
He dissaprered before we could do anything

"A technique which allows you to share your soul with another person,sound interesting...where did you learn such a technique?"Vanya asked as she looked at Yohan in a curious manner.

Yohan turned silent when he heard Vanya,by the look in Vanya's eyes Yohan knew that she is interested in learning this technique after all knowing Vanya's personality he knows that she hardly takes interest in anything unless it is something important or appealing to her taste!

"I also want to know where did you learn such technique!"Maria also shot a different kind a gaze at Yohan,Aana and kana simply nodded their head and looked Yohan in serious manner as they also wanted to know how did Yohan learn such godly technique,Evelyn and elsa were also keen of knowing about soul bond!

Yohan took a long sighed seeing that many gazes at him and after talking a long deep breath he shook his head!