

To love is to be vulnerable. There's always risk. Nonetheless, to love is also an opportunity to gain wisdom from your mistakes. That's what they said, that's what i had been always believe. Until the moment when my life got shuttered. I dedicated my life for someone whom i thought love me enough. Whom i thought love me equally. I was wrong, To those years we spent with each other. They all vanished like bubbles in thin air. The past came back and it destroyed the present, even the future that awaits to the two aspiring lovers. I've been asking my self, what went wrong. What has gotten that suddenly we split up? What's not enough that i couldn't still fill the hole in his heart? I thought, we were okay. I thought, it's fine. I thought i fixed him already, i thought he love me. Maybe he did, but not to the extent that he can let go the person who once destroyed him. I was just a fixer huh, one you can run to whenever you need help then leave 'coz you don't need her anymore.

BlytheZoyle14 · Teen
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38 Chs

Drown #9

When i opened the door the face of my oh-so-annoying-cousin greeted me.

"Where have you been?" He asked but his tone sound stern, i sighed. I don't have the strength to argue with him right now.

"Just, there" I only said.

"Wow? There? where is that 'There' and how come it made your face bloated like you fucking ate one drum of gluta?" He sarcastically stated.

"Please.." I look direactly in his eyes. "Not now King, I'm exhausted, okay."  His jaw clenched and later then he continuously spat illicit words that made me cringe.

I sighed tiredly. Lazily, i threw my bag on the sofa and gave him his car keys.

"You're tired? Really? Tired? If you are that tired how come you ain't stoping, huh. Wyett Audelia. Tell me, is that what you call tired?" He's taunting.

"King.." My voice pleaded.

"Oh no, don't give me that kind of tone my dear cousin. I tried to understand you. I tried sort things out but It's time for you to fix yourself. Go back to work, you're fucked up. damn it. I get that you're in a mess but that doesn't mean you will throw you life and make yourself useless!"

We looked at each others eyes, no one's backing down. His veins are showing, proving he's that pissed.

"I don't know what's with your temper now and who made you angry but... " I sigh "Please,not now--''

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I flinched when he shouted.

"Fix your self or i will destroy that motherfucking asshole, Audelia Roan. I arrived here without you and the moment you showed your Goddamn face is like that again! I'm getting impatient, if you don't want me taking actions, fuckin straighten up. And No, i won't tolerate your caprices anymore"

His voice is sharp, his eyes were glaring at me. As much as i hate obeying him, i know i can't do anything anymore because the last thing i want is making King mad. Holy cow, I got so much drama for to day.

"Call my assistant, i will resume working next week" That's what i said and left him where he was standing. I still can't get over but look what i got, i just got scolded and forced to work.



Exhaustion, pain, frustration.. everything... it draine me and hurt me but no matter what i do, i can never undo it.

I was  spacing out, i blankly stared at the ceiling. I don't know for how long but then the door opened and it was King, Tsk. What is it again?

"Audrey called me, she's asking for you and asked me if ever i saw your book" He started. I just bit my bottom lip.

"I kept it in my room, It got washed on. I don't know if it's still usable"

I didn't bother looking at him but i felt him threw the notebook on my side. The next thing i knew he shut the door and then i was staring at my notebook already.

With shaking hands i reached for it, i opened it. True to his words, the book got soaked, the pages got scratched and some faded.

Nevertheless it's still good, i felt my joints calm down because finally, i'm holding it.

I continuously turning the page until i saw one entry, Maybe one of the longest confession i ever made...