

To love is to be vulnerable. There's always risk. Nonetheless, to love is also an opportunity to gain wisdom from your mistakes. That's what they said, that's what i had been always believe. Until the moment when my life got shuttered. I dedicated my life for someone whom i thought love me enough. Whom i thought love me equally. I was wrong, To those years we spent with each other. They all vanished like bubbles in thin air. The past came back and it destroyed the present, even the future that awaits to the two aspiring lovers. I've been asking my self, what went wrong. What has gotten that suddenly we split up? What's not enough that i couldn't still fill the hole in his heart? I thought, we were okay. I thought, it's fine. I thought i fixed him already, i thought he love me. Maybe he did, but not to the extent that he can let go the person who once destroyed him. I was just a fixer huh, one you can run to whenever you need help then leave 'coz you don't need her anymore.

BlytheZoyle14 · Teen
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38 Chs

Drown #28

I marched out of Las Casas fuming mad. I couldn't believe it! Myghad! My cousin who nearly died because of stress, exhaustion just took back the bastard who hurted her!

And i rather walk home alone than ride with any of those two inside.

How can people accept those who hurt them so much?

Wow, coming from you?

A part of my brain said that.  I scoffed, my situation is different.

I pick Las Casas with expectation that my mood might lit up.

Although senior year is not that stressful, there are still so much stuff to do so it's hassle.

I wanted to eat and see him but gosh, my mood just gotten worse!

And i shouted at him! something i don't usually do!

I stump my foot with frustration when no Grab car available near the are. What the fvvck.

Worse day!

This is GTC, Tungsten might be around. Maybe if i call him he can pick me up here.

With my knitted brows i look back at the Restaurant.


Again stumping my foot while walking away. Those two might go out and find me here in front waiting for no one.

I sniff.

Damn it, why am i crying!

I wiped my tears but they kept falling! What the hell is wrong with my eyes!

Ugh!! //sniff//

My eyes sting, i hate seeing them in pain.

I hate that guy so much! I lost my Wyett because of him! he destroyed my cousin! he destroyed her that i couldn't even recognize her.

And King.... that guy is just like anybody else!

I hate the way he's turning into different person.

People change but why do the people i love change into something worst?

With a heavy heart i kept walking in the side walk.

But a hand grab my shoulder, i got surprise with the sudden action that i went mute.

Only to face him.

He look at my face, he's seeing me cry like a baby.

He sighed. I pouted more and look at him too.

His face is like always, looks bored and always look like not in the mood with his brows slightly knitted.

My eyes who sense his concern became more teary.

He tsked but cares my head.

"Just that?" i said

He shook his head. Now that i realize he's still wearing his work uniform and it seems like he ran to chase after me.

He doesn't need to talk. I can understand.

I shove away his hand laying on top of my head and just enveloped my hands in his body for a hug.

I sniffed on his shirt, he smells like food.

But i can still smell the faint perfume in his body.

Nonetheless i still like his smell.

"I'm dirty" He spoke

'Hmmm' is my only response.

"Come on, let me take you out" He meant going home.

I'm still hugging him and i refuse to let go so i just raised my head to look at him face to face. My chin on his chest.

"My legs are tired" i cried

He 'tss' me before kneeling unto the ground after letting my hand go.

I stared at his back before hopping into it.

"This is what i mean, they would really hurt with that stunt you pull off"

"I didn't do anything"

He snickered.

"You walked fast and kept stumping your foot on the ground, not to mention you already walked a lot. Now wouldn't they hurt?"

I fell silent, getting nagged by him is not something i really like.

"I'm sad" i spoke.

He didn't mutter a word, he kept walking while carrying me on his back. I notice we were going back at Las Casas only walking to the different path.

After a while his words gave a slight realization.

"I know, but you shouldn't meddle with their problems, just be with them when they are in pain. Letting them do things you know are stupid doesn't mean you support their stupidity, but let them learn from their own mistakes. You cannot  teach someone who haven't experience what you are implying"

I bit my lip with that.

I then noticed that he's taking me at the back of the restau where i think his bike is parked.

"You haven't finished your work yet, you can't go home" i said.

"And who would take you home?" he snobbingly asked.

I pout my lips.

We stopped and i jump off from his back.

"You sure?"

"I'll just explain tomorrow" He informed. "Now, hop in"

I sighed and i did what he told me.

He started the engine and we're off.