
Dual System in Daily World

This is not a smut! After the crossover, Suzumiya Chisato was bound to two systems. [Evil Romance Simulator] allowed him to engage in unconventional romantic simulations in a virtual world. "Utaha-senpai, I want to discuss how Tomoya Aki violated the school rules with you." "Eriri, no one would have guessed that the campus idol is actually a ero doujinshi artist in private right?" "Isshiki, if you want to pursue Hayama, I can give you some advice. Let's discuss it at my place after school." [Pure Love Dating Game] allowed him to offer the utmost kindness and help to the opposite sex in real life. "Happy birthday, Yukino. The limited-edition Mr. Panda is just a small token of my appreciation. No need for a return gift." "Don't worry, Bocchi-chan. From now on, I'll be your friend and protect you. No one will force you to do anything you don't want to do." "Kazusa's piano skills are the best in the world. No matter what the competition rankings or judges say, my thoughts on this have never changed. I firmly believe in this." The two completely opposite systems, existing in simulation and reality, made him switch between two personalities. Note: This is a translation with slight edits. Hopefully you enjoy it! :D 20+ advanced chapters in patreon.com/SenatusTheta

SenatusTheta · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
90 Chs

62: Kasumigaoka Utaha's Worry


[New Weekly Quest has been created!]

[Weekly Quest I'm Not Alone! is being generated...]






[I'm Not Alone!]

1. Maintain power rankings positions in top 10.

2. Recruit more believers to (Harem Advocate). (19/31)


1. 5 bonus chapters.

2. Increase advanced chapters by 10 for this fic.

[Deadline: Sunday 15 Sept 23:59 (GMT+7)]

[Note: Based on the system's analysis, readers hate system that gives punishment, so there will be no punishment upon failing to meet the target.]

[All rewards will be distributed on Monday 16 sept]

[There is no need to complete all targets to get the reward]

[Please do your best to complete any of the target, Hosts!]


[Kasumigaoka Utaha was already sitting there waiting. Her face was still radiant, but this time, there was a hint of gloom.] 

[You could see a trace of worry on her face, as if she was troubled by something.]

[You greeted her and sat down beside her, quietly listening as she explained why she asked you to meet.]

[Kasumigaoka Utaha took a deep breath and slowly started talking about some recent events.] [The more she spoke, the paler her face became.] 

[Her hands, which were initially resting at her sides, gradually came together, trembling slightly.] 

[Her usually relaxed eyes were now replaced by panic and fatigue, making you feel deeply concerned.]

[It turned out that recently, Kasumigaoka Utaha had been followed by a stalker.]

[Every day, on her way to and from school, she had a vague feeling that someone was trailing her. At first, she thought it was just her imagination, but things changed a few days ago.]

[Strange crumpled tissues started appearing outside her house. A few times, she noticed a noticeable white light behind her while walking.] 

[Even late at night, she sometimes heard the sound of small stones hitting her window.]

[This made her certain that a dangerous person was after her, and that person had become more daring and reckless recently.]

[After telling you all this, her chest was heaving up and down heavily.]

[You reached out and gently placed your hand on the back of hers to comfort her.]

[Kasumigaoka Utaha, still trembling with fear, told you everything, and her chest was heaving heavily.]

[You reached out to comfort her by placing your hand on hers and asked:]

[1. "What about your parents? And why not contact the police?"]

[2. "Let's put that aside for now. How did you get my LINE number?"]

[3. "I will protect you."]

In a dating game, considering normal thinking, options 1 and 2 can be dismissed with a glance. The third option is the classic romantic plotline.

Think about it: the heroine is facing difficulties and dangers, becoming increasingly anxious. 

At this moment, a righteous hero arrives, protecting her like a brave knight and sweeping away anyone who dares to harm her. 

They overcome challenges together, develop feelings for each other through various events, and eventually, under a sunset backdrop, they share a passionate kiss, confirming their commitment to be together forever.

It's so beautiful.

However, in Chisato's view, this simulation isn't just a simple dating simulation.

He suspects there might be hidden elements behind this simulation that he doesn't know about. His task now is to uncover them.

He chose the first option, which is something a normal person would never choose.

[You heard this, but strangely, there wasn't much emotional upheaval inside you.] 

[You looked at Kasumigaoka Utaha, and just as you were about to ask why she didn't seek help from your elders or the police, Kasumigaoka Utaha spoke first.]

[She said her father is the editor-in-chief of a magazine focused on landscape geography. A week ago, he went abroad for work, and her mother went with him.] 

[They won't be back for another ten days.]

[She also said that she had tried asking the Japanese police for help, but the officer who handled her case only advised her to stay safe—avoid walking through empty alleys to and from school, lock her doors and windows at night, and call the police immediately if she was in danger.]


Did he get predicted?

[Kasumigaoka Utaha closed her eyes silently, thinking that if she truly encountered danger and was hurt, calling the police afterward wouldn't change anything.] 

[The harm she suffered wouldn't disappear, and no matter how much the perpetrator was punished, the damage she experienced couldn't be undone.]

[She looked at you, placing her cold palm on the back of your hand. She said she had no other options, and with no other friends at school, you were the only one she could rely on.]

[As a guy with a tall and strong appearance, she hoped you could pretend to be her boyfriend. If the stalker saw you, he might be scared and stop following her.]

[Your response was…]

[1. Agree to help her.]

[2. Sure, but with conditions.]

Despite trying to avoid it, he has reached a point where all other options are blocked, and there's no escape.

Chisato chose the more prudent option one.

[You agreed to Kasumigaoka Utaha's request, which made her breathe a sigh of relief. The gloom on her face faded, replaced by brightness.]

[You both sat on a bench and discussed the details of pretending to be a couple before returning to your classes.]

[After school, you were planning to wait for Kasumigaoka Utaha to head home together when, just outside the classroom door, you were stopped by Sawamura Eriri.]

[You went to the end of the hallway, where it was empty.] 

[After discussing a few trivial topics, Sawamura Eriri shyly extended an invitation.] 

[She said her relatives had sent high-quality fresh seafood from Hokkaido, and she wanted to thank you for helping her avoid injury by catching her from falling down the stairs.] 

[She invited you to her home to enjoy the seafood.]

[Your response was…]

[1. I still need to take Kasumigaoka-senpai home.]

[2. Sorry, maybe another day.]

[3. Sure! I haven't had high-quality seafood in a while, and fresh seafood sounds great.]

Chisato thought for a moment and chose the second option. 

He felt it was better not to let Sawamura Eriri know about his agreement with Kasumigaoka Utaha, even if it was just pretending to be a couple.

[You declined Sawamura Eriri's invitation.]

[You thought this would end your conversation, but Sawamura Eriri unusually persisted. She asked if tomorrow would work instead if today was not possible.]

[Seeing her hopeful yet slightly anxious expression, you couldn't stay firm and agreed to meet her this weekend.]

[Sawamura Eriri happily nodded and arranged to meet at her house this weekend. She said she would freeze the seafood and wait for you to come and taste it.]

Chisato sighed, realizing that the simulation was likely not a solo effort. 

With the repeated proactive approaches, it didn't fit the personalities of Sawamura Eriri and Kasumigaoka Utaha. 

Unless there was a bug in the simulation, they might have memories from previous simulations, just like him.

The situation was getting complicated.

This wasn't part of his expectations. The car veered off the main road and sped through the wilderness, heading toward an unknown destination.

Chisato felt weighed down.

But once a simulation begins, unless it ends abruptly, there's no way to stop it.

In the simulation, he continued to follow the path laid out for him.


20+ advanced chapters on patreon.com/SenatusTheta

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