
Be gentle with her?

"Young master Yohan and Lady Milan, what do you think about this room?"Lee Qi asked as she looked at Yohan and Milan who were standing right next to her inside the majestic room, Lee Qi was having a prideful expression on her face.

"What the hell is this? Don't tell me we are going to sleep here, how can someone sleep at a place like this and what is wrong with that bed?"Yohan pointed his finger towards the direction of the bed where rose petals were arranged in a heart shape,the place where he was standing was also covered with rose petals, he felt goosebumps all around his body seeing the ridicule sight, apart from roses and candles the entire room was decorated with flashy stuff, Lee Qi's facial expressions darkened hearing Yohan, at the same time Milan was standing still redness could be seen on her face, she wanted to say something but for some reason, she couldn't able to utter any words.