
Dual cultivating assassin

What Happens when a soul of fighter from underground MMA fughts ends up in a body of just murdered orphan beggar i cultivation world ? Read about the rise of the Lei Fen, as he dual cultivates and assassinates his way to the top of the foodchain from the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Victor_PR · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 10- Registration

I went to do some shopping; I mostly just bought a bunch of qipaos for Yuki, she looked stunning in them. For the most part I was just killing time waiting for Yuki. At the end she took something over 4 hours to cultivate everything. When she came back, she told me that it is going to be faster next time since she was getting used to new cultivation technique and manual. We trained a bit after that, Yuki mostly wanted to try her new martial art manual.

As we trained, I noticed that she jumped up from soldier rank 2 to soldier rank 3. I congratulated her to her advancement. Later when we sat in my room eating dinner I spoke.

"Yuki please don't be angry on me. I just want to ask you something ok?" I spoke, really nervous about what I was about to ask.

Yuki got serious and looked at me. "Sure Fen, ask anything!"

"Yuki, you know that help with cultivation I mentioned, it asked me to find more partners in sect. I told it that ..."

Yuki relaxed and spoke. "And?"

"What? It asked me to find more girls that I am meant to have sex with, I love you, I don't want to betray your feelings. But it was insistent on me speaking with you about that."

She chuckled. "You are sweet, I love you too but that has nothing to do with that. You see I don't have enough inner Qi to power your cultivation. Women that dual cultivate have it easier since you pump everything that we need to cultivate safely inside of us. But men need to actively absorb our Qi as we climax. It's much more complicated and less effective, the best male dual cultivators can catch about 20% of female Qi. Sorry but I alone can't in a long term produce enough Qi for you to cultivate, you will have to find me some sisters if you want to dual cultivate successfully."

Notification popped from my system as Yuki finished her sentence.


I am little bit more effective. I can catch around 35-40%. But since you are complete cultivator, she really can't produce enough on her own for you to cultivate. It will be fine while you are in Corporal but higher your cultivation will be the bigger problem it will become.


I was dumbfounded. But Yuki's voice brought me back to reality.

"But you must let me approve every new sister, I don't want any bitches around you. Understood?"

I shook my head and smiled. "Fine you win. No worries every new sister has to be approved by you; I understand."

We talked about it a little longer and then went to sleep early since we wanted to leave the city and head towards the Valley of five knives sect to take care of registrations.

The exams had four rounds, first one being the registration. During which they examined your capabilities, you had to meet their requirements in order to get the chance to attend the exam itself.

Next day we woke up early did some quick food shopping and then headed towards the sect on foot. During our travel Yuki spoke.

"I know I should not be asking this but I am extremely curious, if you don't want to answer you don't have to. How did you kill those two?"

"I have my ways. Firstly, I got there thanks to a little technique. Watch this!"

I activated my 'Invisibility' technique and vanished right in front of her eyes. She froze and looked dumbfounded on the empty space where I should be. I canceled the technique shortly after that and continued.

"That's how I got close enough to them to kill them and out of there. As for how did I killed them, it was easy I have two martial arts. One is the one that you usually see very showy and domineering with polearm that freezes everything around, but second is just pure simple murder art. No flashy movements, all it has are strikes aimed to kill. Combined with this little technique."

I activated my 'Dragon claws' and two long daggers made of ice appeared in my hands.

"They are perfect for silent work, because nobody will ever find them and I can make them disappear anytime I want if I stop providing Qi to them."

As I finished speaking Yuki was still shocked. After few seconds she forcibly shook herself out of the shock and spoke.

"Does anybody else knows about those two techniques?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Just me and you!"

"Please Fen make sure it stays that way, they are very rare techniques I never even heard about existing. Becoming invisible like this is perfect for assassins and I am not even speaking about those daggers. How did you even get that? Normally people can make just ice spikes but these are normal daggers, if you stab somebody with them nobody is going to think it was a Qi creation everybody is going to look for a dagger user."

I nodded with a smile. "That's what I hoped for."

We started to walk once again, it took us one and a half day of decently paced walk to reach the sect.

 It was situated in the valley between two mountains. It was sprawling across multiple kilometers of the valley, and served as border between the lands that belonged to the Long and Li clan union and another grand clan to the north.

The north and south part of the sect served as relatively small cities that were accessible to everyone, this was where the registration happened in building in the center of these small cities. Then closer to the center of the valley you found huge walled of complex, the sect itself. You could see multiple layers of walls that were getting bigger and more majestic towards the center. Outer layer was where outer disciples resided, in the next layer one could find inner disciples, after that core disciples after that the leaders of individual sections of the sect with their personal pupils.

Each section leader could have one pupil that resided in his residence. This was a position of prestige and greatest accomplishment. And finally last section of the complex, huge mansion of a sect leader.

Closer to the center one lived more resources he had. Personal pupils of section leaders had access to more resources that they could use while outer disciples had to work hard for every bit of resource.

As outer disciple your contact with elders was pretty much limited to huge sessions you could visit once a day that were attended by batches of 200 disciples at once. While personal pupil of section leader one-on-one lessons with section leader plus all the lessons available to core disciples. This extended to every aspect of your stay in sect including missions, food and housing.

We arrived in front of the tallest building in the south city of the sect. It stood in the center of the city and it looked like pagoda. It served as registration office for the exams, this was were huge percentage of people were filtered out.

We entered the building and right as we passed the entrance we were stopped next to one of about ten tables where what looked like some disciple that could have been 2-3 years older sat.

"Hello did you came to register for entrance exams to the sect?" The young man asked.

"Yes!" I answered.

"Is she going to try entrance exam or is she here as your partner?" he asked once again.

"She is my partner."

"In that case, please ask her to wait for you outside of the building. Here is your number go to the fourth floor and wait to be called to one of the rooms."

I nodded and grabbed the piece of paper. I quickly kissed Yuki and asked her to look for an Inn meanwhile and once she finds something to come pick me up. After that we separated and I quickly ran up to forth floor of the pagoda. Interior was nothing special, very practical and plain, no decorations on the inside. There was quite a lot of people everywhere trying to register but they were being split between 10 floors each having 10 examination rooms so it was going very fast. I only waited for not even an hour when my number was called to one of the rooms. As I entered it was small Japanese styled room with one low table and some pillows to sit on. On the table was a blue crystal shaped similarly to American football ball on a metallic stand and a weird glass with yellow hue next to it. There was already a person sitting next to the table, it was a woman looking to be in her forties, with short dark brown hair and honestly very forgettable face and figure.

"Hello please sit down and place your hand on the crystal." Spoke the woman.

I nodded and quickly done what she asked me to do. I sat down and placed my hand on the crystal while I spoke.


As I placed my hand on the crystal it lit up with bright light and a notification popped up from my system.


Querry for your martial art manual and rank detected. Please specify what do you want to send?


I internally chuckled and asked the system in my head to just send info about the Takaokami's wrath not the other one. I wanted to keep that one secret.

"Ok thank you I will now review the result with you. You can remove the hand from the crystal!" Woman spoke.

"Your name is Lei Fen; you are 18 years old. Correct?" She asked as she looked at the weird yellowish glass.

I nodded and spoke. "Yes correct."

"Now let's check your cultivation, it says Corporal stage 1 complete cultivation, manual Restoration of Kuraokami. Correct?"

I nodded and spoke once again. "Yes correct."

"Very impressive. Now to the next part your martial art. Your weapon of choice is a polearm. Your manual is named Takaokami's wrath and you are Advance stage 1 in it. Correct?"

I nodded and spoke once again. "Yes correct."

"Good, very good, now a question. Are you standard cultivator or dual cultivator?" She asked.

"Dual cultivator."

She nodded and tapped a few times into the yellow glass. "OK! One more question. Do you have a partner that you want to enter sect with you?"

"Yes, I have!"

She once again just nodded and tapped a few times into the glass.

"Okay, so now to your score for your cultivation and martial arts. You have double corporal for body and mind cultivation and single advance for your martial art. You receive 20 points for each so you have 60 points, in order to proceed to next round, you need 30 points so you advance with flying colors. As for the final placement, you need 50 points total to be outer disciple, 100 to be inner disciple and 150 to be core disciple. For you it means that you are guaranteed outer, need 40 to get to inner disciple and 90 to reach core. Here is your token have it on you during exams, it will track your points total. See you on the exams in three days, just be at the large gate to the north at the early morning, elder handling the exam will take care of you. Understood?"

She spoke quickly as she was giving me what looked like a plain purple rock. I quickly grabbed it and placed it in my ring. I said my goodbyes and quickly left the pagoda.