
Dual Destiny: I Am The Special One

Smart MC_ Check ✓ Op MC_ Check ✓ Interesting characters_ Check ✓ World building_ Check ✓ In 2030, a strange and powerful force called Chaos Energy swept across the Earth. This energy had a terrible effect, transforming humans and animals into monstrous, violent creatures called Mutants. However, at the same time, a brilliant light descended upon a select few humans. This light granted them extraordinary abilities, known as talents, making them far stronger and faster than ordinary people. These special individuals became known as the Chosen. The arrival of dark energy and the emergence of the Chosen ignited a massive war, a war that would forever change the fate of the planet. _____ Three hundred years later, the Earth was almost unrecognizable. The war had reshaped the planet, dividing it into two vast territories: one controlled by humans and the other overrun by Mutants. Humans, who once ruled the world alone, had been forced to adapt to sharing their planet with these powerful creatures. It had been a long and difficult adjustment, but they had learned to survive. Over the centuries, many more Chosen had been born among the humans. Similarly, exceptionally powerful Mutants emerged from the mutated hordes, creating a tense balance of power between the two sides. The war raged on, but neither side could gain a decisive advantage. _____ Kyoji Renn, a young man of twenty-six, was born into this divided world. He grew up hearing tales of the Chosen, revered as heroes and worshipped for their incredible powers. Yet, Kyoji was not one of them. When he turned sixteen, he underwent the Blessing, a sacred ritual where humans prayed to the mysterious gods (whose existence only became known during the chaos) for a chance to receive a talent. Unfortunately, Kyoji's Blessing failed. Though disappointed, Kyoji refused to give up on his dream of gaining power. He dedicated himself to research, seeking a way to unlock hidden potential without relying on the gods. He believed that somewhere within the human body, incredible power lay dormant, waiting to be awakened. Years later, Kyoji felt he was on the verge of a breakthrough. He had been conducting experiments on captured Mutants, hoping to unlock the secrets of their transformation. But tragedy struck. One of the creatures, far stronger than he anticipated, broke free from its confines. Kyoji, caught off guard, couldn't escape the creature's wrath and was killed. Or so he thought. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in an awe-inspiring hall, standing before nine majestic statues radiating an otherworldly aura. He realized with shock that he had been reborn, sent back to the day of his failed Blessing ceremony. Join Kyoji Renn on an epic journey as he seizes this second chance. Driven by the knowledge of future events and armed with an unyielding determination, Kyoji sets out to unravel the mysteries behind Earth's transformation, uncover the truth behind the gods, and fulfill his destiny in a world teetering on the brink of annihilation. ___________________ Release schedules. _Two chapters daily or three maybe, depends on how much time i have. _For every 100 powerstone_ 1 bonus chapter. _For every 100 Golden ticket_ 2 bonuse chapter. _For every super gift_ 3 bonus chapter.

I_Love_Ramen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 12. The Corrupted mutant.


A deafening explosion echoed through the temple as a section of the ceiling erupted inwards. A fiery orb plunged down towards the terrified crowd below. Even before it landed, the sheer heat radiating from the inferno was already very hot.

"Down! Everyone get down!" Major Gareth's command ripped through the air, laced with urgency.

Many were already scrambling for cover, their instincts kicking in as they desperately tried to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the descending fireball. Others, however, stood frozen, their faces etched with terror, paralyzed by the sight of the unstoppable force hurtling towards them.

Kyoji reacted instantly, grabbing Ethan's hand and yanking him along. He knew running wouldn't be enough; they needed cover, and fast. Without a moment's hesitation, he dragged Ethan towards the towering altar, its bulk their best chance for survival. They dove behind it, crouching low just as the world exploded behind them.


The force of the impact was staggering. An inferno of heat washed over them, burning and crushing everything in its wake. People and mutated creatures alike were reduced to charred remains in an instant. Even sheltered behind the altar, Kyoji could feel the searing heat scorching his skin, blistering and raw. Beside him, Ethan was screaming, his own flesh seared by the unimaginable temperatures.

Throughout the temple, agonized cries filled the air. Those caught in the inferno were burning, their screams cut short as some succumbed to the unimaginable heat. The very walls of the temple seemed to shudder, weakened sections crumbling under the onslaught.

Slowly, the initial wave of heat and destruction began to subside. But just as a semblance of calm descended, a terrifying roar, raw and powerful, shook the very foundations of the temple, sending chills down their spines.

Peeking cautiously from behind the altar, Kyoji was met with a scene of utter devastation. The interior of the temple was an inferno-ravaged wasteland. All that remained intact were the altar they hid behind, the statues of the nine gods, and a handful of the chosen - reinforcements who had arrived earlier, their bodies protected by shimmering blue force fields. Everyone and everything else had been obliterated.

Thankfully, some of the 'chosen' had reacted with incredible speed, shielding terrified students with their own bodies and preventing a greater loss of life. Still, casualties were unavoidable. Not far from Kyoji, someone lay trapped beneath a fallen stone block, blood pooling around them, their fate uncertain.

Tearing his gaze from the carnage, Kyoji focused on the epicenter of the blast where the fireball had landed. A massive crater, cloaked in smoke and dust, had formed. Unflinching, he stared intently, waiting for the debris to settle.

As the smoke cleared, a horrifying sight was revealed. Within the 25-foot crater, a monstrous creature was taking form. Its body, a grotesque sphere of what appeared to be thick, gnarled bark, pulsed with a network of glowing red veins that pulsed like molten lava.

Suddenly, the creature began to shift. Five thick arms, two on each side and one sprouting from its back, ripped free from its bulbous form. A shapeless head which had no discernible features, only a single, baleful eye that stared out from the center of its shapeless mass emerged next.

Finally, massive legs tore free, propelling the creature upwards until it towered a full 30 feet above the crater floor.

As the creature fully straightened, a gaping maw split open across its belly, and it unleashed another earth-shattering roar that echoed through the shattered temple sending shiver down everyone's spine.

The roar wasn't the only thing that sent shivers down their spines. The beast radiated a terrifying aura—heavy, fiery, and utterly oppressive. It felt like a weight pressing down on them, stealing their breath and filling their lungs with dread.

The temperature in the ruined temple had skyrocketed with the creature's arrival. The air within a five-meter radius seemed to shimmer and distort with intense heat.

"Wh-what… what is that?" Ethan stammered, his voice trembling. He was drenched in a cold sweat, fear clinging to him like a shroud.

"A powerful mutant," Kyoji replied, his voice flat and cold as he locked eyes with the creature.

'A very powerful Corrupted mutant,' he added silently to himself, his mind racing.

"Wh-what are we going… to do?" Ethan asked, terror edging into his voice.

Even without extensive knowledge of the mutant classification system, Ethan wasn't foolish. The sheer destructive force the creature unleashed with its arrival told him everything he needed to know. This was no ordinary beast; it was something far more dangerous, something that sent a primal fear coursing through his veins.

"We're going to survive," Kyoji stated, his eyes scanning the devastated temple as if searching for something.

His gaze snagged on a distant corner where another mutant lurked amidst the debris. This one was a grotesque, almost shapeless mass of flesh, resembling a slab of meat riddled with spike-covered tentacles.

The mutant was currently still classified as Twisted, but Kyoji knew better. He knew it was teetering on the brink of evolution, about to ascend to the dreaded 'Corrupted' level.

Kyoji's mind raced. He knew that the moment everyone was focused on the fiery mutant in the center of the temple, this second mutant would strike, unleashing a devastating attack that would claim countless lives before reinforcements could arrive. He had to stop it. He had to stop it now.

"Come with me," Kyoji commanded, grabbing Ethan's hand and pulling him away from the relative safety of the altar.

"Where are we going?" Ethan asked, fear and confusion warring within him. Why would Kyoji drag him away from their only cover? To Ethan, the rest of the temple was a death trap—engulfed in flames, teeming with surviving mutants, and overshadowed by the fiery creature at the heart of the temple.

Kyoji, however, knew better. He remembered the area surrounding the nine statues of the gods being particularly vulnerable, a killing field during the coming fight.

He couldn't reveal that to Ethan, though.

"We're going to survive," he repeated, his voice firm.


Ethan began to protest, but Kyoji cut him off.

"Do you trust me?"

The question surprised Ethan. He hesitated, brows furrowing as he searched Kyoji's face. Finally, he nodded.

"Yes. I do."

"Good," Kyoji said, his grip on Ethan's hand tightening.

"Then trust me with your life and follow me."

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