

Jamie (DemonKing2200) was one of the greatest players in the VRMMORPG known as “Rings.” However, after an unlikely event that leads to his death, he is reborn as the 2200th Demon King of a world named Kaden. As Jamie, the handsome and badass man who is destined to bring the Dark Age to the humans goes forth on his new journey, he encounters a few people that change his journey in ways he never expected. Watch as our 2200th Demon King ventures across Kaden to take this new world into his hands. *** ARC 1: DOWNWOOD Right after his Reincarnation, Jamie is met with a couple of strangers that assist in many ways, without knowing that he is the Demon King. As the Shadows march towards the Demon King in search to guide him, rumors about the Rise of the Demon King spreads across Kaden. Meanwhile... our Demon King makes himself home at a peaceful cabin as he secretly levels himself up while learning the way of the Dark Lords. Releases: 2/per day (Though I might be unable to update if I’m sick or life happens!) **** Author’s Note: Sup guys, good day to all my readers. I hope you enjoy my work... and as of now, I have no idea how it’s gonna turn out, so read and leave reviews, comments and gifts if you wanna support me! [The story will be continued if this gets enough positive feedback!] What to expect? - Western Fantasy - System with RPG Elements - Action - Harem - Overpowered MC - Vampires - Kingdom Building - Genius MC - Modern x Fantasy World - Slice of Life - Dark

The_Dark_Fox · Fantasy
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In an utterly dark cave, there was a small pond of water resting peacefully in the middle. There was a rock that appeared above the shallow water, and on it, was the skeleton of a long-dead humanoid creature.

Suddenly,  a cold and dark mist surrounded this skeleton, and got sucked into it!

The clouds of smoke swirled around the skeleton and within it, two glowing eyes formed.

Jamie opened his eyes.

<You are reborn, DemonKing2200!>

The message flinched in front of his eyes. However, Jamie had no idea of his situation, so he still believed that he was actually alive.

"Reborn? What the fuck! What the actual fuck?"

"My sense of aura was in top-notch shape and… I didn't even sense anything! How could've he sneaked up on me! And he was a bloody dragon tamer! They release a vast aura! This can't be happening!"

Jamie was having a breakdown.

'This must be a glitch of some sort! The mods know my name… maybe if I speak to them, I might have another chance of regaining my lost skills… this, this can't be!'

For a moment, he calmed his mind. Then, he looked around, only to see a completely dark cave. He was surprised when he saw this. It wasn't even anything like his respawn point, which was back at his tower.

He gazed at his body and he wasn't even wearing the Armour of the Pale Knight or the Gauntlet of the Fallen Angels. He was simply wearing ragged old clothes with only a rusted chest plate.

"What the hell?" Jamie cried out.

"Show me my character status!"

<Character Status>

Name: <Choose a name>

Species: Demon - Lvl 1

General skills:

<Identification Skil: Identify anything unknown>

<Language Skill: Learn any language by interacting with it>

Special Skill:

<Shadow Forge - Lvl 1: Materialise weapons using shadows or any form of darkness>

Stats: [Level 1]

Strength: 10/10

Vitality: 5/5

Endurance: 5/5 [Adds +10 more points under the moonlight!]

Intelligence: 5/5


[You're the 2200th Demon King of Kaden! Dominate the world and take what is meant to be yours, and bring back the Legion of Darkness to the world. Bring an era of darkness and return The Demon King to Kaden!]

"WHAT!" Jamie cried out. He was surprised to see a few skills in his character status that he had never even seen before and a [Legacy] he never asked for.

And what was this "2200th Demon King" shit? He had no idea about it. And why was it his user?

'This glitch is just too funny! That guy must be having the time of his life after whatever happened to me! But not for long,' Jamie thought, raising his hands and pulling out his VR helmet.

He grabbed something, but it wasn't his VR helmet. It was his own head.

"Heh?" Shocked and with no idea about what was going on, he kept patting his head. 'Where is my helmet? Goddammit!'

He knew that those were his muscles, and that head was… his head.

"What the shit?"

For a brief moment, he stopped touching his own head and simply looked down at his hands. He looked down at the water and it was ultra-realistic and with even more quality than the actual "Rings" was.

He simply tried touching his head again, and this time, he brushed up his hair with his left hand. He felt the hair on his head, not the helmet.

He was slowly coming to an understanding about what had happened to him during his gameplay. He had seen many of those animes and even read thousands of webnovels like this, but he never thought that such a thing existed in real life. Because he even dreamed of this moment in sleep.

Jamie had been reborn in another world! And he hadn't felt this great since the moment he dropped college.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck! I never thought this shit could happen in real life!"

Jamie impatiently looked around the cave, looking for an open area to escape. He saw a ray of light that was falling through a hole in the roof of the cave.

From what it seemed, the water in the pond was shallow and not deep. He jumped into the water, crushing a few bones of an old corpse, and rushed towards the light.

<Old Eden Sword - Lvl 4>

As he walked through the pond of water, he spotted an old sword that was rusting away on a mossy stone. 'Ho, loot already?'

Happily, he grabbed the sword sitting on the mossy stone and pulled out all the roots and veins growing over it. He raised it and brushed off the algae growing on it.

<You have successfully unlocked a Level 5: "Old Eden Sword!">

With that sword in hand, Jamie slowly walked towards the natural skylight formed on the roof of the old cave. It wasn't a massive leap to reach it; even his former self could make that, and surely, this body was taller.

"HUP!" He reached out, hopping up, and managed to grab the edge with his left hand as he held the sword in his right. "HAHA! YES!"

On a whim, he was outside of the cave, sitting on a stony cold surface.

<You have exited the Cave of the Lork>

Another message popped up. Far as he was concerned, he had no idea what a Lork was and what he was doing here in the cave in the first place. What he did know… was the Legacy that was given to him by the system.

'A demon king, huh? Well… I know my fair share of demons from defeating millions of them, so, how hard could it be to actually be one yourself?' Jamie thought.

The next thing he knew, he was in front of a large wall of water that was trailing down from above, which he suspected to be a 'waterfall.' He looked back and the hole that he had come through had already disappeared.

"Hidden area? This sword would be great if it came from a place like that," he said, raising his new sword. He couldn't believe it. If it was his past life, he would just never be able to lift such a sword but now, he was handling it light-handedly.

"This… this is awesome! And Mom said that I can't live up to my name! Look who's living up to his name now, Mom. DemonKing2200 is reborn to conquer new lands!"