
Dual cultivating assassin

What Happens when a soul of fighter from underground MMA fughts ends up in a body of just murdered orphan beggar i cultivation world ? Read about the rise of the Lei Fen, as he dual cultivates and assassinates his way to the top of the foodchain from the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Victor_PR · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter 1 - Fighter and a young men

"Fuck, finally home." Spoke a man around two meters in height and very muscular body. One could see wounds all over his body.

"I am too old for this shit; I should stop with those fights." He spoke just for himself in the middle of relatively small apartment. Blood was dripping from under his clothes and you could see a small stream of it running from his head. He quickly grabbed some pain killers and took them.

"That fucker got me good this time, but I was able to walk home. He went straight into the hospital unconscious. Fuck, I miss official MMA fights, if nothing else nobody pulled knife on you there. Here it is meant to be unofficial MMA but fucker gets punched a few times and that moment that piece of shit has knife in each hand. Fuck!"

Man stumbled toward his bed while cursing.

"I will go to hospital tomorrow; I am fucking beat I need to get some sleep!"

 He dropped on his bed and closed his eyes. What he didn't knew was that this was the last time he closed his eyes in that body. He succumbed to his injuries shortly after he fell asleep. He lost too much blood since he was more or less walking sieve with the amount of stab wounds he had. None of them were lethal on their own, they were not very well placed and too shallow for that but just the sheer quantity of them did the trick.

 ** Unknown POV **

It was an early night, the place looked like ancient China mixed with ancient Japan. You could see houses made with both architectures in mind mixed together. The mixed was not only architecture, the same was true for the clothes. People in hanfus was having a chat with people in Yukatas. It was perfect blend of two cultures even guards up on the walls that were encircling the city from three sides were using mixture of ancient Chinese and Japanese weapons.

Somewhere in the middle of this bustling city you could see a young man. Happily running with a smile towards the huge cliff that could be found on the only side of the city that didn't have a wall. He was wearing very simple hanfu, it was most likely originally white but right now it looked gray and heavily worn and his boots did not fit. Despite all of that he was quite a looker most women turned her head as he ran around.

He had long white hair in a high pony tail, very slender body for a man, blue eyes and very handsome face. It was one of those faces you would find in boybands and on models.

Shortly, he reached the cliff and was about to start the incline using the narrow stairs, that could take at max two people at once, that lined the side of the cliff back and forth, when he was stopped by a guard.

"Fen, what are you doing here so late?"

"I am just going to do some stargazing from the cliff."

Guard nodded. "Just be careful Fen!" Spoke the guard with genuine care in the voice.

"No worries, I am not going to fight I will just do some stargazing and run back."

Guard nodded and let young Fen run along the stairs towards the top. It took him almost half of an hour to reach the top of the cliff but as he reached the top his smile didn't wavered.

"Where was I meant to meet Li Meng?" He spoke out loud to himself and pulled a letter, he quickly confirmed the spot where he should meet the so-called Li Meng and he quickly run to it.

 It was perfect stargazing spot, pretty much deserted and rather close to the edge of the cliff, but the view was really breathtaking. He spread the blanket, lied down on it and started to watch sky alone since he came very early, he was so eager to meet her that he came almost two hours before their time to meet. He was silently lying on the blanket down on the ground while watching the stars when he heard somebody coming to this spot. He got alerted and decided to surprise the girl so he hid in the bush under the tree. He silently waited the girl preparing himself to jump out and surprise her.

But what he saw shook him very deeply, there was Li Meng coming but she was not alone. She was with a guy. He was wearing beautiful red hanfu with golden details. Everything about him screamed money.

"Meng, I told you not meet with that beggar, if you don't break up with him, I will break off our engagement!" Guy spoke.

"No worries Zhong, I am going to break up with him. It was just a little pastime since I was bored. How could I really want to be with a beggar?"

"But why do you have to meet with him? I hate it! I already offered you that I am going to send some guys from my clan to beat ever living shit out of him and tell him not to go anywhere close to you." Guy spoke again, anger palpable in his voice.

"Zhong, he is like a little puppy. There is no need to go hard on him he will run away and start crying like baby the moment I tell him we are breaking up and that I have fiancé. I want to savior the look in his face, I want to see his sadness, it is the biggest reason I started going out with him. I want to see him crumble, it's my little fun, please don't take it from me."

"I know, I know. But I still don't like it! I would prefer him being beaten or dead, just to be sure!"

"Let him suffer on the street, he will die soon enough. He has nowhere to live and no family. He will die on his own without getting involved. Or maybe he will soon kill himself, since he has looks there is a lot of ladies that are thinking of making him their plaything, like I did for a while and it was fun. The only difference was that I didn't let him touch me once. They will squeeze him dry. Isn't that much more fun than actually beating him up."

This was too much for the boy's heart and he stood up with eyes filled with tears and screamed with everything he got.

"I really loved you!"

After that the boy started to run towards the stairs, shortest way possible. What he did not accounted for is that he is going to have to have run between the couple and the edge of the cliff.

And there was not a whole lot of space in there. There was like two meters there, but our boy, or better to call him young man since he became adult yesterday, did not really cared. The only thing on his mind was that he has to get out of here.

As he ran next to the couple, the Zhong's anger culminated and he decided to punch him. Zhong threw a left hook straight onto the jaw of the running young man, he even infused some Qi into that punch for good measure. The young man fell unconsciousness right the moment fist made contact but that was not all, punch did not stop there, the force was so extreme that the young man flew from the strength of the punch, and he flew far enough to fall down the cliff.

The girl screamed. "What have you done? Why did you kill him? I was having so much fun looking at him run all teary eyed!"

"I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted to beat him up a little so we both get to enjoy ourselves. But he took the punch really badly and flew like a piece of paper in the wind." Men defended himself.

"That boy you just punched never cultivated. He had a weird constitution that prevented him from cultivating until yesterday. He was just trying to cultivate for the first time!"

The man looked at woman shocked. The only thing that left his mouth was. "Upss!"

After a moment of silence both of them chuckled and spoke both at once. "Whatever it was fun!" As they started to slowly return back down.

** MC POV **

 "Where am I?" I spoke under my nose when I woke up in the middle of some building, there was hay everywhere and there was big hole in the roof above me. I looked around and there was a ton of blood around me. I tried to move.

"Ahhhhh!" Bones in my hands and legs were crushed to dust, and I could feel some broken ribs on top of that.

'What the fuck I had just a few stab wounds when I went to sleep at home.'

I was about to scream for help when a flood of memories started to appear in my mind. But it was weird, it was like I was watching them in third person. It was like I was watching 18 years of videos in few seconds. My head was about to burst. The excruciating pain in my head it caused was unbelievable.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed and screamed until I lost my consciousness.

When I woke up, I looked around. I was still lying at the same place I was during the night.

'So, I reincarnated into another world and I became a homeless orphan.'

As I was gathering my thoughts slowly, I almost screamed when a large blue screen appeared in front of me.


Host's body successfully restored! Proceeding to download system!

Downloading cultivation system! ...

Cultivation system downloaded! Starting installation!

Installing cultivation system! ...…..

Installation successful!

Starting the system! ...

System is now running!

Speak or think of a word 'STATUS' to call out the system window!


My mind was absolutely blown. I needed some time to come to terms everything.