
Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest

One moment, I'm just lying in a hospital bed on good old Earth, dealing with the usual illness. The next thing I know, I'm not Blake anymore – I'm Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, smack in a world called Everdawn. No more algebra classes, just a world bursting at the seams with magic and creatures of all shapes and sizes. But here's the real kicker – I've got this insane power, a mashup of mana and Aura that gives me not one, but two cores that I trained. Now, let me tell you, that's a pretty rare deal. Most folks here can't even handle one core, and I'm rocking two like it's no big deal. So, what's a guy with double cores going to do? Simple – turn Vladyr into the most kick-butt kingdom Everdawn has ever seen and become a one and only existence. And as if that's not enough, we've got some real threats on the horizon – Barbarians up north, rival kingdoms all around, and those pesky pirates down south and the far east people. In a world that runs on magic, courage, and a dash of the unexpected, it's me, Blake, or should I say Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, on a quest to shape my kingdom's destiny. Get ready, folks – this adventure is just getting started! ...................................................................................................... Read my new novel,Evomech, too, participating in the WSA

nekrom1 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

The Art of Negotiations

The winter's grip on the Valdyr Empire began to loosen as the sun's gentle rays gradually melted the snow-covered trade routes. The cold season had been particularly unforgiving, with thick layers of snow and ice clinging to the winding pathways. Now, the landscape began to transform, as glistening icicles dripped away, revealing the earth beneath.

Nathan, now with a well-trained and formidable Arcanum Legion numbering a thousand strong, turned his attention toward the pressing matters of commerce and diplomacy. The commodities his company offered, such as brown sugar, paper, and fine fabrics, were highly sought after by neighboring kingdoms. To him, they were like gold mines waiting to be tapped into.

With his military responsibilities delegated to Barch and Liam, who had proven themselves as capable leaders of the Arcanum Legion, Nathan focused on expanding the empire's influence and securing vital trade alliances.

His first step was to invite delegations from neighboring empires—the Kano Empire of the beastmen and the Ulaborg Underground Kingdom of the dwarfs. Through a letter sealed with the royal insignia of the Valdyr Empire, Nathan extended a formal invitation to their respective monarchs to discuss the prospect of a trade alliance.

Two days passed, and Nathan's anticipation grew as he awaited their response. Finally, the replies arrived, carried by swift couriers. The news was promising; both the beastmen and dwarven kingdoms agreed to send delegations to negotiate the terms of the alliance.

On the third day, as the sun cast a gentle glow upon the royal castle in the capital city of Axum, Winston, Nathan's trusted aide and butler, stood at the grand gates to welcome the arriving members of the trade delegations.

From the Ulaborg Underground Kingdom, Prince Durin Fireforge, the second in line to the dwarven throne, arrived with a delegation of his most trusted advisers and diplomats. Durin was known for his shrewdness in matters of trade and diplomacy, and he bore a noble air despite the coal dust that clung to his finely crafted garments.

Joining him from the delegation of the Kano Kingdom were two prominent figures. The first was Vaelira Wolfsong, the formidable Knights Captain of the Wolf Clan, a clan renowned for their combat prowess and honor. Her presence alone signaled the importance of the negotiations. The second member, Reynard Goldpaw, served as the Kano Kingdom's Finance Minister and belonged to the Fox Clan, a clan known for their sharp wit and financial acumen.

Winston greeted them warmly, his impeccable manners and courtesy befitting a royal butler. "Welcome to the Valdyr Empire," he said, bowing respectfully. "Prince Durin Fireforge, Knights Captain Vaelira Wolfsong, and Finance Minister Reynard Goldpaw, on behalf of Prince Nathan and the Valdyr Empire, I extend our heartfelt greetings. Please allow me to escort you to the royal chambers, where Prince Nathan eagerly awaits your arrival."

The delegations followed Winston through the grand halls of the royal castle, their footsteps echoing on the polished marble floors. The castle itself was a testament to the empire's grandeur, with intricate tapestries adorning the walls, depicting heroic tales and ancient legends.

Upon reaching the royal chambers, the delegations were ushered in, The royal chambers were adorned with grandeur, illuminated by the soft glow of the evening sun.

As the delegates from the Kano Kingdom and the Ulaborg Underground Kingdom entered the room and there at the head of a grand table, sat Prince Nathan, the heir to the Valdyr throne. His attire was both regal and practical, a reflection of his dual roles as a prince and a trader. Their expressions shifted from anticipation to shock.

Nathan rose from his seat as the delegations entered, offering a warm smile of welcome. "Greetings, honored guests," he said, his voice carrying the confidence and grace of a future king. "I am Prince Nathan Valdyr of the Valdyr Empire. It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance."

However, as they crossed the threshold and their eyes fell upon Prince Nathan Valdyr, who sat at the head of the grand table, a collective shock washed over them. Nathan was but a child, no more than six or seven years old. The delegates exchanged incredulous glances, and Prince Durin's shock gave way to anger.

In a burst of indignation, Prince Durin slammed his hand on the table, his voice filled with anger and disbelief. "Are you mocking us?" he thundered. "Sending a child to negotiate a trade alliance? Where is King Valdyr? This is no place for games!"

His outburst was met with a moment of tense silence. Then, turning to Reynard Goldpaw, he demanded, "Did you know about this? Why did you not inform us? This is an insult!"

Reynard, however, responded with a squeaky laughter that was as surprising as Nathan's presence. "My dear Prince Durin, we are not so foolish as to embark on such an important endeavor without proper investigation. Rest assured, Prince Nathan is more than capable of handling these negotiations."

Prince Durin's anger simmered, but his skepticism remained evident. He regarded Nathan with narrowed eyes, seemingly unconvinced by Reynard's assurance.

Nathan, meanwhile, remained composed, a hint of sarcasm in his young voice as he addressed the delegates. "I assure you, Prince Durin, my father is not coming. Furthermore, even if he were here, you would still be discussing matters of trade with me. You see, the commodities you came to trade are produced by my Rosefruit Business Company. So, whether you like it or not, you'll have to negotiate with me."

A small, knowing smile tugged at the corners of Nathan's lips as he continued, "But I imagine you didn't make the journey here without understanding the weight of the situation."

With a casual wave of his hand toward the empty chairs at the table, he added, "Now, if we're done with the theatrics, please, have a seat. Let's begin our discussion."

Prince Durin, still seething but recognizing the truth in Nathan's words, took a seat with an indignant huff. The negotiations were off to an unconventional start, but it was clear that the young prince held his ground with a confidence and determination that belied his age.

The primary focus of the negotiations was the exchange of commodities. Nathan's "Rosefruit Business Company" had become renowned for its production of high-quality goods. The Valdyr Empire offered brown sugar, fine fabric, and paper in exchange for resources and products unique to the Kano Kingdom and the Ulaborg Underground Kingdom.

The Kano Kingdom specialized in crafting exquisite jewelry and intricate gemstone carvings. They agreed to provide a steady supply of these precious items, adding a touch of luxury to Valdyr's markets.

The underground kingdom was known for its rich reserves of precious metals and gemstones, particularly rare ores like mithril and adamantium. They also had a thriving trade in underground mushrooms and herbs with unique medicinal properties.

Nathan stressed the importance of securing trade routes during the negotiations. The Valdyr Empire offered its protection to ensure the safe passage of goods and merchants from both kingdoms. In return, they expected cooperation from their trading partners to maintain the stability of these routes.

In addition to commodities, Nathan proposed a cultural exchange program. This program would allow artists, scholars, and diplomats from all three kingdoms to foster understanding and appreciation for each other's cultures. It aimed to create a sense of unity and camaraderie among the nations.

s part of the discussions, the three parties considered forming a mutual defense agreement. While not an official military alliance, it would signify their commitment to aiding one another in times of crisis, enhancing regional stability.

Nathan emphasized that the agreement should be seen as a long-term collaboration rather than a mere trade deal. He believed that by working together, the kingdoms could not only strengthen their economies but also promote peace and prosperity throughout the region.

The negotiations also touched upon tariffs and taxes associated with trade. They agreed to establish fair and transparent taxation policies to ensure that trade remained mutually beneficial.

These points formed the backbone of the negotiations, with Nathan showcasing his astute understanding of economics and diplomacy. The resulting trade alliance promised not only economic growth but also a sense of unity among the three kingdoms, laying the foundation for a brighter future in the Valdyr Empire.

Prince Durin Fireforge of the Ulaborg Underground Kingdom nodded in agreement with the proposed trade alliance. "We value this agreement, Prince Nathan, and appreciate the opportunity to participate. As a gesture of goodwill, our kingdom will also send a contingent of skilled dwarven technicians and engineers to aid in the development of infrastructure and technology within the Valdyr Empire."

Nathan acknowledged the generous offer with a nod of gratitude. "Your contribution will be invaluable in enhancing our infrastructure and technological capabilities. It's a testament to the strength of our alliance."

To ensure the safety of their merchant groups and maintain the integrity of the trade alliance, they reached a crucial agreement. Nathan clarified, "In the spirit of cooperation, let it be known that whichever kingdom's merchant group enters the territory of another, the respective kingdom shall bear the responsibility of ensuring their protection and safe passage. This will reinforce our commitment to the success of our trade."

Prince Durin and Captain Vaelira Wolfsong agreed, recognizing the importance of safeguarding their merchants as a sign of trust and partnership. Reynard Goldpaw, the finance minister from the Kano Kingdom, added, "It is a fair arrangement that fosters trust between our nations. We accept this responsibility willingly."

With these additions, the negotiations solidified the terms of their trade alliance, and they agreed to sign a formal treaty to seal their commitment. This alliance would not only boost their economies but also strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation among the Valdyr Empire, the Kano Kingdom, and the Ulaborg Underground Kingdom.

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