

A good man dies and is sent into another world- Well, he is killed in cold blood just because of who he was, a sad reality. There, he is adopted by someone- Discovers secrets of that world, and slowly realizes that he is not where he think he is. -Author note- This novel is gay- If you haven't read my damn name yet! This is for gay people- Heterosexuals stay away, treat this novel like drugs and don't do it. Now my gays, you can stay, i plead you to stay my dear gays. [This fic contains spoilers of my [Son of the Night] fic! Go read that one first if you want.

DaoOfGay · Others
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67 Chs

Chapter 01: A Reborn

Darkness was all that was present on sight as if the concept of sight itself didn't exist in this space. He didn't know how long he has been here, he just knew he was there... He had no concept of up or down as if he was deep below the sea, where no light could reach, so he didn't know if he was up or down, he doubted if there was even down or up. His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden light that shone through the thick darkness and illuminated his face, even though he could not feel his face, he could see everything around him and he was surprised that he was floating above a still lake of crystal clear water...

A window popped out of nowhere in front of him, the text it had was the following:

[Congratulations for accumulating enough Karma for reincarnation. Your soul and memories will be sent to another random world out there. However, you have more than enough Karma to reincarnate! You have received the following benefits:

[Association Powers Usage]

Use powers associated with other powers in various degrees of power.

[Random Power Ticket 3×]!

Gives you one chance per ticket to get random power from our system! You can also trade one ticket for another little gift if you want.

Do you wish to use [Random Power Ticket 1×]?

[Yes] [Yes]

Seeing the variety of choices he could choose from, our protagonist could only select the obvious options, since there was no [X] button to close this annoying AD. Suddenly a machine slot appeared in front of his eyes and it started to spin, faster than he could even see, until it started to slow down and stop at a sudden word: [Druidic Magic]

[Congratulations on receiving [Druidic Magic] as your ability! You will automatically receive information about this power and how to use it in different basic forms, the rest you'll have to research yourself!]

Should he get another power or should he get the "little gift"? Can he keep one of the tickets with him, like, after he reincarnates? And as if reading his mind, another screen appeared to answer his question:

[You may keep the tickets with you, you can use them whenever you wish just by thinking. You can also give them to other people if you so desire.]

Also, another screen appeared:

[You wish to get a [Little Gift] for 1 [Random Power Ticket]?

[Yes] [No]

He thought about this for a second... There was a possibility that the power he receives from the ticket is completely useless, but there is a chance that the power he gets from the ticket is completely overpowered... So he will just keep one ticket and get this little [Gift] and keep one of the tickets for himself, who knows when it can be useful? Selecting the [Yes] option, he saw the screen melt and turn into a small sphere that quickly flickered out of existence.

[You received a [Minor System] with the following functions:

[Status Screen]

Shows your status as a game character

[Appraisal Screen]

Shows other things' statuses.

[Inventory Screen]

Subspace used to store things, almost infinite space inside. Time does not move inside the inventory.

There is a little gift inside for you.

[Basic Alchemy Set ×1]

[Basic Potion Set ×1]

[Basic Druidic Equipment ×1]

[Basic Spellbook ×1]

[Basic Magical Gardner's Kit ×1]


Registers and keeps information of every beast slash monster slash entity you ever found.

[Skill Keeper]

Shows all the skills that you ever learned. No, they don't have a level, just a tier:

Basic Magic:

Tier 0: Cantrips

Novice Magic:

Tier 1: Level 1 Spells

Tier 2: Level 2 Spells

Tier 3: Level 3 Spells

Advanced Magic:

Tier 4: Level 4 Spells

Tier 5: Level 5 Spells

Tier 6: Level 6 Spells

Tier 7: Level 7 Spells

Master Magic:

Tier 8: Level 8 Spells

Tier 9: Level 9 Spells

God Magic:

Tier 10: Level 10 Spells

Tier 11: Level 11 Spells

Tier 12: Level 12 Spells]

As soon as this information was received by him, his consciousness was shoved in a tiny hole and thrown. He could feel like he was flying but he could not see anything since his sight was taken from him, nothing made sense anymore as his mortal mind stopped comprehending whatever was happening right now.

But suddenly, he lost consciousness.

Then, pain, he was being pushed and he felt like his body was being squeezed like he was in a very tight place that suddenly pushed him. He wanted to open his eyes but he was tired, he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach and a sudden rush of air to his lungs, that burned with a cold that caused him to shiver and cry, it was like his senses were sensitive to the world around him! He tried to open his eyes but a strong light made him close them quickly, he could hear voices whispering around him, they sounded strangely sad, he could feel like something had happened...

Unknown to our newborn protagonist, his mother had just died giving birth to him. His father was a great warrior who died in a battle against a dragon, leaving his wife, who sadly did not survive giving birth because she was bleeding out so much. Her body stood there on the bed, lifeless, the midwives who helped her give birth to her baby could only look and whisper sadly as the mother died... There was nothing they could do and nothing but a miracle would have helped.

Now, what would happen to the child? He would be taken care of by one of the midwives for some time, and then unless someone takes the child as their own, the child would have to take care of himself, or in the worst case, the child would be taken by a family to serve them as a servant or he would even be sold as a slave! They looked at the child with pity, but none could take care of another child, they already had their child, blood of their blood and flesh of their flesh, and another one just meant another mouth to feed in this famine... If they had to choose between this newborn child and their own children, they would choose their own children without a doubt.

They had no food, the boy had no parents, so the leader of their village could decide what to do with the boy... But they already knew what he would do, he would leave the boy in the forest to die, be eaten by an animal, or something similar like he had done to various children before.

It was normal for them when a parent cannot afford to feed their children, they normally leave them behind to die or maybe even survive and get stronger, but it was harsh and hard, no baby ever lived after being abandoned after birth... Well, some did, but those who did were the strong, and looking at the scrawny looking baby on the arms of the midwife, they knew he was destined to die. Maybe he would join their soldiers in the halls of Valhalla? Who knows, maybe Odin himself will take pity on the baby and take him onto his grand hall without him needing to be a warrior.