
Drunk Lovers

Oreoluwa_Oyedemi · LGBT+
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14 Chs

Drunk Again

Accompanying Damon to the bar at a popular hotel feels like temptation to Adriana. She didn't want to drink but the way the bar man mixed up tequila and rum with a little splash of cola reminds her of how sweet long island iced tea tastes. Damon looks over at her and notice how she was lost while staring at the glass of alcohol before him. With a single toss from Damon the glass lands before Adriana. She looks up at him curiously wondering what he was up to.

"It's fine, I'll do the listening and driving. You do the drinking." He says and Adriana swallows her saliva as she picks up the glass before her and gulps it down without flinching. Damon smirks and wonders how he ended up with a wild girl instead of a meek one. "I promise not to get drunk and make a scene." Adriana says and the bar man fills up her cup once again with the same concoction. She drinks a couple of bottles more and she finally gets to her limit in drinking. Damon notices how her hands danced mischievously around the table. He smiles knowing she's drunk because her cheeks are so red and her eyes were drowsy.

"Have you ever being in love before?" Adriana asks and her question takes Damon in surprise. He wasn't expecting something so straight forward but he knew what to say.

"Well, I have been in love." Damon replies as he looks at her waiting for a response.

"Good!! So was I!! I have always loved so badly!! Always fall in so deeply but I was never loved in return." Adriana replies drunkenly. Dramatically she tries to adjust her sitting position but she almost lose her balance. Damon wanted to hold her and give her support but she oppose with her hands raised. "No no! I'm fine. I promise not to make a scene." She repeats and Damon settles back in his sir.

"Everyone says love is the greatest feeling that takes heartache away. Yes, it is true. It does the magic most times. But if they knew what I knew they'd be terrified. Love is like torture. Can I give you an example?" Adriana says and Damon rests his chin on his knuckles.

"Go on." He replies.

"Love is a medicine. It's can also be a drug misuse. Take for instance people who live on cocaines and other hard drugs but suddenly they were stripped off of it. That's the feeling one has when one isn't loved in return. Why can't the feeling be mutual?! I mean!!... Why does it have to be different." She says in high pitch but then her voice goes down in sadness.

"I loved Tim! I thought he would be my last. He had everything I wanted, everything my family wanted. I kept pushing myself to him thinking one day he would love me dearly but he kept hurting me. I loved him." She says as she twirls the alcohol before gulping it down and then she slams her forehead hardly on the table with her hair covering her entire face. Damon reaches out his hand to tuck her hair behind her ear but the buzzing sound from his pocket stops him mid way. He hisses and takes his hand back and leaves to receive the call.

He picks up and it appears to be a business call. A board meeting taking place in the next one month will be shifted to the next two weeks. The news really angered Damon but on the other side it was a chance to take Adriana away from this cruel situation.

"Yes, I understand. I'll try to be there.... Okay. Thanks." He says then he hangs up the call. The moment he steps back into the bar the unbelievable was taking place. The wild cat he has left asleep is currently standing on the bar table with a bottle of tequila In her hand. He quickly approach her.

"Sir! What are you doing here?" Adriana asks drunkenly as she staggers from left to right. Damon is worried that she might miss a step and fall off the table. "How did she get up there?" Damon asks the bar tender.

"I don't know sir. The last moment I saw her she was asleep and the next she was dancing up there." He replies. Damon sighs and pinches the space between his eye brows.

"Adriana give me your hands and get down. Come on." He says as he stretch his hand for her to take.

"Uhn uhn, I won't. You're too far away. What if I break my legs?" Adriana replies and the bar man couldn't help but chuckle lightly to how funny she acted. Damon turns around in frustration looking away from Adriana.

"Whoa.. Whoa.." Adriana says as her foot misses a step but at the nick of time Damon turns around and receives her into his arms. Adriana cries like a kid and Damon wonders what else to do. They were the only ones present with the bar man but it still feels embarrassing. "Hey come on now! I caught you didn't I?" Damon says as he tries to pet her like she was a little kiddo. Adriana unknowingly snuggles closer to Damon as she wraps her hands around his neck and her face rested on his shoulders. Her feminine smell fill Damon's nose and gets him intoxicated like he was drunk. He shakes his head out of his thoughts.

"Could you please pass me her purse?" Damon says and the bar man does as he says. He slowly carries her out of the hotel to the parking lot. He sets her in his car and gets into the drivers sit. He accelerates his car and drives off. He didn't know where to take her so he takes her straight to his house. On reaching, he carries her in his arms again as all she did was talk bla bla bla. He puts her down on a nearby couch and decides to watch how drunk she is before he asks for her home address.

"Mr Damon!" She yells his name.

"Do you know how drunk you are?! Why did you make me drive you all the way to your house?" Adriana says and Damon looks at her curiously wondering what she means.

"What do you mean? You think I'm the drunk one here? This is hilarious!" Damon says with a wide laugh.

"You dare call me drunk!!" Adriana says as she gets up abruptly and her head spins. Damon quickly catches her in his arms and exhales stressfully. "Why can't you just sit for once?" Damon asks and Adriana whimpers at Damon's chest. Damon picks her up in a bridal style and takes her up the stairs into his room. Damon places her on his bed but Adriana didn't disentangle her arms from his neck.

"Let me go." Damon says and Adriana shakes her head negatively. "No." Adriana protests and Damon looks up to her face to see her current expression but his eyes catches something else. Her rosy lips that she keeps licking with her tongue. His eyes were stuck there for a while but he snaps out of it. He looks at her eyes but they were halfway closed. Damon has let his guard down and Adriana's little strength was enough to switch places with him and in the next second she is sitted on his laps. "You! Were you planning on kissing me?! How dare you?" Adriana says and Damon blinks profusely at the sudden change in her attitude.

"You were the one who held on so-" Damon says but Adriana slaps him stopping him from saying further.

"What are you doing in my room?" She asks and Damon realise that she was still drunk and this is part of her drunken behavior.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" Damon asks with his brows raised.

"No!" Adriana says and quickly retreats from him and sinks deep into another side of the bed.

"Then go to bed." Damon says as he tucks her in and luckily for him Adriana sleeps without protest