
Duine Naga: Dragon Tamer

Dragons are creatures of great power. They cannot be controlled, but they can be tamed. Only one person has ever accomplished this, the Dragon Tamer. Destiny is a village girl. She's considered an outcast by her people because she is a mortal, humans with no magic power. While her parents treat her as a maid and stranger, her brother, Axel, and grandmother are the only ones that love her despite her mortality. One day, after an incident involving a dragon rider's dragon, a series of heart-stopping nightmares, and new abnormal eye color, Destiny decides to tell her grandmother. Her grandmother, however, sees these events as something more.

HarmonyS · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7


I returned to the campsite with the wet fish dripping water down my back. I managed to catch 5 in total, two small ones, and three big ones. Obviously, Destiny would get two of the big ones; she did sleep for a whole day. She must be starving! I hurried back to find Destiny feeding Spirit some carrots. I smiled as she saw me from the corner of her eye.

"Axel, you're back!" she said, running to me.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked.

"Yup, Spirit here, kept me company."

Spirit neighed and walked over, rubbing his nose against Destiny's cheek. I smiled, seeing Destiny enjoy herself.

"Okay, who's ready for dinner?"

"Me!" Destiny exclaimed as she raised her hand.

Placing my hand close to the fire, I could tell if it was hot enough to cook stuff over. Destiny and Spirit stayed by the riverside playing with the small fish and tadpoles while I cooked. No doubt, they were able to smell the fried fish from the way their stomachs growled.

"Alright, you two! Time to eat!"

With drool dripping from their mouths, the two ran over to the now cooked fish. If I wasn't here, I bet they'd eat it raw. Destiny sat on the rock across from the fire while Spirit waited for his meal next to me. I gave Destiny her two fish and gave Spirit his apples and carrots. I could tell that he wanted the fish, so I gave him a small piece.

He neighed when he finished. Greedy horse wanted more, but I refused. He watched me eat my fish until it was all gone. Destiny's was completed as well, so now he really couldn't steal any fish. I laughed at Spirit's disappointment and decided to give him a treat in place of the fish.

"Here you go, Spirit. Your favorite, sugar cubes."

The horse neighed and whinnied as he ate the sugar cube from my hand. I've always been careful when feeding Spirit sugar, hence his name. I turned to Destiny, who was also watching Spirit run around.

"Hey, sis."

She turned to me, "Hm?"

"Did you-did you have another…you know. Nightmare?" I asked hesitantly.

She tilted her head down and gave a sad nod. "Yes, I did."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She gave me a sad smile before refusing. "No, not yet. I don't think I'm ready."

I smiled, "It's okay, and when you are ready. I'll be there for you."

Spirit, suddenly, came to my side and neighed with his legs high in the air. "I mean, we will be there for you."

Her smile got more prominent, and her expression seemed brighter, "You two are the best, thank you."

"Anything for my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister."

"Which is all the better." We both laughed, enjoying our special moments while they lasted. Or at least, I enjoyed them. Wanting to refill our food supply, I told Destiny I would gather some fruits that grew around here. She nodded, and I left.

To be honest, I didn't want to leave Destiny, but I needed to think. She was correct; she was my only sister. I sighed. "I'm just overthinking it." I didn't tell Destiny this, but while she was sleeping, I had a dream too. I dreamt that she had died.



"I hope Axel's okay. What do you think, Spirit?"

The horse neighed in reply, reassuring me that my worries were futile. I smiled a bit, but the look on Axel's face. That look screamed, 'I'm hiding something from my little sister, and I'm going to tell her.' Plus, he had the words, 'I'm hiding something,' written all over his face.

I know Axel better than anyone, and we tell each other everything. At that moment, I remembered that I didn't tell Axel about my dream. My conscious was toying with me, and boy, was it enjoying watching me suffer. "Ugh! I'm going to say it to him later! So stop—"




I leaped from my seat and stood by Spirit, who was ready to defend me. "Who's there?" I shouted.

From the bushes came a young man with brown hair and hazel eyes. He was taller than me but not as tall as Axel. "Well, well, look what we have here—a naïve girl traveling by herself and near the woods, no doubt. Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't you know it's dangerous to be by yourself. Someone as weak and fragile as you shouldn't be out here," he said with his arms folded.

"Then, why are you here?" I replied.

He blinked, then a sly smirk appeared on his face. "You've got guts. I like that."

I took a step back, trying to think of a way to call Axel or, at the very least, keep from getting robbed. "So, mind telling me what an innocent girl like yourself is doing in this part of the woods?" he asked.

"Sorry, but my brother told me not to talk to strangers. AXEL!"

He ran up and wrapped one arm around my torso while holding a knife to my neck with his free hand. "Calling for help. That's pretty brave of you," he whispered in my ear.

Spirit went crazy! He was about to attack the man, but he placed the blade closer to my throat. Spirit calmed down, realizing my life was only inches away from being lost. "Your horse is smart. He knows when to back down."

Spirit kept his guard up and waited for an opening to take down the intruder. He clapped his hoof against the ground, hoping to charge at the person threatening his friend. Noticing this, the man held the blade closer to my throat. Spirit backed away a bit.

He lowered the knife, but just enough to still keep Spirit at bay. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Why? Does a person need a reason to survive?"

"Survive? You live around here?"

"You're just figuring that out?"

"No, it's just you don't look like it. Your clothes don't look torn or worn out. They look new."

"Very observant. Perhaps you're smarter than I gave you credit for."

"I'm taking that as a compliment."

He chuckled, but his grip on both me and the knife. 'I have to find a way out of this! Axel, where are you?'



My muscles tensed, and my lungs were gasping for air. Taking down 4 out of 8 thugs can really wear you down, especially when you left your little sister by herself.

"Looks like he can fight," the leader chuckled.

Before they arrived, I heard Destiny call me. I knew I shouldn't have left her alone. While I'm here fighting, she could be in real danger. I have to get past these guys!

"What's your rush? Just hand over the sword, and you can leave."

I smirked, "Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged!" The leader and his remaining 3 lunged for an attack. I slid under the leader and tripped one of the thugs with a kick. I dodged another who was charging at me and elbowed him in the neck. I dropped my sword and threw him to the last thug standing.

The men groaned as they lay on the ground. As much as I wanted to finish them off, my sister's life came first. I grabbed my sword and ran as fast as I could. When I reached the camp, my worst fear had come to life.

"Axel, help," she squeaked.

Who was this guy? Another thug like the ones that attacked me? Or was he just a low-life robber preying on an innocent girl? I looked back at Destiny, who was shaking. I could tell she was trying to stay brave, but her fear was growing. I had to save her! "Let her go!" I shouted angrily.

He scoffed, "Or what?"

"I'll do the same thing to you as I did, your friends."


"That's right! Your little thug friends that jumped me and tried to steal my sword!"

He didn't answer, nor did he move. I had to think and act fast, or else Destiny would pay the ultimate price.

As I was about to attack, the man drew back his knife and threw Destiny at me. I caught her as Spirit charged at him. The man ran, but not before grabbing the fried fish that was cooking over the fire. I wanted to go after him, but Destiny's shaking body stopped me. She clenched my shoulder while her eyes held back her tears.

I wrapped my arms around my scared sister. She continued to shake and finally started crying. Spirit came over and nuzzled against her hoping to calm her down. "It's okay, Destiny. You're safe now," I said softly.


After Destiny calmed down, I packed up, and we all left. Destiny leaned her head against my chest; obviously, she was traumatized by the whole thing. Who could blame her?

"I'm sorry, Destiny," my voice filled with guilt. "If I hadn't left you alone, then you wouldn't have been in that…situation. I'm sorry."

Destiny looked up at me with a smile on her face. "You don't need to apologize, Axel. Neither of us would've been able to predict that. So don't blame yourself. Besides, I knew you'd save me because that's overbearing, overprotective big brothers do. Right?"

I smiled. "Mph, right."

Just as we were enjoying our brother-sister moment, a voice shouted from afar.


We all turned and saw the man that attacked Destiny. Immediately, Spirit and I put our guard up. I got off Spirit but left Destiny on his back. I drew my sword, ready to fight.

"Whoa, whoa, I'm not looking for a fight. I come in peace," the boy said, hands in the air.

I scoffed. "Yeah, right. Like I'd believe that."

"Seriously, you took out those thugs for me, and you also fed me, so I owe you one."

"Are you kidding me?! First of all, I did not take out those thugs by choice! They ambushed me! Most likely looking for you. Second, we did not feed you! You stole it after holding a knife to my sister's throat! So if anything, me beating the magic out of you is a good way of paying us back!"

"Good luck with that," he murmured.

"What was that?"

"Look, I know what I did was wrong, but you have to understand. I had no choice. Those morons were chasing me, and I was hungry. What was I supposed to do?"

"Ask for help," Destiny interrupted.

"And that's what I did. I just didn't ask for it like normal people."

"You do realize how close you are to getting your throat sliced, right?" I asked, moving my sword closer.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I really am."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to my sister."

He looked behind me to face Destiny.

"Miss, I'm truly sorry for what I did to you. It was wrong of me; please forgive me."

"Apology accepted," Destiny said sincerely.

I put my sword back in my sheath and climbed back on Spirit. We were about to leave until the man stepped in front of Spirit, causing the horse to stop.

"Now, what do you want?" I asked, annoyed.

"Where ya heading?" he asked.

"None of your business."

"Are you sure? Because from what I've seen, you two look like you could use an extra set of hands."

"Don't flatter yourself. Goodbye."

"Wait, wait!"

"Do you want to get run over?"

"Listen, if you keep going in this direction, you'll end up at Therron's castle."

Destiny, Spirit, and I looked at each other. "Who's Therron?" she asked.

"You don't know who Therron is? He's the dragon who lives in the castle to the north. He's the only dragon immune to the seal that controls them."

"Wait, do you mean Otamd?"

"Is that what you call him where you're from? I've heard every village has its own name for the dragon. Only the Dragon Tamer knew the beast's real name."

"And how exactly do you know this?" I asked with suspicion.

"It's basic history! Wow, you must be dumb not to know that," he replied sarcastically.

I felt a vein pop and my hands motioning the reins. "Destiny," I called.


"May I please run him over?"

She screeched my name. So, that's a no. "What? He won't even feel it," I said sweetly.

"That's mean, Axel."


She scoffed and turned to the man. "What's your name?" she asked.


"Nice to meet you, Max. My name is Destiny, and this is my brother, Axel."

With a wink, the boy bowed. He had a smug expression on his face. I didn't trust him, but I did trust my sister. Destiny's not stupid.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, can we go now?"

Destiny smiled at me, then turned to Max. "Yes. Will you be joining us, Max?"

"You bet I am!"

Otamd, Therron, whatever your name is. If you have to eat somebody, please let it be the moron standing next to me.