
Dual Overload of Martial Peak

A cheerful boy, who, after an unexpected death, finally found freedom from his struggles in life. “Maybe in my next life, I should do some good karma so I can go to heaven,” he thought. But he didn’t know Destiny had written something else for him by giving him a second chance. “So I will get a second chance with three wishes,” he said to the god standing in front of him. “Right,” God said. The boy was happy for a second chance yet saddened by the thought of not seeing his family again, decided to leave his old life behind and make his three wishes. However, a god who was not happy couldn't let mortals have an easy life. Because of that, he played a trick that made the young boy think about every step in his future. “You need to follow the storyline; otherwise, you will die.” The boy wanted to refute, but the god didn’t give him a chance. The next moment, when he opened his eyes, he saw a wooden roof in front of him. “this is the start of my new story,” he thought. -------------- Author - I hope my readers read at least 20 chapters. I know many of you won’t like it, but this is my first story and starting point in my writing career. I hope you will bear with me as I try to improve myself as fast as possible. #action #adventure #system #cultivation #R18 #romance #harem # genius #villain #overpowered -------------- Discord - https://discord.gg/9rdkvMepPF patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Blackiller417 Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@AnimeCarnival- "My main goal is to satisfy my readers. To achieve this, I've implemented a voting system in every part of the story, allowing readers to vote for character personalities and which character should be added. However, to address concerns of fairness, I've introduced a tiered system where each tier holds a different weight. weightage - Saint realm supportor - 1 vote equal to 2 votes great Emperor realm supportor - 1 vote equal to 4 votes Open heaven realm supportor - 1 vote equal to 8 votes Creater realm supportor - 1 vote equal to 16 votes For regular readers, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'll be conducting polls there to gather your votes, with each vote carrying a weightage of 1. "I am new to Patreon and Discord. I hope someone among you can help me understand them. You can connect with me through Instagram."

Blackiller · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 9 kneel down and kowtow for me

"Why are you all shouting in front of my house?" That person's voice carried a hint of anger.


"Your house?" The person with red hair curled his lip ferociously and turned his head. As soon as he saw the speaker, he immediately jumped to the side like a frightened rabbit seeing a wolf. Then with an exaggerated movement, he assumed a defensive posture. His face was filled with alarm and the hairs on the back of his neck all rose.


It was because the appearance of the person who had spoken was too frightening. Not only were his clothes all tattered, but his hair was messed up, with plants sticking out all over the place and dirty beyond compare. 


His body also displayed numerous bloody marks, his clothes were bloodstained and a bulging bag was tied around his back. God only knew what was in there.


A gentle breeze blew past, causing his tattered pants to flap revealing a strong and sturdy leg covered in leg hair.


The wind carried with it the stench from Yang Kai's dirty body, person with red hair was unable to stomach that smell. That appearance, coupled with the blood and smell made him want to vomit up his three meals.


That posture, that manner, was strangely familiar.


If he were to hold a broken bowl in one hand, then he would look exactly like a beggar.


But....why did he feel that this horrifying person looked familiar?


Person with red hair looked more closely, becoming more and more confused. After he thought for a while, he cried out: "!"


If it's not Yang Kai, then who could it be? Even though his body shape had changed and his face was covered in filth, how could Person with red hair?


The voice that said so was full of ridicule, turning a Person with red hair white face a deep red. Stamping his foot retorted: "Yang Kai, you did not choose to walk the path to heaven but chose to walk through hell's gates! You are destined to die today!"


"You want to find an issue with me?" His brow creasing, Yang Kai asked.


Those bloody wounds naturally came from the fight with the flower-patterned spider. Back then he didn't have enough time to treat them, because he had to bring the little boy back to the village to see a doctor and then he collapsed from exhaustion and immediately fell asleep once he knew the child was safe.


Yang Kai had slept until the next morning without waking. And after he saw that the little boy was awake and well, Yang Kai hurried back to the Sect.


When he drew near, he saw a hoard of people surrounding his home. But how could he allow this? Naturally, he would go and ask why they were doing this, but he didn't expect it they came to look for trouble.


Previously, before he could say his perfectly rehearsed lines, he had been interrupted by Yang Kai. But now that Yang Kai had asked him what he wanted to say, he couldn't wait and yelled out: "Yang Kai, don't you dare say that his young master did not give you a chance. So as long you are willing to kneel down and kowtow for me in front of all the fellow disciples present and call me your grandfather, I will spare your life! Or else....humph, humph, humph...."


His eyes glinting coldly, Yang Kai held up his fists: "Disciple, why don't you come and exchange some blows with me?"


With a face full of loathing, and a cold smile, a Person with red Hai tilted his head towards Yang Kai: "Everybody, this Yang disciple has reached the tempered body third stage. So which brother here is willing to fight him?"


"Tempered body third stage, what a high stage!" Everybody roared in laughter, for none of them had entered earlier than Yang Kai. Yet which one of them was not higher than him?


"Yang Kai started to laugh in his mind see these side characters they don't know I can beat them easily," he thought in his mind pretending to be scared


"Allow me to brother. Though I am only at the tempered body fifth stage. It should be enough to play satisfy disciple Yang Kai!" A disciple said while walking through the crowd and looking disdainfully at Yang Kai.


Yang Kai looked back at him laughing; their information was already long outdated.


If it were five days earlier, he really would be at the tempered body third stage, but it is now longer the same story.


But of course, these types of things Yang Kai wouldn't publicize. To advance two stages in five days, this speed was far too strange, such a monstrous thing would only attract unwanted attention.


A person who had come said: "Yang disciple, I am called Zhao fu. You must remember who it was, that beat you today!"


"I have remembered it." Yang Kai replied seriously.


Looks like that Zhou Fu was intentionally trying to give a face through Yang Kai. 


Walking to face Yang Kai, he exaggeratedly waved his fingers: 


"Yang disciple, in order to not allow you to say I didn't give you face; I will allow you three moves. As long as you can make me take one step, it will be your victory. If not, please don't think of this disciple's strikes as ruthless."


This act of provocation contained the red fruit of contempt. To Su Mu, who was watching this, his heartbeat quickened in anticipation. This child Zhao Fu, really knew how to thoroughly humiliate others. His choice of words wasn't bad.


Although the difference between the tempered body third stage and the tempered body fifth stage consisted of only two stages, there was a large gap between each stage.



Author's note - Hello, guys! I hope you can help me on my journey. I've created a P@atreon account; you can go and check it out. there you will find my Inst@gram and YT channel link to connect with me on other platforms. I hope you have a good day.

(@ = a)

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