
[Associated Power Usage]

Let me explain his [Associated Power Usage].

(Ignore any repeated, this is copy/paste, I've tried to delete them!)

Imagine that his powers are a tree. The thin branches are the continuation of the thick branches, so they will be weaker.

[Druidic Magic] is the trunk of the tree, that grows thick and strong, those dedicated from it are the thick branches, and those dedicated from the thick branches are thin branches.

[Abjuration (√)] [Conjuration (√)] [Divination (√)] [Dowsing (√)] [Nature Magic (√)] [Potion Magic (√)] [Sacrificial Magic (√)] [Shapeshifting (√)] [Shamanism (√)] [Spell Casting (√)] [Alchemy (√)] [Channeling (√)] [Magic (√)] [Monolithic Magic (√)] [Nature Manipulation (√)] [Seer (√)] [Supernatural Priest Physiology] are the branches of this tree.

[Abjuration] Thin Branches:

[Barrier Magic] [Force-Field Manipulation] [Magical Shield Construction] [Defense Powers] [Enchanted Armor] [Power Reflection] [Wall Generation] [Magic Defense] [Magical Regeneration] [Medical Magic] [Mystical Healing] [Purification Magic] [Reinforcement Magic] [Support PowersAugmentation] [Enhancement Calling] [Mysticism] [Restoration Magic] [White Arts]

[Conjuration] Thin Branches:




[Meta Banishment]

[Meta Summoning]

[Entity Conjuration]

[Constructs Creation] [Invocation] [Ritual Magic] [Matter Creation] [Object Creation] [Summoning Manipulation] [Teleportation] [Mass Teleportation] [Location Swapping] [Remote Teleportation]

[Divination] Thin Branches:

[Clairvoyance/Flawless Clairvoyance] [Precognition/Flawless Precognition] [Retrocognition]

Acultomancy - a form of divination in which the user uses needles for divination.

Agalmatomancy - a form of divination by the means of statues or teraphim for divination.

Aichmomancy - a form of divination by using sharp objects for divination.

Angelomancy - a form of divination by using angels or angelic objects.

Astromancy - a form of divination in which the user interprets the future through the movement of celestial bodies in certain houses which is believed to affect the future.

Heliomancy‎‎ - a form of divination by using the sun.

Selenomancy - a form of divination by using the moon.

Augury - a form of divination in which the user gains insight by interpreting birds' flight paths, songs, etc.

Auramancy - a form of divination by using auras.

Bibliomancy - a form of divination using books in divination or for advice. The method of employing sacred books (especially specific words and verses) for 'magical medicine', for removing negative entities, or for divination is widespread in many religions of the world.

Catoptromancy - a form of divination in which the user uses mirrors for divination.

Cartomancy - a form of divination in which the user uses cards for divination.

Cleromancy - a form of divination by using "lots", such as bones, stones, sticks, and dice.

Crystallomancy - a form of divination in which the user uses crystals for divination.

Demonomancy - a form of divination in which the user uses demons or demonic items.

Elementomancy - a form of divination in which the user uses the elements for divination.

Abacomancy - a form of divination in which the user uses the patterns in dust, dirt, silt, and sand for divination.

Aeromancy - a form of divination in which the user interprets and reads the future through atmospheric conditions (i.e. cloud formations, wind currents, comets, thunder, and lightning). It was said to be one of the seven "forbidden arts" along with geomancy, hydromancy, pyromancy, palmistry, necromancy, and scapulimancy (the divination of the bones).

Geomancy - a form of divination using earth.

Hydromancy - a form of divination using water.

Pyromancy - a form of divination using fire.

Hagiomancy - a form of divination by using saints and saint objects.

Necromancy - a form of divination by speaking to the dead using corpses as conduits.

Numeromancy - a form of divination in which the user uses the numbers for divination.

Oneiromancy - a form of divination in which the user uses the dreams for divination.

Organimancy - a form of divination in which the user uses organic materials for divination.

Anthropomancy - a form of divination by using human flesh, blood, organs, and bones.

Hematomancy - a form of divination by using blood.

Osteomancy - a form of divination by using bones. Necromancy can also be included in this.

Chloromancy - a form of divination by using plant life and vegetation.

Tasseomancy - a form of divination in which the user uses tea leaves for divination.

Trofimancy - a form of divination in which the user uses food for divination.

Palmistry - a form of divination in which the user reads an individual's palm to see their past, present, and future.

Scrying - reading the future or obtain spiritual visions through translucent or luminescent objects. Sub-methods include crystallomancy/crystal gazing and pyromancy/fire reading.

[Extrasensory Perception] [Clairvoyance] [Psychic Magic]

[Drowsing] Thin Branches:

[Danger Intuition] [Detection] [Elemental Detection] [Energy Detection] [Magic Detection] [Supernatural Detection] [Supernatural/Absolute Tracking] [Treasure Detection] [Weakness Detection] [Weather Sensing] [Excavation Intuition] [Navigation Intuition] [Photographic Deduction] [Sensory Tracking]

[Nature Magic] Thin Branch:

[Animal Magic] [Disaster Magic] [Disease Magic] [Elemental Magic] [Gravity Magic] [Plant Magic] [Weather Magic] [Environmental Magic] [Invocation] [Season Magic] [Esoteric Nature Manipulation] [Animancy] [Fertility Magic] [Ley Line Magic] [Solar Magic] [Lunar Magic] [Spirit Magic]

[Potion Magic] Thin Branch:

[Chemistry Manipulation] [Esoteric Drug Proficiency] [Potion Creation]

[Sacrificial Magic] Thin Branch:

[Magic Empowerment] [Magical Energy Manipulation] [Sacrificial Power] [Blood Magic] [Dark Arts] [Death Magic] [Ritual Magic]

[Shapeshifting] Thin Branch:

[Appearence Shifting] [Animal Transformation] [Plant Transformation] [Magical Creature Transformation] [Mythical Creature Transformation]

(These above are the only ones that he will use)

[Shamanism] Thin Branch:

Sending spirit out:

[Astral Projection] [Psychic Navigation]

Sensing the spirits and their effects:

[Astral Vision] [Death Sense] [Ecological Empathy] [Power Detection]

Spirit manipulation includes:

[Ancestral Evocation] [Astral Manipulation] [Astral Trapping] [Banishment] [Contract Bestowal] [Contract Nullification] [Guidance] [Magical Energy Absorption] [Mediumship] [Possession] [Totemism] [Spiritual Element Manipulation] [Summoning]

Spirits themselves have a vast variety of abilities, but some of the more common include:

[Intuitive Aptitude] [Precognition/Retrocognition]

Some may be able to:

[Ley Line Manipulation] [Power Activation] [Power Bestowal] [Power Erasure] [Black Shamanism] [Dreamtime Arts] [Phantasm Manipulation] [Onmyōdō] [Voodoo] [Spiritualism]

[Spellcasting] Thin Branch:

[Spell Absorption] [Spell Amplification] [Spell Creation] [Spell Destabilization] [Spell Immunity] [Spell Mixture] [Spell Negation] [Spell Reflection] [Empathic Casting] [Gesture Casting] [Incantation] [Inscription Casting] [Symbol Magic] [Musical Spell Casting] [Rhyming Spell Casting] [Spell Weaponry] [Spell Artillery] [Spell Blades] [Staff Magic] [Voice Casting] [Wand Magic] [Mystic Object[ Magic Books] [Reality Warping] [Spell Manipulation]

[Alchemy] Thin Branch

[Alchemic Material Manipulation] [Alchemy Attacks] [Artificial Element Manipulation] [Artificial Element Transmutation] [Biological Manipulation] [Body Manipulation] [Health Manipulation] [Mutation Manipulation] [Elemental Manipulation] [Gas Manipulation] [Liquid Manipulation] [Plasma Manipulation] [Solid Manipulation] [Earth Manipulation] [Metal Manipulation] [Mineral Manipulation] [Elemental Transmutation] [Craftsmanship Magic] [Enhanced Craftsmanship/Supernatural Craftsmanship] [Armorer Intuition] [Armor Creation] [Bladesmithing Intuition/Gunsmithing Intuition] [Enhanced Weaponry] [Golem Creation] [Powerful Objects] [Immortality Bestowal] [Infinite Energy] [Limitation Defiance] [Life-Force Manipulation] [Soul Manipulation] [Soul Creation] [Soul Channeling] [Soul Conversion] [Soul Forging] [Soul Materialization] [Soul Morph] [Life Creation] [Artificial Life Creation] [Homunculus Physiology] [Molecular Manipulation] [Molecular Acceleration] [Molecular Deceleration] ]Molecular Deconstruction] [Molecular Inhibition] [Molecular Reconstruction] [Personal Alchemy] [Power Activation/Power Deactivation] [Power Bestowal/Power Erasure] [Property Manipulation] [Augmentation/Reduction] [Disintegration] [Freezing] [Fusionism/Fissionism] [Melting] [Physical Restoration] [Refining] [Restoration] [Reconfiguration] [Amalgamation] [Reshaping] ]Science-Magic Mixture] [Biological Magic] [Body Magic] [Chemical Magic] [Essence Magic] [Herbalism] [Inorganic Magic] [Medical Magic] [Magical Medicine Manipulation] [Medicine Creation] ]Potion Creation] [Organic Magic] [Science-Magic Intuition] [Technological Magic] [Enhanced Inventing/Supernatural Inventing] [Technomagic] [Technorganic Magic] [Transmutation Magic] [Aether Manipulation] [Language of the Birds] [Energy Circle Combat] [Prima Materia Manipulation] [Science Manipulation] [Formula Manifestation] [Medicine Manipulation] [Transmutation]

[Channeling] Thin Branch:

[Ability Creation] [Ability Recharging] [Ambient Energy Manipulation] [Energy Absorption] [Energy Amplification] [Energy Attacks] [Energized Body] [Energy Constructs] [Energy Conversion] [Energy Generation] [Energy Source Selection] [Energy Transferal] [Energy Transmutation] [Infusion] [Limit Break/Limiter Removal] [Maximum Concentration Capacity] [Ability Focus] [Energy Concentration] [Power Absorption] [Power Augmentation/Self-Power Augmentation] [Power Compression] [Power Expansion] [Power Level Manipulation] [Power Mixture] [Power Reversal] [Power Sharing] [Power Source Creating] [Power Transferal] [Power Transmutation] [Quality Enhancement] [Synchronization/Power Resonance]

[Counter-Force Channeling] [Demonic Channeling] [Divine Channeling] [Elemental Channeling] [Energy Channeling] [Inner Power] [Magic Channeling] [Kinetic Channeling] [Motion Channeling] [Nature Channeling] [Soul Channeling] [Unborn Power Channeling] [Avatar Creation] [Constructs Creation] ]Energy Sourcing] [Living Conduit] [Potential Creation] [Training Regimen] [True Power]

[Magic] Thin Branch:

Sadly, he only knows how to use these types of magic and not all powers associated with [Magic] itself.

A to L

[Absorption Magic] [Aether Magic] [Animancy] ]Antimatter Magic] [Apocalyptic Magic] [Archetype Magic] [Art Magic] [Artificial Element Magic] [Astral Magic] [Astrology] [Aura Magic] [Aurora Magic[Barrier Magic] [Binding Magic] [Blessing Magic] [Chaos Magic] [Chemical Magic] [Chi Magic] [Clown Magic] [Combat Magic] [Concealment Magic] [Conceptual Magic] [Corruption Magic] [Cosmic Magic] [Craftsmanship Magic] [Creation Magic] [Curse Magic] [Dark Arts] [Dark Matter Magic] [Death Magic] [Destiny Magic] [Destruction Magic] [Digital Magic] [Dimension Magic] [Disaster Magic] [Divine Magic] [Dream Magic] [Ectoplasm Magic] [Eldritch Magic] [Electromagnetism Magic] [Elemental Magic] [Emblem Magic] [Emotion Magic] [Empathic Casting] [Energy Magic] [Enchantment] [Entropy Magic] [Environmental Magic] [Exorcism Magic] [Explosion Magic] [Evolutionary Magic] [Extra-Dimensional Magic] [Eye Magic] [Faith Magic] [Famine Magic] [Friction Magic] [Game Magic] [Gas Magic] [Gravity Magic] [Herbalism] [Holiday Magic] [Human Magic] [Hypnotic Magic] [Illusionary Magic] [Imagination Magic] [Incantation] [Inertia Magic] [Inner Beast Magic] [Inorganic Magic] [Inscription Casting] [Intangibility Magic] [Intelligence Magic] [Ley Line Magic] [Life Magic] [Life and Death Magic] [Liquid Magic] [Luck Magic] [Lunar Magic]

M to Z

[Madness Magic] [Magnetic Magic] [Matter Magic] [Medical Magic] [Memory Magic] [Merfolk Magic] [Mirror Magic] [Mobility Magic] [Momentum Magic] [Motion Magic] [Music Magic] [Mystical Material Manipulation] [Mythic Magic] [Necromancy] [Nether Magic] [Neutral Magic] [Nightmare Magic] [Ninja Magic] [Object Magic] [Occultism] [Order Magic] [Organic Magic] [Pain Magic] [Paper Charm Magic] [Peace Magic] [Perfume Magic] [Physical Force Magic] [Plasma Magic] [Portal Magic] [Possession Magic] [Potion Magic] [Psionic Magic] [Psychic Magic] [Purification Magic] [Pyrotechnic Magic] [Quantum Magic] [Rainbow Magic] [Reality Magic] [Replication Magic] [Restoration Magic] [Rune Magic] [Sacrificial Magic] [Sealing Magic] [Season Magic] [Sentient Magic] [Sex Magic] [Sin Magic] [Size Magic] [Sky Magic] [Sleep Magic] [Solar Magic] [Solid Magic] [Sound Magic] [Space Magic] [Space-Time Magic] [Strength Magic] [Symbiotic Magic] [Symbol Magic] [Symbolism Power] [Taoist Magic] [Technological Magic] [Technomagic] [Technorganic Magic] [Teleportation Magic] [Thermal Magic] [Time Magic ] [Toon Magic] [Transmutation Magic] [Underworld Magic] [Vector Magic] [Vibration Magic] [Void Magic] [War Magic] [Warp Magic] [Weather Magic] [Werebeast Magic] [Yin & Yang Magic] [Zodiac Magic]

[Monolithic Magic] Thin Branch:

[Astrology] [Dimensional Manipulation] [Ley Line Empowerment] [Nature Magic] [Ritual Empowerment] [Spirit Magic] [Time Magic] [Cemetery Empowerment] [Eldritch Constructs] [Sacrifice Empowerment]

[Nature Manipulation] Thin Branch:

Nature is such an extensive concept that the powers user has access are grouped under several concepts:

Communicate with and command the earth's environment psychically. If the area has been cleared of natural wildlife and vegetation, then both will be attracted to return to the area. Nature will defend users from potential threats (and is aware of how to tell friends from foe).

[Animalia Manipulation] [Biological Manipulation] [Danger Intuition] [Disaster Manipulation] [Ecological Empathy] [Elemental Manipulation] [Environment Manipulation] [Environmental Perfection] [Erosion Inducement] [Erosion Manipulation] [Formation Manipulation] [Fungus Manipulation] [Naturakinetic Constructs] [Natural Energy Absorption] [Nature Attacks] [Nature Awareness] [Nature Infusion] [Nature Solidification] [Planetary Empowerment] [Plant Manipulation] [Poison Manipulation] [Self-Sustenance] [Shapeshifting] [Sound Manipulation] [Weather Manipulation] [Zoolingualism]

[Seer] Thin Branch:

[Accelerated Probability] [Danger Intuition] [Death Sense] [Destiny Perception] [Dream Scrying] [Empathic Precognition] [Flash Precognition] [Mediumship] [Numerology] [Oneiromancy] [Precognition] [Precognitive Artistry] [Precognitive Crafting] [Precognitive Dreaming] [Precognitive Speech] [Prescience] [Psychometry] [Retrocognition] [Retrocogitive Artistry] [Retrocognitive Dreaming] [Retrocognitive Speech] [Retroscience] [Time-Space Synesthesia] [Xeno-Accelerated Probability]

[Supernatural Priest Physiology] Thin Branch:

[Christian Mysticism] [Cross Combat] [Divine Communication] [Divine Conduit] [Divine Empowerment] [Divine Territory] [Enlightenment] [Exorcism] [Healing Prayer] [Holy Gift] [Impurity Destruction] [Indomitable Will] [Miracle Performing] [Paranormal Expertise] [Sanctification] [Purification] [Salvation] [Smite] ]Theurgy] [Patron Saint Physiology] [Demonic Slayer] [Ghost Slayer] [Meta-Teaching] [Supernatural Hunter] [Supernatural Shrine Maiden Physiology]