
Dumped by a Hitman, pursued by his Boss

Leah is unknowingly dating a hitman. She's desperately in love with him and doesn't realise just how badly he treats her and neglects her. Her close friends notice but Leah does not. She bases her entire happiness on him before her entire life shatters when she catches him cheating on her with a hitwoman he works with. She's heart-broken and continues working on the birthday party that her company is in charge of organizing when she meets her ex's boss. Adonis 'Havocbringer' Kane is not someone people cross lightly. He's the youngest Mafia boss and hides his dealings behind his extremely wealthy and thriving family business. He's not one for parties and is known to go to any lengths to get what he wants. He has many enemies but no one dares engage him because of how quickly he's known to deal with 'problems'. When Leah first sees him, there's an undeniable pull she feels toward him. He's strong, charismatic when needed and extremely possesive as their meetings become more frequent. Leah doesn't want another relationship and doesn't trust him but it makes seeing her ex in the same premises for the next two months so much more bearable.

Layla_Everdeen · Urban
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204 Chs

Chapter 4

Leah stepped out of Rayne's car, assisted by one of the men that stood at the entrance of the enormous hotel they had just driven into.

Sasha and Leah were speechless and Rayne grinned.

It had taken a good ten minutes from the front gate of the lavish premises they had just entered to finally reach the grand front doors of the restaurant.

"Kane Dining Chambers," a man in a suit called out slowly opening one of the rich doors, "Won't our guests step in?"

The girls gaped at Rayne's smug expression.

"You got us a reservation at Kane's Dining Chambers?" Sasha hissed quietly at him, her eyes wide.

Leah couldn't speak.

"Did you sell our apartment to do this?"

Rayne strolled toward the front and nodded to the waiting doors, "Let's go in and I'll talk, ladies."

The girls stared after him as he slowly went up the extravagant, wide stairs and reached the landing.

He turned around to wink, "You joining me or what?"


"What?" Tim looked shocked; his eyes widening.

A man in a suit nodded, his steps hurried, "Don't gawk at me like that. That's why we're here."

Tim glanced over at the stunning woman to his right.

She had dark red hair that fell in voluminous waves around her clear face. Piercing blue eyes looked through a veil of heavy false lashes and her luscious lips were coated in a glossy red. 

She wore a red gown to match that cut at her chest, exposing her large breasts nearly all the way.

She glanced over and caught Tim's lustful gaze, "Don't look so surprised, Tim. Snap out of it. Tonight is important. Looks like we're going up the ladder!"

"I don't know if it's a permanent climb, Cassandra." The man leading the way said.

The three agents walked through the reflecting walls of a long, gorgeous corridor.

"We've been hand-picked by Bruce to help with the birthday preparations of Ms. Clara Kane," he sighed, "The party is in a month. This will lead to many meetings with her and maybe the boss himself, but I don't think this will guarantee a climb in position once this gig is over. Our existing tasks still remain but I'm not sure this will mean we move up in the mafia house."

The three were silent as they walked ahead before Tim broke the silence, "So what? This is a great chance to personally show the boss what we can do!"

The man in the front nodded, "You're right! Maybe this will help show him how capable we are and deserving of higher positions back in the mafia base."

The two laughed confidently and nodded to themselves.

'Fools', Cassandra though, 'showing your skills won't get you places'.

She stared through the corner of her eyes at Tim and what a tiny person he seemed in the grand hierarchy of the organization they worked at.

He was a regular hitman like her, a very small position and the rows and rows of authority beyond them would not be easy to reach.

It would take at least ten years of extensive hard work to get all the way to the top.

She would not be doing any of that herself of course.

Feeling the smooth way her body moved in her new dress, Cassandra had one goal on her mind for the next month.

In the years she had joined the organization, she'd tried and tried but never been able to even lay eyes on the boss. She'd heard the rumours and heard the tales of the way he handled things. She would be lying if she said a chill didn't run down her spine every time someone mentioned him; but there wasn't a man she couldn't entrance.

If somehow, seducing this beast of a man meant she would be comfortably at the top for as long as she lived, Cassandra would take the next month very seriously.


Bruce sighed.

Seven to eight of their richest clients and business partners had been invited to the dinner at Ms. Clara's request. They had each brought their wives and husbands and a total of sixteen guests had shown up. All of them were extremely wealthy people and Bruce had insisted that they dine at the Kane Enterprise' richest hotel.

It guaranteed good security and quality in one go and he was glad he had put his foot down about flying all the guests for a dinner aboard a private plane.

Although it would have suited Clara's tastes better, there was so little time for Bruce to go through the processes of confirming the safety of each of the guests and his important hosts, not even mentioning the men and women who would accompany them at all times.

He tapped on the table impatiently and glanced at his watch. The large, expensive watch on his wrist said it was only ten minutes past nine.

He groaned internally.

At his desk, there were at least three things he could have completed by this time.

He strictly went to bed at ten when there were no emergencies or missions since his job required almost no-sleep as a normal occurrence. He needed his rest with managing and putting into motion the hundred things they did at the mafia base.

He could not believe the boss had tied him to his sister for the next month.

There were so many things he was in charge of.

Why did he have to oversee the birthday party of the young heiress.

Her safety was his top priority but surely she could have picked one of their existing Event Managers. That made his life so much easier. The new trio she had picked was in dire need of his attention if he were to make sure things went smoothly and reached the standard that the Kane family was famous for.

He looked over to see the young daughter of the Kanes celebrating her coming birthday party with the rich strangers.

Adonis was by her side the entire time though, Bruce knew.

He would take charge if things got out of hand.

"Sir," there was a tap on his shoulder and he looked up at the discreet waiter at his side. Two of his men stood behind the nervous waiter, within earshot and ready to pounce if need be.

"The Dearcrofts, the ones you've hired to oversee Ms. Kane's party."

"Yes?" Bruce asked quietly, careful to ensure none of the other drinking guests heard what was said.

"They're here."

Bruce turned the full of his attention to the waiter and cocked his eyebrow, "What?"