
Dual Overload of Martial Peak

A cheerful boy, who, after an unexpected death, finally found freedom from his struggles in life. “Maybe in my next life, I should do some good karma so I can go to heaven,” he thought. But he didn’t know Destiny had written something else for him by giving him a second chance. “So I will get a second chance with three wishes,” he said to the god standing in front of him. “Right,” God said. The boy was happy for a second chance yet saddened by the thought of not seeing his family again, decided to leave his old life behind and make his three wishes. However, a god who was not happy couldn't let mortals have an easy life. Because of that, he played a trick that made the young boy think about every step in his future. “You need to follow the storyline; otherwise, you will die.” The boy wanted to refute, but the god didn’t give him a chance. The next moment, when he opened his eyes, he saw a wooden roof in front of him. “this is the start of my new story,” he thought. -------------- Author - I hope my readers read at least 20 chapters. I know many of you won’t like it, but this is my first story and starting point in my writing career. I hope you will bear with me as I try to improve myself as fast as possible. #action #adventure #system #cultivation #R18 #romance #harem # genius #villain #overpowered -------------- Discord - https://discord.gg/9rdkvMepPF patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Blackiller417 Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@AnimeCarnival- "My main goal is to satisfy my readers. To achieve this, I've implemented a voting system in every part of the story, allowing readers to vote for character personalities and which character should be added. However, to address concerns of fairness, I've introduced a tiered system where each tier holds a different weight. weightage - Saint realm supportor - 1 vote equal to 2 votes great Emperor realm supportor - 1 vote equal to 4 votes Open heaven realm supportor - 1 vote equal to 8 votes Creater realm supportor - 1 vote equal to 16 votes For regular readers, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'll be conducting polls there to gather your votes, with each vote carrying a weightage of 1. "I am new to Patreon and Discord. I hope someone among you can help me understand them. You can connect with me through Instagram."

Blackiller · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 23 First Time Killing

Author's Note: Hello, my dear readers! I kindly request your support by subscribing to my YouTube channel named "Anime Carnival." I am providing a minimum of four chapters daily, even if it means staying up late at night.

Your subscription means a lot to me. As a token of my appreciation, for every 100 subscribers, I commit to releasing two additional chapters on that day, even if it requires sacrificing my sleep. Rest assured, my novel receives 10,000 views daily, so reaching 100 subscribers is a simple goal.

Furthermore, from today I will conduct a poll there regarding the personality of Hu Mei'er's elder sister first and other female characters later. you can also suggest any character in the review section i will try to add my best in story storyline even if they are not important. Your input is valuable, and you can participate in the poll within the next 6 hours. I will review the responses after that time and start writing tomorrow's chapter because they are (r-18). Thank you for your continued support!

(A/N: Sorry for this long note but at the bottom you don't read it 😓)



"Thanks." Standing up, Yang Kai started to walk.


From behind, Hu Mei Er continued to follow him, sticking to him like a tail. However, her expression displayed a hint of annoyance.


As he looked around, Yang Kai suddenly thought of a good idea and started to walk into the depths of Black Wind Forest. As he walked, he constantly turned back to Hu Mei Er to hehe laugh at her. It goes without saying it conveyed, 'If you dare to follow me over, I will first rape you then kill you.' A sinister type of feeling was emitted with each glance.


Hu Mei Er laughed out; however, she was actually a bit terrified, and as she saw Yang Kai walk into the depths of Black Wind Forest, she hesitated for a bit. Thinking about it, she wasn't that familiar with Yang Kai. If she really went in and something happened, what would she be able to do? That day, she had personally witnessed Yang Kai's strength and knew she wasn't his opponent. If he was just a bit brutal, then she would have scars all over her body.


Hesitating for a good while, Hu Mei Er suddenly stamped her foot and, while swaying her hips, she followed after him. She was eighty percent certain that Yang Kai was only trying to scare her.


As Yang Kai and Hu Mei Er's figures, one in front, one behind, walked into Black Wind Forest, two figures stepped out from behind some trees.


One of the people wore a mask of extreme hatred as he looked at Yang Kai's receding figure; there was also a light purple color on his charming face. At one glance, you could tell that he had suffered a beating in these last couple of days.


While the other person's expression was truly malicious, staring at Hu Mei Er's swaying hips, a lustful glint flashed through his eyes.


"Junior brother Cheng, you were beaten by those types of people. Although you have just entered into the initial element stage. That guy looks like he's only in the tempered body stage."


Cheng Shao Feng began to defend himself: "I was a bit careless then, and that guy is really strange, for when he started to fight."


"Oh? This is a bit interesting."


To these two people, killing Yang Kai was a simple task. While in broad daylight with the sky as their bed, together they could rape Hu Mei Er; this was the thing they looked forward to the most.


Deep in Black Wind Forest, Yang Kai continued walking and turning around to coldly laugh. Hu Mei Er was still a bit apprehensive, but after seeing Yang Kai repeatedly acting like this, she was no longer scared. Not only was she no longer afraid, she had matched Yang Kai's pace. Intimately, she pulled on Yang Kai's arm and covered his arm with her full and soft chest.


Yang Kai became dumbfounded, "Is this woman not too bold? Whatever, I'll just enjoy it."


"Accompany me once! In the future, I will no longer bother you!" In all four directions, there was no sign of any humans, and Hu Mei Er didn't bother to mask the intent behind her words in the slightest. She even dared to say these shameful things!


"Really, don't you have any shame!"


"Am I not beautiful?" Hu Mei Er's charming eyes were like silk. "Is my figure not good? Are you not even the slightest bit moved?"


"A woman is defined by her outside and inside traits. Your outside isn't bad, and you are justified in being proud of it, but your inside is unbearable to look at." Yang Kai looked at her coldly.


These words were a bit heavy. Hu Mei Er asked, her face down: "You think I'm dirty?"


"Yes!" Yang Kai replied straightforwardly.


Hu Mei Er's charming face trembled, and she sneered: "You are nothing but a trial disciple in Sky Tower. Although my strength isn't as high as yours, I am the Blood Group Head's daughter. The fact that I can take a fancy to you is your good fortune. Do you know how many men are outside having ideas about me?"


"Then, your royal highness can go find those men. Why is there any need to nag me?" Yang Kai indifferently replied.


"Yang Kai, don't be shameless when others are giving you face! If I return and inform my father that I was humiliated here, even if you are a Sky Tower disciple, you still wouldn't be able to see tomorrow's sun." Hu Mei Er hissed out as cutely as possible.


Yang Kai also coldly laughed: "I dare to ask your royal highness if I were to kill you right here right now, will you have the opportunity to return and complain?"


Hu Mei Er looked distracted; her rage had made her forget that she was deep in Black Wind Forest, and if Yang Kai really attacked her, she definitely would have no hope of returning alive. Also, this was the ideal place to murder someone. In other words, if she really died here, she would have died in vain.


When she thought about this, Hu Mei Er became alert, looking at Yang Kai, she urgently retreated a few steps. A trill in her voice, she said: "You're joking, right?"


"There is a limit to my patience, but don't think it will be easy because you are a woman." Yang Kai indifferently replied.


She wasn't sure whether Yang Kai's words were a joke or not.


While Hu Mei Er was in confusion, Yang Kai suddenly became vigilant and looked over in a certain direction.


Intentionally or not, Yang Kai moved in front of Hu Mei Er. Looking at a large tree, he said: "Come out!"


Hu Mei Er was surprised, but the next moment she understood what was going on.


Two people suddenly came out from behind the tree and walked over while smiling coldly. Their laughs were sinister and strange; one looked at Yang Kai without rest and the other at Hu Mei Er.


"Cheng Shao Feng, Nu Tao?" Hu Mei Er clearly recognized them and cried out their names in suspicion, but in the blink of an eye, she knew the reason why these two people showed themselves here.


This time, it looked like Yang Kai was in some real danger.


Being stared at unrestrainedly by Nu Tao's obscene gaze, caused Hu Mei Er's entire body to feel uncomfortable, and she creased her eyebrows; she moved to further hide behind Yang Kai's body.


"Elder sister Mei Er, come over here. We only want that guy's life; move to the side, so you don't accidentally get injured!" Cheng Shao Feng called out from about five to ten feet in front of Yang Kai as he warned her, he slowly drew the saber hanging at his side.


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