
Druchii PMC(Warhammer fic)

Once a corrupted capitalist and lust man sleeping with his co-workers wives. Killed in his sleep he is reborn in a world of chaos. T (An: Mc personality changes has he is reborn.)

DruchiiLord183 · Video Games
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9 Chs

chapter 5

[Training camp]

"ah" "gah" "uh"

I decided it time I get stronger so I received intense training from my death hag. I first studied under scorpia in the ways of magic.

"system gives me the Mana core," I said as a crystal blue ball appeared in my hand full of winds of magic. I dropped it on the floor it shattered has all the liquid fell from it. I quickly placed my foot over it has winds of magic seeped into my skin all the way to my heart.

"ah I can feel the power," I said it felt like cold ice in my veins. now with the ability to manipulate wind of magic scorpia taught me fire magic.

[emergency mission: the warrior queen Khalida accepted your help. Save the Nehekhara queen Khalida from the onslaught invading. vampire forces.

reward: the lore of life supreme sorceress ticket 1x, 1000 gold, Nehekhara magic affinity, dark born swordmasters recruitment unlocked.]

yeah, the beacon was the first thing I set up it was a faster way of getting people to buy my army while my influence grows Now with me and my army we will teleport 5 hours from the destination not to raise any suspicion on myself. "Scorpia muster 500 men and the 200 witch elves." she bowed leaving to gather the men. Keisha and Selene walk to my side. I sent a little letter to the beautiful warrior queen Khalida in her most vernal moment since she faces constant forces vampire count undead, and now an army of 1,200 troops march onto her lands. Good thing most army of vampire counts when the general dies the army dies with him. That's why "system recruit 2 dread lords," I said. Two light shined in front has two female dread lords kneeled in front of me. I named them both shakara and Treads. "Follow me," I said as they raised their body and followed me towards the teleporter. This count won't know what hit him as he got attacked by so many crowd control generals.

We all gathered at the teleporter, it looks resemble the one Malekith used when he first encountered the Chaos Spawn. We disappeared from the Northern jungle [Province of pahualaxa.]

[Location: Devil's Backbone]


[Terain: Desert]

My army appeared on the desert plains of Devils BackBone between the border of lybaras and Marak.

"Set up camp we are not moving blind," I said then I looked towards Keisha and ordered her to scout the terrain for any enemies before we move. Has night fell Keisha came back reporting the plains were clear, I ordered for the men to organize has we March towards Lybaras.

"My Lord why not ride a horse you have no need to walk on foot" Selene my death hag stated.

"No need we keep marching" I answered as I had been walking since I've got to this world and I noticed I have an infinite amount of stamina.

2 days later

Due to the harsh climate, my men had to take many stops just to keep the morale high. we were able to reach Lybaras on time. Seeing the massively beautiful pyramid. Walking up to the siege gates.

"High Queen Khalida your reinforcement has arrived where are you!" I shouted trying to see a sign or anything.

"Rumble" "Rumble" "Rumble"

The ground beneath me shook as something was coming out of the ground. Seeing what it was I was shocked. 'Did she just fucking come out the ground' I thought in surprise?

"To think this queen will conspire with Druchii scum," she said has led me inside. I placed my hand into a fist looking behind me.

"Set up camp I go alone," I said coldly. they bowed and left not wanting to offend me. Following the queen at her side. "How bad is the situation," I said seeing her stop, she moved again leading us.

"Not good I dispatched a litch priest he never came back, I'm guessing he died since I don't sense his Mana core," she said solemnly.

" how big of an army can a Liche priest man," I asked since tomb kings stacked army are extremely resilient when the trash is thrown their way.

Reaching her office was a while. we discussed how to destroy this army coming many times to find a loop. Morning came has the shine. we continued talking and talking. She started to feel comfortable in my presence and see me has a friend.

"Khalida What if I captured the province wiping out this faction for you," I said she stopped and looked at me with sharp eyes under her beautiful mask.

"The cost of such things to happen," she said knowing their no free shit in this chaotic world.

"an alliance between our two faction, also the the knowledge on how to raise undead" I said twirling the goblet of liquor I think. she looked surprised.

"Deal," she said as she left the room and came back with rings and a jar?

"These things will signify our alliance helps us communicate directly even from long range and this is a canopic jar it posses basic knowledge on how to raise dead," she said I was glad since now I could use undead instead of slaves to do labor. The amount of food we burn through because of them was horrendous. Also, it seems I've forgotten about the one high elf princess ill need to speak to her.

I slipped the ring onto my finger and looked towards Khalida.

"So we're basically married," I said smiling towards her as I try to tease.

"Don't flatter yourself you're still too you to court me," she said smiling under her mask but roman doesn't know that.

"doesn't matter since we're both basically immortal in age," I said as I got up.

"Now it's time for business my queen has we have a war to win," I said leaving the room. I decided with the remaining gold I face these vampire counts head-on.

"system how much gold do I have left," I said.

[500 gold]

"spend it all on dread spears and summon them at the camp," I said.

[deducting 500 gold]

[summoning 500 dreadspears]

[mission complete: Make an alliance with a faction]

[rewards:4000 gold, khanite assassin summon 1x]

"summon the assassin and spend another 500 gold on dreadspears" I said surprised since the assassin will be perfect at killing the counts. 'now it's time for war' i smiled has the assassin appeared at my side.