


MonarchXD · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Death Tyrant Lich

[You have entered the 'Death Tyrant's' Chamber]

The first thing that hit Cyrus was the darkness, an almost suffocating blackness that seems to devour all light. The only source of illumination is a dim, flickering torch mounted on the wall, casting eerie shadows across the chamber.

As he take in his surroundings, Cyrus see's that the walls are lined with ancient tapestries, depicting scenes of death and destruction. The air is thick with the scent of decay, and his nose wrinkles at the pungent aroma.

In the center of the chamber lies a large, circular platform made of black obsidian. It glows with a faint, purple light, emanating from a large, intricately carved stone in the center of the platform. The stone is covered in arcane symbols and pulsates with dark energy.

The chamber is filled with ancient artifacts and tomes. There are piles of bones, both human and beasts, scattered around the room, along with twisted instruments of torture and death. The walls are lined with shelves of ancient tomes, some bound in human and animal skin.

Cyrus could hear a faint, chilling whisper echoing around him, as if someone was trying to speak to him from beyond the darkness. Suddenly, the stone in the center of the platform begins to glow brighter, and a cold breeze sweep through the room.

Slowly, a form of a figure started to materialize before him. It is a skeletal figure, draped in ancient robes of black silk. Its eyes glow with a sickly green light, and its bony fingers are covered in rings of purest gold.

Cyrus realized that he was in the presence of a being of immense power, a creature that has cheated death and now seeks to rule over the living. His palms were sweating and his mouth going dry.

As to break the silence, the being spoke to Cyrus in a voice that sounded like the grinding of bones.

"Are you the last sacrifice offered by those who are unworthy of my attention, mere ants in their self-serving existence?"

As the voice of the lich echoes through the chamber, Cyrus was struck by a sense of overwhelming horror. It is a voice that sounds as if it is composed of multiple beings, each speaking in unison, their voices blending together into a cacophony of terror.

At times, the voice sounded deep and resonant, as if it is coming from the bowels of the earth itself. Other times, it is shrill and piercing, like the screams of a hundred souls trapped in eternal torment. It is a voice that seems to change and warp with each passing moment.

Cyrus took control of his disordered emotions and stood firm, gazing up at the ghastly creature. "I am not a sacrifice, but the man who has come to confront you." Cyrus declared. "And I agree with your assessment. Humans are self-centered beings, driven by their own desires and ambition. However, there are those who seek to live by a higher standard, who live by principles of virtuous morals. I am one such person, and I will not be taken down without a fight"

The lich lets out a cold, bone-chilling laugh that echoes throughout the chamber. "You are a fool, just like all the others." it sneers. "Morality and virtue are nothing but feeble constructs of the weak and feeble-minded, why do you think you had been chosen as the sacrifice? They had deemed you weak and useless. In the end, all that matters is power and domination, and I possess both in abundance."

It pauses, fixing its baleful gaze upon Cyrus. "You are nothing but a mere mortal, a fleeting speck of life that will soon fade into nothingness. But I am eternal, an undying being of immense power and knowledge. You cannot hope to stand against me."

[Lv-.40 - The Death Tyrant Lich (Boss)(Sealed State)]

"And When I devour your soul, none shall be able to even think of challenging my reign." the creature declares.

'Level 40! And you're telling me that's not even his full power?' Cyrus exclaim to himself. 'If he takes my soul as the final sacrifice, then his true strength could be even more immense? How high can his level possibly go?'

Raising its skeletal hand, the lich unleashes a deluge of dark magic hurling towards Cyrus. Lacking a weapon to defend himself, Cyrus is forced to rely solely on his shield. Bracing himself, he raises his shield, the impact of the magic creating a resounding clang as it collides with the shield.

[You have been dealt 202 damage]

[Health 402 -> 200/402]

[You have regenerated 3.5 health]

"Aghr!" grunted Cyrus as he was forcefully thrown backwards by the impact.

'Despite being a level 40 boss, the damage inflicted upon me was not as severe as I had anticipated. Had it not been for my 15% magic resistance and the additional coverage of my shield, I would have suffered way more damage.' Thought Cyrus.

As even a single point of damage can prove decisive, Cyrus immediately instructed the system to allocate his remaining five attribute points towards endurance. This was necessary to increase his magic resistance and thereby gain even a small margin of an advantage against the lich.

[Endurance 20 -> 25]

[Magic Resistance 10% -> 12.5% (15% ->17.5% with equipment's)]

"I have no interest in engaging in this futile battle, so I implore you to simply meet your end."

With a sneer on its face, the lich emanates a sickly green light that shimmers through the air. A faint chanting can be heard echoing in the room, growing louder as time passes. As the chanting reaches a crescendo, numerous symbols begin to shine in green dye on the ground beneath the lich.

From the shadows, an army of undead creatures emerges, summoned by the lich's call. The horde shuffles forth mindlessly, consisting of skeletons with rusted armor.

[ Lv.10 -Skeleton minion (Common)]

The lich ordered the swarm of undead skeleton minions to charge towards the mortal. Cyrus remained steadfast, holding his shield aloft and activating his awakened ability.

"Do you really think that those pieces of bones can even come close to me? You must be dreaming! Overloaded Heat!"

Cyrus effortlessly repelled each approaching skeleton, causing them to instantly wither and perish as their life force was burned away by the intense flames emanating from him. Due to his wide area of effect, he didn't have to focus too much on the lich's necromantic abilities. This allowed him to lighten his load and concentrate on other aspects of the battle.

"Your power is quite fascinating, with the ability to create a scorching blaze that possesses the potential to consume even the very essence of flames. How about beings who lack the physical bodies, will you be able to extinguish them as well?"

With a wave of its bony hand, the lich summons forth a legion of magical souls, their spectral forms materializing out of the shadows.

The souls hover in the air, their ethereal bodies pulsing with a sickly green light. Their eyes burn with a malevolent energy. With a chaotic frenzy, their spectral form reach out towards their prey, a cold chill following as they fly through the air.

With a wicked grin on its skeletal face, the lich observes as the specters rush towards it. However, to its surprise, the moment the specters enter the range of Cyrus's overloaded heat, they burned into oblivion.

"Oh, I must say, your ability to burn even spirits is quite impressive. However, I wonder about the limits of your endurance. It appears that your power drains your life force in order to fuel its strength. Which will prevail in the end, your limited vitality or my nearly infinite mana pool? Perhaps your best bet is to evade my attacks and prolong your survival, though I must say, the thought amuses me greatly. HAHAHAHA!"

Fortunately, Cyrus was able to handle the Lich's summoning with ease. However, the Lich was out of range of his abilities because of his floating body, and he had no means of inflicting any damage upon it. This raised the question of whether the battle would devolve into a war of attrition and endurance, with Cyrus having to dodge the Lich's attacks indefinitely.