
Chapter 12

“Yeah, that’s great,” I finally lied. “Have fun!”

“Okay, give me a hug first,” said Becca, and I almost forgave her. “Thanks again for the CD. Do you mind if I take it so Steve and I can listen to it?”

“Go right ahead.”

And so after packing the last of our things away, I left alone and went home, confusing feelings searing through my body.

“I’m fine,” I said out loud. “There’s nothing wrong with me.”

But I didn’t feel fine at all. I got home, and Erin was on the computer, so I went to my room and lay in bed, staring up at my poster of JLo. She had thick, luscious curves. And sweat or water or oil or something gleamed on her body. I really took the picture in. Why did I choose this poster? I thought of Geno. He was in good shape, a muscular-looking guy, but I didn’t want to gaze upon his body or anything. Not the way I could look at this female body.

Erin walked in the room and noticed where I was staring.

“Lezbo,” she said, then walked out again without another word.