three glasses"

On the riverbank on the corner of the Dungeon floor. Alan sat cross-legged with his body half naked.

Under the curious gaze of the 3 servants at his side, he took the glass on the left and immediately drank it up.

A mixture of bitter taste flooded Alan's mouth, but Alan did not react at all, he just tried to empty his mind and make his body as relaxed as possible, because he knew this promotion process would hurt.

Alan could feel the warm liquid spinning in his stomach, only quietly settling down without wanting to be processed like normal food, little by little the liquid turned into special energy like steam, which then penetrated the stomach wall and ran wildly from the stomach up to the chest, and in the end stop at the heart organ.

The liquid from this herb is still changing its special form of energy, sent in the form of different packages to the heart, every packet of energy sent, Alan can feel his heartbeat getting louder, initially there is no additional feeling in this process, but after the severity of the heartbeat reaches a certain point Alan begins to feel pain in every beat.

In the 6th energy package the heartbeat sound can even be heard from the outside, the pain he feels is already at the level of being squeezed by a giant hand, to not make other people worry and disrupt the promotion process Alan only puts on a poker face, again also the level of pain is at a level that he can tolerate.

Packet 7 energy is the last packet, when this last energy drop runs towards the heart, the throbbing sound suddenly stops sounding, skips two normal beats, and 1 second later the heart suddenly beats violently once more, with a sound that is 2 times more hard than before.

The energy accumulated in the heart is pumped out through the blood vessels and circulated throughout the body, every area passed by this energy Alan feels pain like the flesh that is forcibly operated which even makes Alan grit his teeth in pain.

On the previous timeline Alan had gone through a process like this, so he should be able to tolerate this pain, but he did not expect the pain of promotion this time tens of times more painful than previous promotions.

Of course he knew the reason, all this happened because his body was too weak.

At the previous time line, when Alan had promoted, at that time he had become a third-level knight in other words having passed the body forging 3 times, his body was so much stronger that it also had high pain resistance.

But now, with a body with resistance that is not much different from an ordinary person, Alan intends to do a promotion, of course he already thinks the process this time will be more painful than usual, but Alan mistakenly thinks the difference in pain is not just a simple word like 'more sick ', the second level of pain is not even in the same class.

Normally if you want to do a promotion, your body condition is recommended to have passed the amount of forging which is equal to the number of mage ranks that are targeted, this recommendation was made primarily to reduce pain during promotion.

But unfortunately Alan doesn't have much time now.

The crack of space leading to the world of Elves will soon emerge, this is an opportunity for rare gold, but to fulfill the purpose Alan knows, he must at least be a rank 1 mage first.

And also instead of having the choice to do a forging promotion first, if Alan could have done it, unfortunately he didn't have enough money to do that.

Maybe for the crystal Dungeon attackers energy is just money, but for the master of the Dungeon itself, the energy crystal is not only used as money but also as a tool to strengthen the master or the Dungeon itself.

If the Dungeon attackers need to kill 100 monsters to be able to do the first forging, the Dungeon master requires 10,000 energy crystals.

For Alan now, 10,000 energy crystals are not a small amount of money, at present he has no money channel that can supply up to 10,000 energy crystals before a space crack appears.

Again, the decision was made, the saliva that had been spit out could not be taken back, Alan could only continue to grit his teeth in pain.

Fortunately this process is only brief, although the pain is still lagging behind basically the process with a difficult level of pain Alan tolerance is gone, the promotion process is almost completely finished.

When examining his body, Alan could feel where there was a path filled with gray mist in his veins, on his spirit body there was a small magic pool that was connected directly to the heart through virtual roots.

Alan himself was surprised by the smoothness of this promotion process, even though in the previous timeline he needed 4 bottles to arrive at the step level towards finishing as it is now.

Because things like that might be useful later, Alan tries to think about why promotion more smoothly than it should.

The first fact that might be related is, the increase in promotion failure along with the large number of body forging and lack of compatibility between elements and the body.

There is a reason why recommendations for promotions are on the size, the number of placements must be the same as the targeted mage rank.

If the amount of body forging is too little, the body will feel pain, this is due to the absence of pain resistance during the body's evolution process so that the pain will be much more pronounced.

Whereas if there is more body forging, there will be a greater chance of failing promotion because the body's resistance and regeneration will hinder the evolution of organs.

For example in the promotion process towards this first rank mage, if the evolution process is only half way, which path will not be stable so that it can always close at any time, when the path which closes naturally the promotion process must be repeated from the beginning.

Second, the reason for other failures is the lack of compatibility between elements and the body, but Alan himself is sure the level of illusion of compatibility with his body is quite high because it is measured by special tools.

Moreover, he did not see the characteristics of promotional failure due to lack of matching elements when promotion became a rank 1 mage,

Alan tried to remember these features for a while.

Basically, when a new line of promotion will be filled with fog, this fog becomes a blockage that eventually blocks which current and energy flows, if it is not immediately eliminated, one will not be able to use any type of magic related to it even though it has been promoted .

The fog can be removed and the best way is to make the body absorb it, the absorption speed is then related to the level of element suitability.

Like the gray mist in which channel Alan, came from a potion for the illusory element Alan was drinking, Alan had a high degree of compatibility with this element so that the fog clogged which pathway would be absorbed faster.

Alan is grateful for this fact, if the compatible level is too low and the fog is absorbed too slowly, which lane will likely close again even before stabilization.

The process of forming and expanding pathways is called energy pulses, like the previously seen process of energy pulses that basically uses the special energy that accumulates in the heart and then circulates throughout the body through blood vessels which will create a pathway, but if the blood vessels are blocked it is not possible this process will run correctly.

So if the fog is not immediately removed, the process of expanding or stabilizing which paths will not occur will lead to failure of promotion.

Therefore, considering the level of compatibility of elements is very important.

But if it is related to the smooth promotion it will definitely be the first.

Alan nodded with satisfaction, when he opened his eyes again he could see that the entire surface of his skin was filled with thick black liquid, which had an unpleasant odor.

Without thinking Alana immediately plunged towards the nearby river to clean herself.

Why should Alfred and Bell in a situation like this, if there is Tamara and Elaire the next scene will definitely turn out to be perfect.


Night_Farmercreators' thoughts