
Drunk Lovers

Oreoluwa_Oyedemi · LGBT+
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14 Chs

Home Again II

Adriana and Damon leaves paris and arrives at New York City by past twelve in the afternoon the next day. For a few times they'd chat and do all stuff. The driver drives Damon to his house first and then both get down from the car.

"Thank you sir. Then I'll take my leave now sir." Adriana says with a thin smile has she tucks her backpack to her back and tightens her grip around the handle of her baggage.

"Let my driver take you home." Damon says and Adriana shakes her head negatively.

"No sir, I can see myself off. I'll take good care of myself. I'll be fine." Adriana says and Damon smiles almost showing off his set of white teeth. Adriana blinks profusely as she wonders what was funny.

"Then do you want me to take you home? Then I'll be sure you are okay and less worried too." Damon says and Adriana clears her throat nervously. Damon gets no response from her and so he grabs her baggage from her and puts it into the trunk.

"Get in." Damon says as he proceeds to the drivers seat and Adriana hurries and gets into the passenger sit.

"I could have just taken the bus sir, you have to rest up. The journey and everything must have stressed you out." Adriana says in concern.

"If you're so worried then why don't you stay over and put me to sleep then." Damon says and Adriana's mouth opens surprisingly but then she turns her head to look out through her window as he drives.

"I know you're worried, but I'm far more worried. You don't know how special you are." Damon says and Adriana looks at him in curiosity.

"Special? Me? This isn't about work, is it?" Adriana says.

'oh no, now what will I say?' Damon thinks in his head.

"What do you think I was referring to?" Damon asks and Adriana shys away.

"No.. nothing.. sir." Adriana says as she look out the window one more time. For a moment she thought Jane might be right and maybe Damon might like her but she just ended up making a fool of herself and she can't even look at his face. Damon driver straight to her house without saying anything further. On getting their, he gets down and helps her with her luggage. Adriana squints her eyes as she notice a familiar person come towards her. As soon as she gets a better view she notices that it happens to be her aunt."

"Aunty, what are-." Before she could finish talking, her aunt throws multiple beatings at her shoulders.

"Ah.. ahhh.. aunty." Adriana exclaims.

"How dare you? So you now have the guts to ignore my calls and leave home. Are you planning on rebelling? After all I've done to make you like a member of the Maya family..." Her aunt says angrily.

"It's not what you're thinking aunty, I swear I was on a business trip with my boss." Adriana explains as quick as she can.

"Why didn't you pick my calls too? You left without giving me a proper explanation about what happened between you and that boy. You are so like your mother!" Her aunt yells aloud as she totally ruins Adriana's happy mood.

"Exactly! Exactly why I didn't pick your calls. I didn't want to listen to the trash about Tim and how you would compare me to my bad mother. I know I owe you a lot but I didn't say I won't pay you back. All I need is a... You know what, just go home." Adriana says as she turns and reach for her door to open it. Damon had been watching and accessing the whole situation all through. He sees that Adriana has the upper hand and she's handling the matter well so he decides not intervene. But then the moment Adriana turns to unlock the door her aunt walks angrily towards her with the intention of beating her. Damon hurries and grabs her hand hurriedly.

"Good afternoon ma'am, I'm Damon Wayans and I'm Adriana's boss. It's good to meet you. I heard within your conversation that this isn't your residence ma'am. My driver isn't here then I would have ordered for him to take you home. Please take your leave now ma'am, I believe Adriana understands everything you've said." Damon says respectful. He hurts her ego and she jerls off his hand off of hers and storms away angrily. Adriana unlocks the door and they both walk in. Damon looks around the tiny house that seemed like the size of his bedroom only.

"I'm really not sure what you'll like to have... Please let me know so I can get you something." Adriana says as he walks towards the fridge but Damon grabs her hand and pulls her toward the kitchen stool making her sit instantly. He sits before her and grabs her hands in his.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly .along Adriana bow her head immediately. All those drama just happened in front of her boss and she feels kind of embarrassed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She says.

'She's lying.' Damon says in his mind.

"I really want to comfort you but I need your permission. It's your life and I don't want to barge in. Has she always been that way."

"Yeah... Most times when she needs money. I sent her some but she wants more..." Adriana says has she sighs stressfully.

"I can give- I mean borrow you some if you'd like." Damon says. He wish she'd just accept his help hit she's just too uptight about things like this.

"I really appreciate you sir but it's okay. I can manage." Adriana says.

"I didn't say I'll be giving you. I said I'd borrow you." Damon says.

"I really don't know... If it's right for me to accept." Adriana shutters as she fights back her tears

"But still, thank you sir. I'll manage on my own." Adriana says and Damon sighs. Again she defeats him. Pushing and locking him out.

"Alright, you can resume work after resting for a couple of days okay. Don't stress out!" Damon says in a warning manner and Adriana agrees with a nod and a thin smile

"Okay then. I'll leave you to rest. I have some things to do back home." Damon says as he lets go of her hand slowly and gets up to leave.

"Thank you so much sir. I appreciate you a lot!" Adriana says and Damon waves over at her before leaving. The moment he walks out her front door towards his car he comes across one familiar person.

He wanted to pretend he didn't see her but the young lady was loud and crazy.

"Hey!! Hey you!! Mr saviour!!! That's you right?!!" Jane says as she walks towards Damon who was trying to hide his face.

"Are you referring to me, I'm sorry I'm not who you think I am." Damon says

"Oh come on now! You're the guy from the club aren't you? By the way what are you doing here.

Damon makes Jane shut up and then they both sir in his car to talk.

"So you're actually Adriana's boss! I was right when I told her that you might like her.". Jane says.

"Miss don't tell Adriana I saved her there at the club." Damon says.

"On one condition stop calling me Miss.

It sounds old fashioned. Call me Jane okay?" Jane says and Damon rolls his eyes .

"Fine. Do we have a deal now Jane?" Damon says.

"Of course! I've got to go and good luck with your love for Addy!!" Jane says happily before rushing out.