
Dual Leveling

[Death is the natural end to a life, uneventful or otherwise.] [Those who bridge the gap between life and death battle against nature.] [To flow against nature ensures a journey filled with adversities.] [Do you accept these conditions?] “…I accept.” [You have accepted the Dual Awakening.] [Give a phrase to Soul Revival.] “…Arise.” “Arise, Blood-Red Knight Igris.” ----- Two Hunters, Jin-Woo and Alnair, have the sole goal to become the strongest Hunter in the world, and with it, the Sovereign of Hunters. While Alnair has had immense strength from day one of Awakening, Jin-Woo has been at the bottom since day one. In a world where monsters are getting stronger every passing day, the World's Weakest Hunter must learn to level up or fall in his only life-line. Will Sung catch up with his rival, or will he be left behind to die? ------ This is a Fanfiction of Solo Leveling by Chu-Gong and The Gamer by Sang-A. The cover photo is by Lord_Arta, check him out; he has a pretty fantastic story that he's writing!

PyroSaiyan · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

Scenarios [36]

Fanzer and Ichigo sat close together, keeping one another warm in the bone-chilling colds. Fanzer kept his mana strong, allowing Ichigo to get whatever rest she could manage. They were quiet after Sung left; they didn't know what there was to say.

Ichigo's stomach rumbled.

"Heh, still hungry at a time like this? I aspire to one day be like you," Fanzer joked, trying to cheer the sullen Gourmet up. When she didn't respond, Fanzer didn't try joking again. Instead, he spoke seriously. "It's okay to be scared. I know I am."

Ichigo blinked, looking to her feet. "Maybe, but… Jin-Woo is still moving forward, even after facing Yogumunt. It's just pathetic that I can't do the same. I've just… never had to face such a strong opponent before."

Fanzer nodded, sensing that Ichigo wished to continue.

"My bat, I received it from my master. She had it personally made for me to stop me from shattering every bat I used. Actually, I bet more than anyone, she'd be telling me to get up right about now," Ichigo chuckled to herself.

"Sorry about the bat. I've… got some connections from all my thievery. I can try to—"

Ichigo laughed, causing Fanzer to stumble, "W-What is it?"

She shook her head, a bright smile on her face. "To be honest, I didn't have the best impression of you when we first met. A thief who cares about money doesn't sound like someone I'd consider a friend. But… well, I was wrong. You're a good guy, Fanzer."

The thief let out a flustered laugh, trying to turn his face away from the bright woman. "Jeez, don't suddenly compliment me like that. Anyways, we should go find Jin-Woo. We can't let him go at this on his own. He is our friend, after all."

The thief rose from his spot, extending a hand to his friend. She took it, rising with a nod of her own. When she rose, the two maintained eye contact for a moment, just staying quiet.

There was a crunch of snow before the two turned to see a familiar golden-eyed friend.

"Er, did I… interrupt something?" He awkwardly smiled.

Fanzer and Ichigo looked at one another before pulling away, shaking their heads.

"Ah, good. Well, I just… needed to apologize, first and foremost. I don't know who was right between us but, I shouldn't have stormed off. It also almost got me killed so… you were basically right," Jin-Woo admitted.

"You almost got killed?!" Ichigo screamed, causing Jin-Woo to let out an awkward laugh.

"Just almost. I'm still here, so it's fine," he shrugged.

Fanzer approached the black-haired man, letting out a little sigh. "If you're apologizing, it makes no sense for me to not do the same. Sorry for threatening you."

Jin-Woo shrugged, "Eh, it's done now."

The two non-necromancers blinked.

"You're different now. Did something happen?" Ichigo asked.

"Well, whatever it was, I like this new you." Fanzer shrugged.

Fanzer stuck his hand out, offering it to Jin-Woo. "We good?"

Instead of taking his hand though, Fanzer was surprised when Jin-Woo gave him a hug. Fanzer was stunned for a moment but collected his bearing and returned the display. Then, when their hug was done, he gave one to Ichigo, who was just as surprised as Fanzer.

Jin-Woo stood up straight, his golden eyes burning with vigor.

"I won't let myself ever regret what I didn't do. I'm actually a more affectionate person that people may think," Sung shrugged, unbothered by Fanzer's surprised look. "But yes, we're good, Fanzer."

Fanzer laughed, shaking his head. "Oh man, you are just something else. Okay, I guess we should start with plans, right?"

Ichigo and Jin-Woo nodded.

"Okay, I thought about a few while we were resting."

Fanzer mentioned three scenarios.

In the first scenario, Yogumunt would be alone.

"This isn't a likely scenario. However, if Yogumunt is somehow alone, we jump him like we're from the slums." The Thief's analogy caused Ichigo and Jin-Woo to nod, smiling. "His biggest weakness stems from being overpowered by several opponents. Jin-Woo should be the last of us to hit, since Mana of Death will make your blow that much stronger."

In the second scenario, Yogumunt would have the summons they'd seen.

"This is honestly pretty likely. What were their names, Jin-Woo?"

The necromancer told him.

"Yeah. Kali, Enkidu, Nyx, Xuan Zang, and Lilith. That's five enemies who are probably all around the S-Rank. That's… a tall order for us. Considering our skills, I'd say we can all handle an S-Rank or two, sure, but they also have a Yogumunt on their side so… this is tougher than the first scenario," Fanzer admitted.

"But alas, we must prepare for it regardless. The overall plan is simple. Kill the weakest one and then Jin-Woo'll bring it back to our side."

Jin-Woo blinked, nervous sweat running down his face. "Er… I have never succeeded in bringing back a Failed Construct before, I don't know if I can do a Perfected Construct."

Fanzer shook his head. "Nope, you've got it. Because that's really our only chance there. So, good luck, big guy." He patted Jin-Woo on his shoulder.

Jin-Woo sighed as Fanzer began detailing who they should attack first and how they should go about it. Kali, Nyx, Xuan Zang, Lilith, and Enkidu. They all received detailed plans on how to take them down.

His insight surprised his two friends. He noticed it and mentioned it.

"What? I've made it a personal goal of mine to steal from some rather careful Hunters, like the Jade Blade. I've gotta be good at figuring out small details on the spot, sheesh," he said, laughing to himself.

In the third scenario, Yogumunt would have far more summons than they could expect.

"The plan is honestly the simplest. It's… rip and tear, for lack of better words. We kill as many as possible and turn the tides with necromancy," Fanzer shrugged.

Jin-Woo opened his mouth but decided to close it. Fanzer noticed it and turned his attention to the necromancer.

"In scenario one and two, I'd like if our lives—Ichigo and myself, that is—are valued the same as yours, Jin-Woo. But in the third scenario, that won't be the case. If we go down, bring us back. Don't hesitate, even for a second. The third scenario is a plan with the pure intention of making sure Yogumunt doesn't make it out of here alive," Fanzer shrugged again.

Jin-Woo opened his mouth to reject the third scenario, but Ichigo spoke first. "Sounds good! I don't have any plans of dying here anyways."

Fanzer gestured towards Ichigo, grinning. "Yeah, what she said."

After a moment of thinking, Fanzer continued. "It should be pretty obvious after everything that was just laid out, but we should absolutely avoid splitting up. Not only is it an absolutely abysmal idea in horror movies, but it's pretty bad for a situation like this one too. After all, Yogumunt would be weaker if we worked together. Mana of Death will—oh, goddammit!"

"What is it?" Jin-Woo asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Legacy. That bastard Yogumunt almost got ahead of us. He has your weapon, Kali took it. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that Yogumunt actually has the weapon. That means we'll have to search for it before we can fight Yogumunt. That Mana of Death is… basically the most essentially part of the plan."

Jin-Woo blinked before holding out a hand. Pitch black mana flowed off it in droves. The necromancer shrugged. "Nope, it'll be fine. I will admit, I am somewhat weaker without it, but it's fine."

Fanzer looked at Jin-Woo suspiciously, "So you can control all that creepy witchcraft now? What devil did you have to make a deal with for that to happen?"

Sung smiled wryly, "Ashborn is actually a really cool dude."

Fanzer blinked, his eyes nearly popping out of his head. "No way."

Sung laughed. "We can talk about it after this all."

Fanzer nodded, trying to contain his curiosity. Ichigo looked at Jin-Woo with sparkles in her eyes, trying to barely do the same as Fanzer.

A moment passed before Ichigo spoke up. She held her hand up in the air, absentmindedly flicking up her fingers.

"Um, about the second scenario…?"


"Something is wrong about it."

"What do you mean?" Fanzer asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You missed three Constructs. While you mentioned the five Constructs we originally fought against, the other three… what were their names again?"

Jin-Woo reminded her.

"Beezlebub, Uriel, and Longshen. They seem to be some of the bigger threats since we don't know much about their abilities," Ichigo mentioned, causing Fanzer to nod sagely.

"Well, the first two are easy enough. I just ignored them entirely. We don't know their skills or abilities beyond some vague speculation due to what they're… probably inspired by, the Archangel of Flames and the Lord of the Flies," Fanzer shook his head.

"No, we've gotta trust in Goto Ryuji and Cha. I'm going on the assumption that they both killed their respective enemies."

After a second, Ichigo spoke again. "Then what about Longshen?"

Fanzer opened his mouth after a tense minute passed. "Longshen is a bit of a wild card, for us and for Yogumunt."

"What do you mean?"

Instead of answering her question, he replied with one of his own. "Why wasn't Longshen there at the beginning of the fight?"

Ichigo shrugged. "I thought it was just for a dramatic reveal."

Fanzer sunk in his spot while Jin-Woo chuckled.

"Crazily enough, it was not just for a dramatic reveal. I don't think Yogumunt can properly control Longshen. That's the only logical reason I can think of that fits why Yogumunt didn't just let Longshen kill us all as soon as we entered the Gate," Fanzer shook his head again.

"Thus, I believe that we won't find Longshen around Yogumunt. So, we can ignore it too."

Ichigo seemed to think of another situation and opened her mouth. "But…."

Fanzer nodded, understanding her. "But we may run into it regardless. If that happens…."

Fanzer took a deep breath.

"If you run into Longshen, you must run away. That will be the only way to survive."