
Chapter 3

The next class was a great end to the day. I’d decided to be an aid for Mr. Allens’ junior high band class. I would be helping teach the sixth through eighth graders. Really, why else did I even go to school?

After it was all over, I got in my car alone and drove home. My dad was a mechanic, so he’d fixed up an old car for me. My parents were divorced, though. I lived with my mom and fourteen-year-old sister Erin in a duplex in town. Even though Erin was younger than me, she was taller. She had long blonde hair, didn’t need glasses like I did, and often liked to say she was the cuter of the two of us.

I was the first one home. Our neighbor was blaring Spice Girls, as she’d been doing almost every day all summer long. I secretly liked that group, but hearing the same single day in and day out did get old. Erin and I complained to our mom about this, but there didn’t seem to be anything she could do about it. So we suffered.