
The last day

Somewhere in the nothingness, under the vast sky, and above the ground. Inside a white room with invisible walls. Two living beings sat in front of each other. One of them was human, while the other was a creature unknown to humankind. Between them was a wooden chess table with 31 finely crafted glass pieces on each side.

One would wisely conclude that their game just started not long ago. Based on the fact that every figure stood in the starting position. No one would ever assume that this was the end of an unbelievably long game.

The creature sighed and looked at the human boy in front of him with a complicated gaze. It had no eyes, no face, no skin, just a black outline in a human shape. Everything else was white, just like a lousy quality cartoon character.

When the creature wanted to smile, a mouth appeared. When the creature wanted to look, a pair of white eyes popped up. Finally, when it wanted to cry, tears fell out of nowhere. Seeing this absurd scene would leave the world astonished, and the teenage boy in front of it was no exception. It only lasted a second, but he was undoubtedly surprised.

The creature looked at him, and its mouth appeared out of thin air.

"We played with 31 figures instead of 16. A checkmate did not happen, and every figure is on the board, just like when we started 37 hours ago. Yet, I still lost."

"That happened because you are so bad at chess."

"I'm still a god." Roared the mysterious creature as it suddenly smacked the chessboard.

"So what? You said it yourself that gods are just like humans. Not omnipotent, not omniscient, and not omnipresent. They are just strong enough to be called gods. You lost in chess, and you are surprised that I, a human, beat a god." The boy argued.

"No, I indeed said that gods are just like humans, but I'm the god of knowledge, Tarinainda. So losing against someone who only lived for 17 years doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't make sense if we follow logic, but it happened anyway. This is what I call the beauty of life. Now, how about you compensate me for the time I wasted on you and your chess?"

"Time flows differently in this place, so you didn't waste any time, but a loss is a loss. I will give you something that only gods know. It is an ancient secret so listen well. You said that I wasted your time, right?

Well, you are half right because time should not be wasted! Everyone has only one life. It's a confirmed fact. Reincarnation doesn't exist. There is no second chance and stuff like that.

Live your life to the fullest, so when the time comes, you can pass with a smile on your face." After this sentence, the god snapped his fingers, and a blinding white light suddenly enveloped the whole room.

Seconds later, the white light completely disappeared, along with the mysterious human boy, leaving behind the white room and the smirking Tarinainda.

Hi, author here! First chapter is 500 words only. This is supposed to be something like a trailer?

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