
Dual Cultivation of Arcane and Martial

In the mystical domain where echoes of ancient sorcery weave through the fabric of time, Yi Fan emerges as the reincarnation of the revered Arcane Sovereign, a figure of legend lost to the annals of history. Yi Fan Cultivating The Arcane and the Martial Dao, how far will he get in a merciless world.

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4 Chs

Spirit Library

As Yi Fan entered the grand library, he was immediately struck by its imposing architecture and the aura of ancient wisdom that permeated the air. Rows upon rows of shelves lined the walls, filled with scrolls and tomes of various sizes. As he wandered deeper into the library, he noticed a shimmering light emanating from a secluded corner. Intrigued, he followed the light until he found himself in a separate, almost ethereal space.

The room was circular, with walls covered in ancient runes and symbols. In the center stood a pedestal with a glowing orb atop it. As Yi Fan approached, the orb began to shimmer and morph, taking the form of a translucent, ethereal figure.

"Welcome, seeker of knowledge," the spirit said in a melodious, echoing voice. "I am the Spirit of the Library. You may choose any topic for us to discuss."

Yi Fan, without hesitation, replied, "I wish to discuss the Arcane Dao."

The spirit's form flickered slightly, and it seemed to nod. "The Arcane Dao, a topic of great depth and ancient power. Sit, and let us delve into it."

A chair materialized behind Yi Fan, and he sat down, feeling a sense of anticipation. The spirit began to speak, its voice resonating through the chamber.

"The Arcane Dao, also known as the Path of Magic, is one of the oldest and most profound daos in the infinite realms. It transcends the limitations of the physical world, drawing power from the very fabric of reality. Unlike the Martial Dao, which focuses on physical strength and internal cultivation, the Arcane Dao harnesses external energies, weaving them into spells and enchantments."

Yi Fan nodded, "In my past life, I was Zirath, the Arcane Sovereign. I mastered many spells and runes, but now I find myself in a realm where the Arcane Dao is almost forgotten."

The spirit's eyes seemed to twinkle with interest. "Zirath, the Arcane Sovereign. Your legacy is known even in this realm, though it has been many eons since your time. The principles you mastered are still valid, even here. The runes you once wielded, the spells you cast, they can be adapted to the energies of this world."

Yi Fan leaned forward, eager to learn more. "How can I adapt my knowledge to this realm? The energies here feel different, more... physical."

"The essence of the Arcane Dao is its adaptability," the spirit explained. "Begin by understanding the local energies. Here, the spiritual and martial energies dominate, but they are not incompatible with arcane energies. You must learn to blend them, to find a harmony between your arcane spells and the martial principles."

Yi Fan pondered this. "I've already begun to experiment with integrating the local energies into my spells. But I feel like I'm only scratching the surface."

The spirit's form flickered again. "Indeed, you are at the beginning of a new journey. Focus on the fundamental principles of the Arcane Dao: intention, concentration, and channeling. Use these principles to guide your integration process. For instance, when you cast a spell, visualize not only the arcane energies but also the spiritual or martial energies flowing together."

Yi Fan nodded, absorbing the spirit's words. "Intention, concentration, and channeling. I will remember that. But what about the Ancient Language? I recently came across symbols that resemble it but are different. Can they help me in this new realm?"

The spirit's form shimmered with interest. "Ah, the Ancient Language, a powerful tool in the Arcane Dao. It is the language of creation, capable of altering the very rules of existence. The symbols you encountered may be a derivative, adapted to the energies of this realm. If you can decipher them and integrate them with your knowledge of the Ancient Language, you could unlock new potentials."

Yi Fan's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I will study them carefully. Thank you for your guidance."

The spirit seemed to smile. "Knowledge is the key to all realms. Now, let us delve deeper into the specific principles of the Arcane Dao and how they can be applied here. Tell me, what is the foundation of your arcane spells?"

Yi Fan took a deep breath, recalling his vast knowledge. "The foundation of my spells lies in the manipulation of elemental forces and the weaving of intricate runes to channel those forces. Each spell is a combination of intent, focus, and precise control over the energies involved."

The spirit nodded. "Good. In this realm, you must understand that the elemental forces are governed by both spiritual and martial laws. Begin by observing how these laws interact with the elements you are familiar with. For instance, fire here is not just a physical phenomenon but also a manifestation of spiritual energy. Try to sense the spiritual essence within the elemental forces and adapt your runes accordingly."

Yi Fan closed his eyes, reaching out with his senses. He could feel the ambient energy in the library, a blend of spiritual and elemental forces. "I can sense it," he said softly. "The spiritual essence within the elements. It's different but not entirely alien."

"Precisely," the spirit affirmed. "Now, practice integrating this essence into your spells. Start with something simple, like a fire rune. Focus on channeling both the elemental fire and the spiritual energy."

Yi Fan extended his hand, tracing a rune in the air with his finger. He concentrated, drawing on his deep reservoir of arcane knowledge while simultaneously tapping into the spiritual energy around him. The rune glowed with a vibrant, pulsating light, different from any he had seen before.

"Excellent," the spirit praised. "You are beginning to understand. With practice, you will find a new harmony in your spells. This integration will not only enhance your power but also provide a deeper understanding of the Arcane Dao in this realm."

Yi Fan's face lit up with determination. "I will practice diligently. Thank you for your guidance, and spirit."

The spirit's form flickered, a sign of approval. "You are welcome, Yi Fan. Remember, the pursuit of knowledge is a never-ending journey. Continue to seek, to learn, and to adapt. The Arcane Dao is vast and infinite, and so is your potential."

With that, the spirit's form began to fade, and the ethereal space around Yi Fan started to dissolve. He found himself back in the main hall of the library, feeling more enlightened and determined than ever.

As he exited the library, the sun was beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over Three Crossing City. Yi Fan knew that his journey was just beginning, but with the knowledge he had gained, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Yi Fan emerged from the library, feeling invigorated and filled with a renewed sense of purpose. The knowledge he had gained from the spirit about the integration of spiritual and elemental forces in his spells had opened up new possibilities. However, he knew that to continue his cultivation and exploration of this new world, he needed resources. Money was essential, and he needed to find a way to earn it.

As he walked through the bustling streets of Three Crossing City, he observed the various shops and stalls, each offering a glimpse into the local economy. Merchants hawked their goods, from exotic spices to finely crafted weapons, while street performers entertained passersby with their skills. Amidst the lively crowd, Yi Fan pondered his options.

"Excuse me, sir," a young boy's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Are you looking for something in particular?"

Yi Fan looked down to see a boy of about twelve, dressed in simple but clean clothes, his eyes wide with curiosity. "Yes, actually. I'm looking for a way to make some money. Do you have any suggestions?"

The boy's face lit up with enthusiasm. "There are many ways to earn money in the city! You could try your hand at the market, or perhaps take on some tasks at the local guild. They always need help with various jobs. Or, if you're confident in your skills, you might want to visit the adventurers' guild."

Yi Fan considered these options. The market could be a good place to start, but he wasn't sure if he had anything to sell. The local guild sounded promising, offering various tasks that could earn him some quick money. However, the mention of the adventurers' guild piqued his interest the most. As someone with considerable knowledge and power, albeit in a different realm, he felt that his abilities might be well-suited to the tasks that adventurers typically undertook.

"Thank you for the advice," Yi Fan said, handing the boy a couple of copper coins. "Can you show me the way to the adventurers' guild?"

The boy's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude as he pocketed the coins. "Of course, sir! Follow me."

The boy led Yi Fan through the winding streets, pointing out various landmarks and sharing bits of local lore along the way. Eventually, they arrived at a large, imposing building with a sign that read "Three Crossing City Adventurers' Guild." The entrance was flanked by statues of fierce-looking warriors, and the sound of lively chatter emanated from within.

"Here we are," the boy said, gesturing towards the entrance. "The adventurers' guild. Good luck, sir!"

Yi Fan nodded and thanked the boy once more before stepping inside. The interior of the guild was just as bustling as the streets outside. Adventurers of all kinds—warriors, mages, and rogues—filled the hall, discussing quests and exchanging stories. Yi Fan approached the front desk, where a stern-looking woman was busy sorting through stacks of parchment.

"Excuse me," Yi Fan said politely. "I'm interested in joining the guild and taking on some quests."

The woman looked up, her expression softening slightly as she assessed him. "Newcomer, huh? We always welcome fresh faces. You'll need to register first. Do you have any experience or skills that might be useful?"

Yi Fan nodded. "I have some basic combat training and experience in herbalism and medicine."

The woman raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Herbalism and medicine, you say? That's useful. Here, fill out this form, and we'll need to see a demonstration of your skills."

Yi Fan took the form and quickly filled it out, detailing his skills and background, carefully omitting any mention of his arcane abilities. Once he was done, he handed it back to the woman, who scanned it briefly before nodding.

"All right, let's see what you can do," she said, leading him to a training area at the back of the guild hall. "Show me a basic combat maneuver."

Yi Fan nodded and performed a series of basic martial arts moves he had learned long ago, focusing on speed and precision rather than brute strength. His movements were fluid and controlled, showcasing his agility and training.

The woman nodded, satisfied. "Not bad at all. Welcome to the guild, Yi Fan. There are plenty of quests available for someone with your talents. Check the board for something that suits you."

Yi Fan thanked her and made his way to the quest board. As he scanned the available tasks, he felt a sense of excitement. This was the beginning of a new chapter in his journey, one where he could use his unique abilities discreetly while adapting to the ways of the martial realm. With determination, he selected a quest and set out to prove his worth as an adventurer.

As Yi Fan was studying the quest board, selecting his first task, he couldn't help but notice a group of young men nearby, all wearing the same uniform of the local adventurers' guild. They were clearly seasoned members, their smug expressions and loud laughter indicating their sense of superiority.

One of them, a particularly arrogant-looking youth with a long sword strapped to his back, noticed Yi Fan and sauntered over. "Hey, new guy," he sneered, "I saw you sparring earlier. Not bad for a rookie, but tell me, what's your cultivation level?"

Yi Fan glanced at him calmly, not intending to engage in unnecessary conversation. "I have no martial cultivation," he replied simply, turning back to the board.

The youth's eyes widened in mock surprise before he burst out laughing. "No martial cultivation? And you think you can survive in the adventurers' guild? You must be joking!" His companions joined in the laughter, pointing and jeering at Yi Fan.

Ignoring them, Yi Fan continued to browse the quest board, uninterested in their taunts. His indifference only seemed to fuel the youth's anger. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" the boy snapped, stepping closer. "You dare ignore me? I, Lei Ming, will not be disrespected!"

Yi Fan sighed inwardly. He had hoped to avoid conflict, but it seemed inevitable. Turning to face Lei Ming, he spoke calmly, "I have no interest in a quarrel. Please, leave me be."

But Lei Ming's face contorted with rage. "You think you're better than me? Let's see how long you last with that attitude! I challenge you to a duel, right here, right now!"

A crowd began to gather, eager to witness the confrontation. Yi Fan weighed his options briefly before deciding that a quick demonstration of his abilities might help establish his position.

and prevent further harassment. "Very well," Yi Fan agreed, his voice steady. "I accept your challenge."

The crowd parted to create space for the duel. Lei Ming drew his sword with a flourish, the blade glinting menacingly in the sunlight. Yi Fan, on the other hand, stood unarmed, his calm demeanor contrasting sharply with Lei Ming's aggression.

"Don't worry," Lei Ming sneered, "I'll go easy on you."

Yi Fan didn't respond. Instead, he focused inwardly, drawing upon his refined mortal strength and agility. He couldn't reveal his Arcane abilities, but his training had still endowed him with considerable physical prowess.

Lei Ming lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air with impressive speed. But Yi Fan moved even faster, sidestepping the attack with ease. He could feel the crowd's astonishment as he dodged Lei Ming's strikes effortlessly, his movements fluid and precise.

Frustrated by Yi Fan's evasiveness, Lei Ming grew more reckless. He overextended himself in a desperate attempt to land a blow, leaving an opening that Yi Fan swiftly exploited. With a single, well-placed strike, Yi Fan disarmed Lei Ming, sending the sword clattering to the ground. Before Lei Ming could react, Yi Fan swept his legs out from under him, sending him sprawling.

The crowd erupted in gasps and murmurs of disbelief. Lei Ming, humiliated and furious, scrambled to his feet. "This isn't over!" he shouted, his face red with anger. "You'll pay for this!"

But before the situation could escalate further, a voice cut through the noise. "What's going on here?"

The crowd parted to reveal a familiar face—Young Master Chu, the arrogant youth Yi Fan had encountered at the eatery. His expression darkened as he recognized Yi Fan. "You again," Chu spat, striding forward. "I remember you. How dare you cause trouble in my city?"

Yi Fan met Chu's gaze evenly, refusing to be intimidated. "I have no intention of causing trouble," he replied calmly. "I was merely defending myself."

Chu's eyes narrowed, and he glanced at Lei Ming, who was still fuming. "Is that so? Well, it seems you're quite skilled for someone with no martial cultivation. Perhaps we should see just how skilled you really are."

Before Yi Fan could respond, Chu gestured to his followers. "Seize him," he ordered. "We'll take this troublemaker to the guild hall and see what the elders have to say about his insolence."

Yi Fan tensed, prepared for another confrontation, but he knew he had to be cautious. Revealing too much of his true abilities could attract unwanted attention. As Chu's men closed in, Yi Fan weighed his options, ready to defend himself once more while hoping for a peaceful resolution.

Releasing a deep breath, Yi Fan muttered an incantation under his breath, the words barely audible amidst the chaos. Chu glanced at him, his brow furrowing in confusion. "What was that?"

Before anyone could respond, a deafening roar echoed through the air, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet. A massive, shadowy figure emerged from the void in front of them, its monstrous form striking fear into the hearts of all who beheld it.

Panic erupted among the crowd as people screamed and scrambled to flee in all directions. Yi Fan felt a surge of dread as he watched the chaos unfold, his heart pounding in his chest.

With his Spiritual Energy already depleted from his earlier use of the illusion spell, Yi Fan was powerless to intervene. He could only watch helplessly as the creature wreaked havoc, its monstrous form casting a looming shadow over the city.

As the chaos reached its peak, Yi Fan collapsed to the ground, his strength drained. He had underestimated the toll of using such advanced magic with only his limited Blue Core cultivation. Now, he could only hope that someone would be able to stop the creature before it caused any more damage.

As Yi Fan lay on the ground, drained of energy and watching the chaos unfold, he realized that he didn't need to do anything else. The powerful aura of the illusionary spell had already rendered everyone in the vicinity unconscious.

With a mixture of relief and exhaustion washing over him, Yi Fan closed his eyes, allowing himself to rest for a moment amidst the chaos. Despite the gravity of the situation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the effectiveness of his magic, even if it had left him completely spent.

As the sounds of panic gradually faded into the distance, Yi Fan took a deep breath, allowing himself to relax for the first time since the ordeal began. He knew that he would need to recover his strength quickly if he hoped to deal with whatever challenges lay ahead.

With that thought in mind, Yi Fan focused on replenishing his Spiritual Energy, drawing upon the reserves of power within his Blue Core. Slowly but surely, he felt his strength returning, allowing him to regain his composure in the midst of the chaos.

Yi Fan left the guild and hurried to the outskirts of the city, making his way toward the Sun Heart Forest. The quest he had chosen seemed straightforward enough: to retrieve a rare herb that was said to grow deep within the forest.

As he ventured further into the dense foliage of the forest, Yi Fan couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. The forest was known to be home to all manner of dangerous creatures, and he knew that he would need to tread carefully if he hoped to avoid any unwanted confrontations.

Drawing upon his arcane abilities, Yi Fan summoned a protective barrier around himself, shielding him from any potential threats that lurked within the shadows of the forest. With his defenses in place, he pressed on, determined to complete his quest and prove himself as a capable adventurer.

As he navigated through the twisting pathways of the forest, Yi Fan kept his Divine sense sharp, scanning the surroundings for any sign of the rare herb he sought. After what felt like hours of searching, he finally spotted a cluster of vibrant green leaves peeking out from beneath a tangle of undergrowth.

As Yi Fan approached the Spirit Herb, he sensed another presence nearby. It was a Savage Tree Snake, a notorious guardian of rare herbs in the Sun Heart Forest. These serpents were known for their aggressive nature and deadly venom.

Yi Fan readied himself, feeling the weight of the short sword at his side. He took a deep breath, centering his mind and preparing for the impending confrontation.

Suddenly, a rustling sound above him drew his attention. The Savage Tree Snake struck without warning, lunging from a tree branch with fangs bared. Yi Fan narrowly dodged the attack, rolling to the side as the serpent's fangs snapped shut where he had been standing moments before.

The snake hissed, its forked tongue flickering in and out as it coiled, preparing for another strike. Yi Fan knew he had to act quickly. Drawing his short sword, he began to channel his remaining Spiritual Energy, enhancing his agility and strength.

Yi Fan readied himself for the battle, he knew that relying solely on his physical strength and agility might not be enough against the Savage Tree Snake. He decided to employ a spell, one that would give him a decisive advantage. He chose the Arcane Severing Blade, a spell that conjures a blade of pure arcane energy, capable of cutting through the toughest of defenses.

Yi Fan stood still for a moment, concentrating. He whispered the incantation under his breath, "Arcane Severing Blade." A glowing, ethereal purple blade formed in his hand, its edge shimmering with deadly precision.

The snake struck again, its fangs aiming for Yi Fan's throat. But this time, Yi Fan was ready. With a fluid motion, he swung the Arcane Severing Blade. The blade moved faster than the eye could follow, slicing through the air with a high-pitched hum.

The ethereal blade met the snake's attack head-on. As the serpent lunged, the arcane blade effortlessly cut through its scales, cleaving its head cleanly from its body. The force of the spell was such that the snake's body was bisected in an instant, the pieces falling to the ground with a thud.

The Savage Tree Snake's remains lay scattered around Yi Fan, its once deadly form now harmless. The battle had been swift and decisive, the power of the Arcane Severing Blade proving too much for the beast.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Yi Fan allowed the arcane blade to dissipate. He approached the Spirit Herb, now unguarded, and carefully harvested it, placing it in his pouch. The herb's delicate leaves glowed faintly, a sign of its potent properties.

With his prize secured, Yi Fan made his way out of the Sun Heart Forest, his mind already turning to his next steps. The use of the Arcane Severing Blade had been taxing, but it had ensured his victory with minimal risk.

Suddenly, he heard a commotion. "Stop, what are you doing, give that back!" A girly voice rang in his ear, high-pitched enough to indicate she was young. Ever since his past life, Yi Fan had the habit of sending out a wave of Divine Sense every ten seconds. When he sent out a wave two seconds ago, he noticed a small, petite girl chasing a man dressed in all black. She yelled and yelled, and Yi Fan quickly analyzed the situation, assuming that the man had stolen something from the girl.

"You bastard, give me back my items, you thief!" she screamed, her voice filled with desperation.

Yi Fan's eyes narrowed as he watched the scene unfold. The girl was struggling to keep up with the man, who was clearly faster and more experienced. Seeing no one else stepping in to help, Yi Fan decided to intervene. He moved swiftly, closing the distance between himself and the thief.

With a burst of speed, Yi Fan cut off the man's escape route. The thief skidded to a halt, surprised by Yi Fan's sudden appearance. "Who the hell are you?" the thief spat, trying to intimidate Yi Fan.

Ignoring the thief's question, Yi Fan focused on the girl, who was now catching up, breathless and frantic. "Is this man stealing from you?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Yes!" the girl panted. "He took my pouch with all my money and my mother's keepsake!"

Yi Fan's eyes hardened. "Return what you stole, and this can end without violence," he said to the thief.

The thief sneered, pulling out a dagger. "Stay out of this, or you'll regret it," he threatened, lunging towards Yi Fan.

Without hesitation, Yi Fan raised his hand and muttered, "Forest Bind." Invisible tendrils of energy shot out, wrapping around the thief and immobilizing him in mid-air. The thief struggled, but the more he fought, the tighter the bindings became.

"Let me go!" he screamed, panic evident in his voice.

Yi Fan approached the restrained thief and calmly retrieved the stolen items. He handed the pouch and the keepsake back to the girl, who looked up at him with wide, grateful eyes. "Thank you so much," she said, her voice trembling.

"You're safe now," Yi Fan assured her, releasing the spell and letting the thief fall to the ground, unable to move but unharmed. "Next time, think twice before you steal," he told the thief sternly.

The girl clutched her belongings tightly and gave Yi Fan a deep bow. "I don't know how to thank you. My name is Lan Mei, and I owe you my gratitude."

Yi Fan smiled gently. "There's no need for thanks. Just be careful in the future." He glanced around, ensuring there were no more threats, and then turned back to the girl. "Do you have somewhere safe to go?"

Lan Mei nodded. "Yes, my home isn't far from here. I'll be fine now, thanks to you."

"Good," Yi Fan replied. "Take care." With that, he continued on his way, his mind already returning to his plans for the next day.

Having successfully obtained the Spirit Herb and dealt with the Savage Tree Snake, Yi Fan began his journey back to Three Crossing City. As he approached the city's outskirts, something caught his eye—a peculiar stall set up along the road.

Unlike typical stalls that sold food, trinkets, or tools, this one was laden with an array of colorful bottles and vials. Intrigued, Yi Fan walked closer and saw that the vendor was selling pills, each promising different effects, from enhancing strength to accelerating healing.

The vendor, a middle-aged man with sharp eyes and a knowing smile, greeted Yi Fan as he approached. "Ah, a discerning customer! Welcome, welcome! Here, you'll find the finest pills in all of Three Crossing City. Whether you need to boost your energy, recover from injuries, or even improve your cultivation, I've got just the thing for you."

Yi Fan examined the pills carefully. Although he was well-versed in the art of potion-making and alchemy from his past life, these pills were different, crafted with techniques unique to the Martial Realm. One pill in particular caught his attention—a small, jade-green pill labeled "Energy Replenishment Pill."

"How much for this one?" Yi Fan asked, holding up the jade-green pill.

The vendor's eyes sparkled. "Ah, an excellent choice! That would be 10 copper coins. A fair price for such a potent pill, don't you think?"

Yi Fan nodded, reaching into his pouch to pay the vendor. As he handed over the coins, the vendor leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "If you don't mind me saying, you seem different from my usual customers. Are you perhaps a traveler from afar?"

Yi Fan smiled slightly, not wanting to reveal too much. "Something like that. I'm just passing through and saw your interesting stall. Thought I'd take a look."

The vendor nodded understandingly. "Well, if you need any more pills or have any special requests, feel free to come back anytime. I'm always here."

Yi Fan thanked the vendor and continued on his way, tucking the pill safely into his pouch. As he entered Three Crossing City, he reflected on the strange encounter. The pills might prove useful in the future, especially given the challenges he was bound to face in this new world.

He made his way back to the inn, feeling a mix of curiosity and anticipation about what lay ahead. Upon entering his room, Yi Fan sat down to meditate and replenish his depleted spiritual energy using the Starlight Origin Core Technique. The stream of starlight energy flowed into his Blue Core, refining and expanding it further.

Once his energy was replenished, Yi Fan took out the small jade-green pill he had purchased earlier. A magic circle floated above his hand as he muttered a single-word spell, "Analyze." A stream of purple Spiritual Energy surrounded the pill, slowly decomposing it and analyzing every part of its composition. His Divine Sense was also incorporated into the spell, a high-level technique that required forfeiting the use of his Divine Sense for the duration of the analysis.

In his past life as Zirath, Yi Fan was a master of magic, deeply versed in its many complex forms. One such form was the creation of Elixirs. He speculated that the Elixirs of his past bore a strong resemblance to the Pills of the Martial Realm. As he focused on the analysis, intricate details about the pill's ingredients and their properties began to unfold in his mind.

The pill's outer layer dissolved first, revealing a combination of herbs and minerals meticulously blended to enhance energy recovery. He detected traces of ginseng and a rare flower that boosted spiritual energy regeneration. The core of the pill contained a potent essence, likely extracted from a high-level beast, which provided a substantial boost to the user's stamina and vitality.

Yi Fan's analysis revealed that while the pill was effective, it lacked the precision and balance he was accustomed to in his own Elixir crafting. The ingredients were potent, but the method of combining them was somewhat crude, resulting in a less efficient pill. He made mental notes on how he could improve the formula using his own knowledge and techniques from the Arcane Realm.

Satisfied with his findings, Yi Fan ended the spell and felt his Divine Sense gradually return. Though the analysis had taken a toll, it was worth the insight he had gained. He now had a deeper understanding of the alchemical practices of this world and how they compared to his own.

Reflecting on this, Yi Fan realized he could use this knowledge to his advantage. If he could create superior pills, he could sell them for a profit, providing him with the resources he needed while maintaining his cover in this new world.

After the analysis, all that was left were the raw materials: the Energy Liquid used to bind the pill together, various herbs, and the essence derived from a high-level beast, which he assumed to be beast blood. Since beasts are born in nature and possess innate energy, their blood often contains potent vitality and stamina-enhancing properties.

Yi Fan realized that his analysis wasn't as thorough as it could have been. The spell required a True Core to fully manifest its effects, and with his current Blue Core, he could only grasp the basics. If he were a grade higher in the Red Core stage, he would have been able to completely comprehend the method used to create the pill.

Despite this limitation, Yi Fan felt encouraged by what he had gleaned. He had identified the general components and had a rough idea of how they were combined. This partial understanding was a good start, and he knew that with time and practice, he could refine his skills further.

Yi Fan continued to study the materials for the rest of the night. After a while, he chuckled to himself. The pill was very crudely made, and the beast's blood had been added in such a way that it damaged the materials. It was a pity, truly. But now that he had a rough idea of how to make some money, he decided he would create pills—or rather, he would claim to sell pills created by a master alchemist.

The plan was simple: he would disguise his Arcane Dao abilities and attribute the pills to a fictional master. This would allow him to generate income without revealing his true powers. He needed a cover story and a reputation that would attract buyers without drawing unwanted attention.

As he pondered his plan, Yi Fan considered the details. He would start small, aiming to build a reputation gradually. He thought about setting up a modest stall in the bustling marketplace of Three Crossing City. He could label the stall "Master Alchemist's Remedies" and display a few of the pills he had analyzed and refined.

To create a convincing backstory, he would craft a tale of a reclusive master alchemist who had entrusted him, Yi Fan, with the task of selling these miraculous remedies. He could write out a few parchment scrolls detailing the supposed master's illustrious history and the extraordinary properties of the pills.

The next morning, Yi Fan set out to find a suitable location for his new venture. He decided to start small, aiming to build a reputation gradually. He found a quiet corner in the bustling marketplace of Three Crossing City and set up a modest stall. He labeled the stall "Master Alchemist's Remedies" and displayed a few of the pills he had analyzed and refined.

As he thought about the potential reactions from customers, Yi Fan knew he had to maintain an air of humility and mystery, answering questions with vague but intriguing responses.

"Where is this master alchemist from?" he imagined an elderly woman asking.

"The master hails from a distant land," Yi Fan would reply, "a place where the art of alchemy has been perfected over centuries. He prefers solitude and does not interact with the public, but he has entrusted me with the task of sharing his creations with those in need."

The woman's eyes would widen in fascination. "And these pills, what do they do?"

"Each pill is crafted to enhance vitality, stamina, and overall well-being," Yi Fan would say, displaying a small vial containing several of the refined pills. "They are particularly effective for cultivators, aiding in recovery and boosting energy levels."

Most of this was in Yi Fan's head, he was a very imaginative person.

Throughout the imagined day, Yi Fan envisioned himself weaving his tale, drawing more and more attention to his stall. By evening, he imagined making several sales and piquing the interest of many more potential customers. He knew that building a reputation would take time, but he was confident in his plan.

As he prepared to rest for the night, Yi Fan couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had found a way to make money and create a cover for his arcane abilities. The next steps would involve refining his pill-making techniques and ensuring that his cover story remained consistent and believable.

Returning to his room at the inn, Yi Fan began to draft plans for his next batch of pills. He would need to source high-quality materials and continue refining his methods to ensure the pills were effective. With each step, he was getting closer to mastering his new life as Yi Fan, all while keeping the true extent of his powers hidden from the world.

Combining the knowledge of pills and elixirs, Yi Fan created a new method for himself. It was a crude but innovative process. He would start by creating an elixir, harnessing the traditional techniques he had mastered in his past life. Then, using his Spiritual Energy, he would harden the elixir, condensing it until it became a pill.

Yi Fan set up a small alchemy lab in his room at the inn. Carefully measuring and mixing the ingredients, he began the meticulous process of creating his elixirs. Each step required precise control and attention to detail. Once the elixir was ready, he infused it with his Spiritual Energy, a process that demanded intense concentration and skill. Gradually, the liquid began to solidify, transforming into a pill.

The result was a pill that combined the potency of ancient elixirs with the convenience of modern pills. Holding the first pill he had created using this new method, Yi Fan felt a sense of accomplishment. He had successfully merged the practices of his past life with his current abilities, creating something unique and valuable.

Now, with a plan to make money, Yi Fan decided to test the market. He rented a small stall in a busy part of Three Crossing City and displayed his pills prominently. The pills' unusual appearance and faint glow of Spiritual Energy drew curious glances from passersby.

As people approached, Yi Fan explained the benefits of his pills with a practiced air of humility and mystery. "These pills are crafted using a unique method handed down by a reclusive master alchemist," he would say. "They enhance vitality, stamina, and overall well-being. Each pill contains the concentrated essence of potent elixirs, hardened and refined through a special process."

Intrigued by his knowledge and the quality of his products, several customers made purchases. Word of Yi Fan's pills began to spread, attracting more people to his stall. His business flourished, and he quickly amassed a considerable amount of wealth.

Despite his success, Yi Fan remained cautious. He maintained his cover story and ensured that no one suspected the true nature of his abilities. He continued to refine his pill-making techniques, constantly striving to improve the quality and effectiveness of his products.

Yi Fan's new method of creating pills proved to be a lucrative venture, allowing him to make a name for himself while keeping his arcane abilities hidden.