
Dumped by a Hitman, pursued by his Boss

Leah is unknowingly dating a hitman. She's desperately in love with him and doesn't realise just how badly he treats her and neglects her. Her close friends notice but Leah does not. She bases her entire happiness on him before her entire life shatters when she catches him cheating on her with a hitwoman he works with. She's heart-broken and continues working on the birthday party that her company is in charge of organizing when she meets her ex's boss. Adonis 'Havocbringer' Kane is not someone people cross lightly. He's the youngest Mafia boss and hides his dealings behind his extremely wealthy and thriving family business. He's not one for parties and is known to go to any lengths to get what he wants. He has many enemies but no one dares engage him because of how quickly he's known to deal with 'problems'. When Leah first sees him, there's an undeniable pull she feels toward him. He's strong, charismatic when needed and extremely possesive as their meetings become more frequent. Leah doesn't want another relationship and doesn't trust him but it makes seeing her ex in the same premises for the next two months so much more bearable.

Layla_Everdeen · Urban
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204 Chs

Chapter 27

"We're here."

Cassandra stood at the bottom of the large grand stairs that led up to the balcony where the tea was to be hosted.

She took a deep breath and posed her body.

This was the day she was looking for.

The day she seemed to have waited for all her life.

"Today," she thought, "Is the day I lure the boss in with my charms and settle a life of pure bliss for myself."


Cassandra rolled her eyes at the voice of Frank and Tim trailing behind her.

She turned around and adjusted her lips to form a pleasant smile although the emotion never reached her eyes, "Frank. Tim. What is taking you boys so long? We are supposed to arrive before the boss or any of the new Event Organizers arrive, remember?"

The male agents chuckled as they got close to her and stopped, "Yes, we are!"

"I can't believe though," Tim said, a little breathless, "how quick you are in those heels, Cass!"

"Must be," Frank's eyes had darkened as he scanned down Cassandra's body, "those long legs."

The boys couldn't speak for a moment and Cassandra smiled.

This is exactly what she needed but it was time to set her ambitions higher.

She was no longer looking to get attention from weak little fellow agents.

As fun as it had been for her to go on missions with Tim where they had hot passionate nights together in hotel rooms and she'd sent him out alone in the day to perform his dangerous tasks as an agent while she'd lounged behind in luxury and relaxed, she realized she needed more.

If she was able to, she should acquire it.

It was time to get more power and she knew who she needed to be enamoured with her to get it.

Adonis Kane, and the name sent a small shiver of fear down her spine, was the large fish she needed to catch and she was not going to stop until she'd made him fall for her hook, line and sinker.

"Help me up?"

The boys hurried to take her hand and Cassandra went up the stairs to where the stage was set for her grand debut.




"We can't be late for this!" Rayne said as he hurried toward the large stairs that led up to somewhere.

He couldn't help but admire the hotel as he walked through.

The place was pure elegance.

It had an unmatched regal charm.

Rayne was taking notes. He would ask Walter to find pictures or videos of events that had taken place before so he could get an idea of the standard, they expected from the Dearcrofts.

Something about that seemed crucial to Rayne.

Rayne pulled out his phone and typed that in just as a reminder to himself.

That would be one among the first steps.

Hurrying his pace, Rayne rounded a corner and came face to face with a majestic set of large stairs leading up to sunlight.

He wondered what was prepared on the top for everyone to enjoy.

Thankfully, seeing as how there were a row of attendants on either side of the stairs on the floor, waiting to welcome guests, Rayne was sure the Kanes had not arrived.

"Girls," He looked over his shoulder.

Sasha was complaining about how her hair was turning into a mess before her eyes saw the stairs, "Wow…"

"Isn't it beautiful?" Rayne asked, waiting for Leah to reach them and peek over at the stairs.

"It's beautiful!" His cousins echoed.

"I'm asking Walter pictures or videos of the previous parties held by the Kanes."

Leah took a sharp breath of air in, "Rayne, that's genius. I've been feeling a little like I need solid ground around here. That will help so much!"

Rayne nodded as the three began to slowly walk to the stairs, taking in the beauty as they went, "I do too. It'll help us understand the standard they have for parties around here. Especially with Mr. Slader breathing down our necks…"

Sasha waved the last statement away, "He's nothing to worry about. I keep telling you! We have to make Ms. Kane happy. He's just grumpy. Let's do our thing. She chose us for a reason, guys. She likes our style and we can do something magical! I know it! But like you said, it's not a bad idea to use previous parties as a reference point. If not all parties, maybe just the previous birthday parties of Ms. Kane?"

"That's a good idea," the other two agreed.

"I'll ask Walter," Rayne said, "We gotta one up all the other parties."

Sasha gazed at Leah before she smiled, "You look beautiful, Lee!"

Leah blushed, "Thank you, Sasha! You're stunning as well."

Rayne rolled his eyes before taking the lead, "Let's hurry, Ms. Beautiful and Ms. Stunning as well. We don't have time. I'm glad we're not late."

Rayne nodded at the attendants who were lined up standing on the floor leading to the stairs.

He started going up them and spied a couple people atop, already waiting for him.

Halfway up the stairs, Rayne could see who they were.

Four people stood at the very top of the stairs waiting to receive them.

One was Bruce Slader of course, standing tall and stern as always.

The next was an unknown man.

And the last two caused a flurry of activity in Rayne's brain.

He didn't understand.

What were these two doing here?

He'd seen them on the first dinner day as well.

What would Leah do about this?

This tea was incredibly important but Rayne wanted Leah to be okay as well.




Leah trailed behind her cousins, taking care to go up the stairs gracefully with her dress and heels.

Her fushcia pink dress hugged her snugly and her chest looked so pronounced.

She was not used to dressing this way and she wondered why she had never done it before.

Leah felt so confident and pretty.

She felt like she actually belonged here in this palace-like hotel and regal life.

Sasha was several stairs above her and Rayne was picking up the pace and hurrying up the stairs.

Leah wondered why as she patiently went up the large stairs.

A little halfway, she looked up to see people standing atop, ready to greet her.

Rayne was talking, seemingly agitated, with Mr. Slader.

Leah was shocked, her cousin was very careful with talking to Bruce. What was happening?

Sasha was only a few steps away from the top and she had stopped going up the stairs, staring at one of the people who stood there to greet her.

Leah frowned. What was going on?

She could hear snippets of Rayne's angry voice but what was he saying?

She strained to hear as she looked over to the people Sasha was looking at.

Leah's heart stopped.

Standing up the stairs, looking down at her with a pinched expression was her ex-boyfriend, Tim. Beside him was a sexually alluring redhead in the most vulgar dress Leah had ever seen. The redhead was smirking down at her.

Leah misplaced a step and felt her body fall.

She bit her lip in frustration, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Why was she tripping and falling now? Making a fool of herself before her ex-boyfriend and the lady who kept walking around with him?

Sasha turned around in time and yelled her name as Leah's body swerved back, about to go hurtling down the large steps.

She fell back into a strong chest and Leah could feel the room go quiet.

The first thing she registered was the scent of the man. It was rough and sensual but so familiar. 

The expressions on the faces of people around her was what she noticed next.

Everyone looked so shocked, so taken; they looked so… in awe.

There was a look of surprise and admiration in Sasha's eyes.

The redhead looked furious.

Tim looked like he wanted to scream, his eyes bulging out.

Glancing up, Leah looked to see the man's face.

It was the dangerously handsome stranger from before.

He was looking down at her and Leah felt her face heat up.

His hand reached up to cup her face and slowly moved it to the side when his face went down to hers.

There was a sharp gasp around the room.