

A good man dies and is sent into another world- Well, he is killed in cold blood just because of who he was, a sad reality. There, he is adopted by someone- Discovers secrets of that world, and slowly realizes that he is not where he think he is. -Author note- This novel is gay- If you haven't read my damn name yet! This is for gay people- Heterosexuals stay away, treat this novel like drugs and don't do it. Now my gays, you can stay, i plead you to stay my dear gays. [This fic contains spoilers of my [Son of the Night] fic! Go read that one first if you want.

DaoOfGay · Others
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Chapter 27: Revelation

Nátt woke up to a heat on his ass- He felt it throb inside him, which he now knew very well what it was, he was destroyed by it yesterday (And absolutely loved it, sure) but he remembers Mokzaxirrathan taking it out of him- "Good morning love..." Talk about the devil, and he shall appear! Mokzaxirrathan held him close to his chest, being the big spoon as he had his hand on Náttúrumaður neck as he rested his head on Mokza's hairy chest. "good morning..." Nátt whispered, a little groggy still from their wild night, but also slightly confused why he was still here- He truly believed he would fuck him and simply leave, but oh well, he didn't know that Dragons mate for life!

"Why...?" Náttúrumaður was truly confused- I mean, why would he still be here? Not to brag, but he thought he just wanted to eat his ass and then go do something else! I mean, what an asseating huh? He still feels the dick inside him even after. "Why what, dear?" Rumbling a deep growly, husky voice from the depths of his chest, Mokza rubbed his bearded chin over Nátt's head, humming and sighing when he saw Náttúrumaður's shining emerald-like eyes- He truly was a treasure, wasn't he? "Why are you still here...?" Mokzaxirrathan instantly stopped breathing for a moment- Did he hurt him so badly he wanted him gone? It was a possibility, since he didn't even notice when Nátt started bleeding, but he also didn't seem to notice since he kept begging for more and moaning under his body, feeling too much pleasure to care.

"Do you want me to go?" Keeping himself calm, Mokzaxirrathan asked the question, which caught Náttúrumaður off guard, since he was asking him if he wanted him to be gone- Which he didn't- but why was he asking him? Nátt thought he would've wanted to go by now, since he must have other more important things to do than spend time with him, surely, right? "Uhm... No?" Náttúrumaður was not sure if this was some sort of test or not, but he he answered as his eyes rose to meet Mokza's red hued eyes, that flowed slightly in a golden-red color. "I won't leave unless you want me to leave." Mokzaxirrathan heard a voice on his head, whispering: [Females always get sensitive after mating, he must also be! Reassure him, since Dragons mate for life!]

I mean, it made a little bit of sense- Náttúrumaður was insecure because they just had sex, his body must be a mess now, mostly his stomach and waist, which he is pretty sure cracked under his thrusts. "Do you feel any pain?" He whispered as his fingers touched the bruises along the skin, the bite mark on his left shoulder, and the little hickies along his neck and chest, where he sucked and nibbled on. Nátt pondered on the question, trying to see if he felt any pain- And no, he felt fine mostly, only feeling the throbbing inside his hole, and a soreness on his whole body, but mostly on his shoulders, hips, and ass. "No..." He tried to move, but then he felt it, it was Mokza's dick, still inside him- Very warm and throbbing, when he moved his hips, Mokza's eyes narrowed on him as he groaned.

"careful now- Don't awake a sleeping dragon." The plauful smirk on his lips had made Nátt suddenly feel shy even after the shameless act of yesterday- His ears bruned bright as a blush worked up his cheeks, he had to hide his face somewhere! So he did what he could- He pressed his face to Mokzaxirrathan's chest, feeling the hair on his face which was surprisingly soft, even softer than a Banbaro! "Hmm..." He sighed softly as his eyelids felt heavy- He spent a lot of energy yesterday, unknown to him, he had a soft smile on his lips as he rested- Mokza couldn't look much at his pure, soft smile, becasue his heart would melt- So he looked away, blushing as well.

'Fuck-' He was gone now, his heart had just been completely captured by this man before him! His heartbeat accelerated as his hands held Nátt by the shoulders, hearing him slowly seep into unconciousness and go to sleep. [Well... He is adorable] The dragon within his soul whispered behind his mind, and he couldn't help but agree wholeheartedly to his words, since he knew very well- They both were smitten by this adorable man.

-Scene Cut-

But oh- Peace cannot be peaceful, just as war cannot be war without bloodshed- Pain, fear, panic, misery, and every single emotion that you can think of and feel while fighting for your life- War, was is it good for? Nothing, that's the answer.

War came to their forest while they slept peacefully, or a decalration of it at least- In their slumber, Náttúrumaður woke up feeling a stabbing pain to his heart as his whole body burned deeply- His body wasn't burning, the forest was burning!

And he felt it's pain.

"ARGH!" He screamed, his body jumped and he instantly woke Mokzaxirrathan up- "It burns!" He angrily roared, his skin cracking in bark as horns burdted out of his forehead in anger- A glowing green sphere above his body. [Wait- Forest dragon?] Mokza was also in awe as he stared at the majestic sight of those beautiful pink wings, for modern comparison- they were like Cherry Blossoms, fully bloomed and spread in branches. In his anger, Náttúrumaður bursted into magical energy, his body transforming into a smaller, weaker Forest Dragon than his father was.

His body bursted out of the ceiling of the cave, destroying some plants on the way out, as Mokzaxirrathan watched- [Quick, change too!] Wait, what? "What-" Mokzaxirrathan was about to ask what he meant by that, but he was interrupted by the dragon saying: [Don't resist!] And he felt the familiar pull of the dragon trying to take over his body, ehich his first instinct was to resist- But if he resisted, could he help Náttúrumaður?

He did his best to not resist...

And then-

He also became a dragon.

-Author Note-

Ohohoho. Please wait while i put the image on the cmments- The reference image for the shy hug- It's adorable.