

After getting her heart broken she left for good. Alyssa wanted to show him that she don't need his existence in her life. After 3 years Alyssa Jordan was on of USA best selling writers. Who knew that the girl who gotten her heart broken could move up to this stage. Suddenly a problem occured in her straight life , the problem was a man. Alyssa wanted to move on but she couldn't. And when she was midst of everything her worst nightmare appeared into her life. WILL SHE BE ABLE TO GIVE UP ON HER PAST AND MOVE ON? or, SHE WILL BE CAUGHT UP IN HER WORST NIGHTMARE?

Sierra_2003 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


I couldn't help but staring at him, tall figure, sandy blond hair. I couldn't see his face very clearly as he was standing very far away from me on the other side of the fountain. He was wearing a blue tuxedo and was holding two glasses of champagne. He approached towards me. I was panicking inside, my palms were sweaty, my heart was beating faster and faster. He came near me and indicated me to sit on the bench. I stepped back few steps hold my dress and clenched my fists. He smirked. He placed the glasses on the bench and took of his masque. A pair of blue eyes were looking straight into my soul.

' Well I have to say that you've courage, accepting a unknown invitation form a mysterious sender', he took a sip from his glass while offering the other one to me , 'I didn't expect that you'll come'.

I collected my overwhelming emotions and answered him, ' You didn't left me a choice , I have come here to return this necklace to you'. I took the necklace off from my neck. He got up from his seat came in front of me.

He lift his hands to touch my neck, I stopped him.

'Don't even try to touch me, keep your hands to yourself.', my voice was stern.

He retrieved his hand. ' The necklace was looking more graceful on your neck than your hand.' He came towards my ear and mumbled, ' today you stopped me from touching you soon you'll not be able resist it and also you wont be able to get out from my bedroom'. He grinned. He turned on his heels and was going back.

'Wh…what did you say? You ass wipe.'

He heard you and turned around , ' What.. what did you called me?'

'Just what you heard you ass wipe!!'

'You know what… whatever!'

' Hey! You stop there!!!'. I was going to chase after him, then when I stumbled upon my feet and fell on the ground making a noise. I saw that he halted and came back to help me get up. He came towards me and gave me a hand and I didn't took it, I was trying to get up on my own but I was failing constantly because this dress was long and made of silk and most importantly I was wearing heels. He grabbed my elbow and pulled me up.

'So miss Jordan this ass wipe helped you to get up'. I scoffed while tidying myself

'Thank you, now can you please care to elaborate what's happening'.

'Yes! That's why I asked for you to see me'.

'Please do!!!!'

'First my introduction, I'm Grayson, Jayden Grayson. Vice Chairman of Grayson Company, I'm sure that you have heard of Grayson company, and also a film producer.'

'What do you want from me? Why did you sent me all these?'

'Ah! that!! I wanted to know why did you reject the director which I sent?'

'What? I rejected whom?'

'Director Shin Woo, I sent you a contract that I want you t work with us, we wanted to make a film on your novel'.

I smirked and folded my hands. 'I don't work with anyone Mr. Grayson and I don't want that you guys make a film on my writing, I want people to read and use their imagination to see the novel in their mind's eye.'

'Ms. Jordan try to understand that this will make good profit you and me both.' He ruffled his hair back.

I went to him and took his hand placed the necklace on to his palm and walked away.

'If you are thinking that this was our last meeting, then let me correct you my eyes fell upon you, I get whatever my eyes fell upon and you're the gem which will be most precious and bring grace to my collection.'

I halted and turned at him and said, 'Maay be you can buy everything and everyone with your money but not me, I'M NOT A THING MR. GRAYSON '. I mouthed, ' A S S W I P E !!' towards him.

He laughed and said , 'Soon you'll be craving for my touch'

I walked away. I called a cab and went home and all the way I was thinking that how can people be so greedy and selfish. I reached and saw that there were press reporters in front of house. As soon as I got out of the cab, they surrounded me like bees.

'Ms. Jordan are you Mr. Grayson's new girlfriend or his new fling?'

'From when you guys are dating ?'

'You went to his secret masquerade ball tonight?'

' When you two are going admit your relation in front of the world?'

I was dumbfounded, I didn't even know his name before tonight and they are asking if I'm dating him. Camera flashes were on my face, I was scared. A gang of unknown people were asking me about a stranger but then a strong grip hold me in a warm embrace, I closed my eyes in fear, I feeling like I can faint any moment. I heard door opening.

I woke up on my bed, wiped of the drool and rubbed my eyes. I felt like someone was sleeping beside me. I panicked and turned towards , I saw a sexy muscular bare back. I knew I'll do something idiotic I drank too much yesterday, I slept with a stranger but then I remember I didn't even even talked with anyone I booked a cab and came home but why can't I remember what happened after that . I wanted to see his face when. I was still trying to remember suddenly everything came back to like a flashback and I remembered what ACTUALLY happened yesterday. There were press reporter asking me about that dumbass.

'Huh! What do they think I'm dating that jackass!!'

'Who are you calling jackass? Me?'

I turned my head and saw a his face sleepy, puffy face, I screamed in top of my voice.


He covered his ears in disgust. He took a pillow and threw at me to stop me from screaming.

'Stop screaming for God's sake'.

I suddenly noticed that I was not wearing anything but a shirt and he was wearing he was wearing boxers only BOXERS!!!!! what I was wearing yesterday and my dress was on the chair, I panicked even more.

'You forced a drunk girl to sleep with you?'

'What!! no !!

'Then who changed my clothes?'

He looked at me, 'Mrs. Guerra did'. I placed my right hand on my chest and heaved a sigh.

'Now can you please tell me what happened yesterday?', I said sternly.

' You were drunk and when you reached here you saw all those reporters and camera flashings. You panicked and fainted. You were lucky that I followed you and came here and I stayed here because you puked all over my coat and your dress.'

I was embarrassed for my actions and I was more embarrassed on myself that I couldn't remember any of that. I stepped out of my bed and I was feeling dizzy all over again.

'Okay so that 'I'm so strong' woman is alcohol intolerant. That's something funny'. He got off from bed. He was only wearing his boxers, I could see his abs muscular legs. I was gulping him with my eyes.

'Like what you see?'

I came back to my senses, 'Not at all huh! Why do you put yourself on pedestal and make yourself almighty , I have seen better'.

'You have seen better but not the best, you wanna eat me but you won't accept your lust, that's a shame though tsk! tsk! tsk!'.

I was standing near the couch, he came towards me. He ruffled his sandy blonde hair and looked at me seductively. I couldn't control my hormones, I blushed. He slowly walked near me , close to me. I couldn't utter word out of my mouth, my brain stopped functioning before him.

'Wh..you..', I was stuttering. His body almost touched mine, I was blank but still blushed like an idiot. I was taking steps back. He came to me. I again took few steps back and he again took few step towards me.