
Chapter Three

“Make sure to take lots of photos and don’t do things because of peer pressure!” Amanda said as she hugged her daughter tight.

“I packed an extra charging bring in your backpack incase you need it at the concert.” Julius said as he closed the trunk of the car.

“Thank you so much guys! I’ll text you every stop we make!” Juliette waved as she got into the car with the Jetsons.

“We love you so much sweetie! We’ll see you in a week.” Amanda said as the Jetons started to drive away from the Summer’s house and on their way to Wyoming.

“Alrighty girls, just sit back and relax. ETA is looking like 8:30pm.” Diego Jetson, known as dad, said as he held hands with his partner, Alfred Jetson (known as papa).

The trip from California to Wyoming was dreadfully boring. For the first 3 hours, everything was going great. The girls were listening to their music, Alfred was taking a nap before starting his drive, and Diego was pumped on caffeine. Shortly passed the 5-hour mark of the car ride everything started to declined. The girls started to feel nauseous, like every girl in high school they decided to skip breakfast. This but this problem was easily fixed with a quick trip to a drive-thru McDonalds.

The next pit stop wasn’t for another 3 more hours and everyone was so happy to run out of the car to use the restroom. Unfortunately, the toilets were out of service, so they had to use the port-a-potty that hadn’t been changed in God knows how long. Alfred was determined to drive at least 7 hours to get it over with and that’s what he did. After the relentless complaining from Diego, Hana, and Juliette he gave up and pulled over to a gas station. “The love of my life, I beg you to never do that again! It was dreadfully exhausting.” Diego said as he led the group into the convenience store.

“I’m sorry, but I would love to get there today and not tomorrow.” Alfred stated as he gave a quick kiss on Diego’s cheek.

“But papa a stuffy car with only a few pits stops every so often and it hardly charge any of our phones is exhausting. Not only to mention that you took the wrong exit and ended up driving for an hour in the wrong direction.” Hana sighed as she picked up some pretzels to munch on.

“Well, I for one agree with Alfred. It’s better to get there by the end of today rather than tomorrow.” Juliette defended as Hana laughed.

“Okay miss car sick and puked in my bag of chips.” Hana snorted.

“Hey! I call that: making memories!” Juliette said with jazz hands before picking up a bottle of blue Gatorade before they got back on the road. Not even 30 minutes on the road, one of the tires popped while going 90 mph. “Alfie we are not mechanics, we are gay.” Diego huffed as he gave a water bottle to each of the girls.

“Hey putting stereotypes like that on us is not helping the situation. That being said I was never taught how to change a tire. It looks a lot easier said than done. Can you flag someone down please?” Alfred asked as Diego laughed and within 30 minutes the group was back on the road.

“Who would have thought we would be bumping into someone that is also going to Wyoming.” Juliette stated.

“And not to mention that they are also going to the PrideFest.” Hana said as she poked her dad in the driver’s seat. By the time they arrived to the air B&B they were staying at for the week it was already 10pm and they were all exhausted.

“Neither of you even touched that gas pedal. Why are you guys tired?” Diego asked finally dropping off the last of the bags they brought for the trip.

“Well, being in a car all day defiantly did not help.” Hana groaned as she stretched her arms.

“Which by the way, thank you so much for driving.” Juliette thanked.

“At least our other daughter appreciates us driving her all the way to butt fucked Wyoming.” Alfred said as he hugged Juliette.

“Hey! You’re the ones that adopted me!” Hana said as her dads glanced at each other.

“You know what. You make an amazing point that I simply cannot refute.” Diego said before picking up his phone and making a phone call.

“Babe who are you calling at this hour?” Alfred asked as Diego held up his finger.

“Hi there, I would love to put a order in for pick up for Alfred. Yes. No. Yeah, I would love 1 large cheese pizza and one large half Hawaiian and half vegetarian without any olives. Yup. No not extra, I want no olives please. Actually, can you put more pineapple on the Hawaiian half please. Yeah, that’s fine. 30 minutes? Okay thank you so much.” Diego said as he hung up and put his finger down.

“PIZZA NIGHT!” Hana cheered as she knew what that meant.

“Alright girls, go find your room and get comfortable, I think you both get your own. The room with the bathtub in it is ours, alright? And then while we go get the pizza you girls are in charge of choosing a movie to watch, make sure its horror.” Diego informed as everyone disperse to do their thing.

“Oh my god Hana! This is going to be the best spring break ever!” Juliette exclaimed as she walked into the space themed room.

“Tell me about it! I know dad and papa has so much stuffed planned to do. You should have heard them complaining how it was weird to hold a rock concert and Pride in Wyoming. Like is this place even real?” Hana yelled from her room.

“Well… we are here now, aren’t we?” Juliette asked before seeing that she was getting a call from her mom. “My parents are calling me; I’ll be out in a moment.” Juliette said waiting to hear a confirmation before closing the door.