
Dual Threat Genoiss

The goddess Gaia was the Lord of Phopect and with her twelve knights protected the lands of Phopect and its twelve lands, but soon after Gaia's tragic actions against the lands of Phopect and it had turned the lands to dust and ash and the green grass turned to white and the sky turn to darkness. The twelve knights fought over lands and hoped to claim the title of Lord of Phopect, but there is a prophecy that is foretold to have a boy name, Gilmore Saber become the Lord of Phopect.

VRW1 · Action
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6 Chs


In the land of Phopect

Below the tree of the Genoiss live the mortals

The mortals are part of the human realm.

The Immortals have lived the closest to the Genoiss living in the heavenly realm.

Above the Genoiss live the gods on a different plane of existence.

Building their own reality that is across time and space.

At the beginning of time, there was a prophecy that had been foretold that

a boy that will unleash his tarnished power.

He could either save the world or end the world as the new lord of Phopect.

And now this is a tale of what is yet to be within the realm of Phopect.

"Whoever finds the goddess that cast the ash and crimson rot onto the land must die before the King Knight of the Sun and Light."