

A depressed man who has tried his hardest to live a simple life A man, in which death and misfortune follow closely. His life was abnormally horrible. But what if there was a place where he could start over? *Cover art is not mine but this is what the Mc looks like

Infamoushero · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Where's the boy?

" Have we still not located the boy? It's been almost four years. Are we sure that he didn't die?" Apunch said to his leader.

Apunch and the rest of the high demons were humanoids with red skin and crooked horns that pointed toward the sky. Apunch's long black long ragged hair made him look barbaric to go along with his sharp teeth and brolic build, but his leader Abbadon was even more massive and demonic, with wild black hair and pitch-black eyes. The two and their army rode on horseback through the destroyed human continent that connected Pondwell to Dreitho.

" He isn't dead. Our seers said the prophecy was only getting worse. Something about the wolf's anger boils over. Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good for anyone. We need to find him. If he doesn't follow us, we kill him. Simple."

" Is Pondwell really worth starting a war that we might not even win? From what I can tell, this Alixandre kid has no alliance. The prophecy of the crimson moon didn't mention Alixandre sparing anyone, but that the entire planet was in danger due to his wrath."

" Do you want to die Apunch? Because that's what's going to happen if we don't find him. This is a war of survival. Resources come second. This is Satan's order and we cannot disobey our god."


"You're still telegraphing your attacks," Astus said calmly as he blocked Alixandre's attack with a silver spear. As two more years passed, Alixandre went through rigorous combat training with Astus. Alixandre made his mental space resemble a dojo and the two fought every single day. More like Alixandre getting beat every day but fighting a god accelerated his training.

" I'm not telegraphing! Maybe you're too damn fast for me to fight! Reaching level seven changed nothing." One thing Alixandre learned was that his physical stats maxed at fourteen hundred. If he exceeds that number, scorching hot orange veins cause him unbearable pain. He was a lot stronger than he'd ever been, but he could barely follow Astus's movements, even though Astus held back significantly.

Astus sidestepped Alixandre's slash with ease and countered with a spear to his sternum. The recoil from the attack sent Alixandre to the edge of the arena where he coughed up blood. This has been a common occurrence throughout the years. What Alixandre didn't know was that the injuries he sustained in his mental face happened to his physical body. For years, his children watched his body break and bleed to their horror, but Sophia could feel great the strength coming from his body.

" Again! Watch your stance. Back straight. Hips loose. Don't hold your weapon too tight. Don't see your opponent with your eyes, but see them with your senses." Astus was genuinely surprised by Alixandre's quick growth. He was a quick learner and didn't help that his wounds healed instantly as long as his magic wasn't depleted. Alixandre used his swords to prop up his wobbly body. Every part of his body was in pain. Every movement made him grimace. Still, he followed Astus' words as if they were law. He stood firm, with his eyes never leaving Astus's. His back straightened, and his stance relaxed with his long swords by his side. With deep breaths, he calmed his pounding heart.

Astus disappeared from his vision instantaneously. Alixandre closed his eyes and used magic to enhance his physical capabilities. To most, it was draining, but with his magic stats, it was nothing. For a moment he felt it. A barely noticeable killing intent on his right. He immediately raised his sword to block the incoming blow that pushed him back a couple of feet.

'All of his attacks feel like my bones are breaking.'

Alixandre had to clench his jaw and bear the pain of Astus attacks for years, but the pain never got better even as he got stronger.

" That was better, but what did I tell you?" Astus sounded more like a stern father than a teacher. During their time together, they never progressed past a master-student relationship no matter how much he tried. He knew the root of Alixandre's pain, but the anger had rooted itself deep in Alixandre's core.

" Remember, you dual wield. Never block. Parry or deflect.Again!" With that Alixandre dashed forward in a blink of an eye, which looked like slow motion to Astus. Alixandre swung one of his swords at Astus's neck and used the moment of the miss to flow into an attack aimed at his arm which was deflected easily. Astus rushed in, planning to take advantage of his imbalance. He threw a kick at Alixandre''s exposed back who surprisingly backflipped over him and attempted to slash Astus's back, but hit nothing but air. He closed his eyes again, hoping to find his enemy's presence, but it was too late.

" Closing your eyes is a crutch." Alixandre felt his ribs shatter as Astus struck him with his spear. He dropped to his knees in agony, holding his stomach with teary eyes. His healing had significantly slowed. They'd been fighting for hours and Alixandre had finally begun to run out of magic.

" Stand up," Astus said. His voice conveyed no emotion toward the sniffling boy.

" I-I can't," Alixandre could barely speak. His breathing was uneven. It hurt just to inhale.

" This can't be the big bad wolf that everyone is so afraid of. The one who almost died at the hands of Steffon," Astus mocked. The provocation didn't work. The pain Alixandre felt was too much. He'd been carried by his healing ability. Infusing his special grade weapons and his body took too much of a toll and still couldn't touch Astus with the boost.

" I think he needs a break doggy," Orion said. He could feel that his health was in jeopardy.

" Fine."

As I only write for fun, I'm not sure how consistent the updates for this novel will be, but I can at least guarantee 3 chapters a week

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