


RedBerryOne · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Unexpected Constellation

The world was in happiness, eagerness, curious and waiting to see the constellation form. Everyone knew about the prophecy from the witch who could perform miracles and tell the future ti a certain extent, now believed to be dead, her dark magic made people believe she is telling the truth about the dragon constellation that is supposed to appear on the day of the Choosing, the day that the dragon constellation appears in the sky, to grant lucky people with any wish they want.

And today was the day of that event.

All over the world, people were anxious, even sitting in their homes thinking what they would do if they were chosen.

'I would get rid of poverty…'

'I would want to be immortal!'

'I would protect my family.'

'I would want to be the richest in the world!'

'I would be taller!'

'I would be famous!'

Many already had their wishes prepared, tweeting about it, and even posting about it on social media.

Celebrities were posting it all over the place, getting millions of likes on each post, with the captions saying:

"Today is the choosing! I'm hyped! I hope I get chosen tbh. I wanna have the voice of an angel!"

"Eh, I don't think it's gonna show. Probably just a hoax, like that dead witch is."

"If I'm chosen in the Choosing, I'll have the most perfect and ageless body so I can act in more movies!"

(Seoul, Korea)

(High school)


The entire cafeteria was talking about it as well, with students sharing what they would do if they were chosen to make a wish.

They said what anyone would expect from teenagers:

"I'm gonna be the only one with all the money in the world!"

"I'm gonna have a harem of all the celebrities I want!"

"I'm gonna be the best and most famous soccer player in the world!"

As they continued to chatter, among them, sitting alone, was a boy named Joon. 16 years old, wavy black hair in a small pony tail right at the top of his neck, and dark red eyes. But one of his eyes was closed with a scar over it.

Joon didn't bother eating, he was just picking his food, thinking:

'I have soooo many things I could wish for. But If I'm chosen, I know I would be too hesitant to choose. Crap! What if there's a time limit on how long we choose our wish! Calm down, Joon, calm down. It's gonna be fine. That's IF I get chosen! I hope so! Overall, I have 50 wishes I want to be granted, but I can only choose one. So it's better to get this out the way now than later! No one knows what time the Choosing is supposed to be happening, but that also means it could happen any moment! Yes, I need to be ready! Okay, so..'

A group of hands slammed onto Joon's table, and Joon slowly looked up.

It was one of the star soccer players at his school, Duck-Hwan, but everyone called him Duck. He had faded curly black hair, light gray eyes, and a small white bandage on the middle of his nose.

Duck said to Joon, "Hoh? What are you gonna wish for? Your eye back?"

His friends laughed, and Joon looked down at his food, thinking, 'This happens every day. Just ignore them.'

Duck scoffed, "Oi, I'm talking to you shit nerd!"

His friends said:

"Me personally, I wouldn't let him ignore me like that, just saying."

Duck gritted his teeth, while a few people were watching.

Duck thought, 'Getting ignored is embarrassing, not gonna lie.'

Duck grabbed Joon by the collar, saying, "Respond!"

Joon said, "Please, let me go…"

"Yeah, that's it! Haha!"

Suddenly, a hand was placed on Duck's shoulder, and he turned to it.

It was his soon-to-be girlfriend, Hana. She had golden dark blonde hair that was straight with bangs, with dark pink eyes and freckles on her cheeks.

Hana said to Duck, "You're embarrassing yourself, let's go."

"Come on! Everyone else does it to this nerd! How come it's a problem when I do it?"

"You look stupid when you do it. Come on. I'm not gonna say it again."

Duck said to Joon, "You got lucky."

Duck pushed Joon back, and started walking away with his friends as Hana stayed behind.

Joon said to Hana, "T-Thank you! I can't think of how to repay you right now, but I-!"

"Stop talking to me."

Hana started walking away, pacing herself with a straight face.

Joon thinks, 'Wow. I expected that, because she doesn't talk to anyone besides Duck. And she barely even talks to him. What does she see in him? She's the most popular and prettiest girl in school, and Duck is one of the most popular as well, because he's the best soccer striker player here. I guess it makes sense…is Hana attracted to guys who are assholes? Anyway, lunch is almost over, I'm gonna head back to class.'

Joon stood up out of his chair, and started walking out of the cafeteria.

Other students were laughing at Joon, and Joon just walked by clenching his fist.

'I think…I have a clear view on what I would wish for. For me to be perfect. I have no friends, whatsoever. I mean, yeah…the new school year just started 5 days ago, but people already have half the school as their friends. I don't try too hard to fit in, but I would like to be noticed and approached positively every once in a while. I hate violence and negativity, I've been dealing with it since I was a child. With how I lost one of my eyes…to that old woman, and everything that happens during my elementary and middle school years. I've never really had friends, okay maybe I had like, two. Back then It was easier to ignore the constant bullying because those two always had my back. But that was when I was starting middle school, and they moved away. I always wondered what it felt like to be appreciated. And it took me till now to realize that my wish…is to be granted perfection. Hopefully I get chosen when the Dragon constellation appears..'

Joon was walking through the hallway, taking a left and walking straight into his classroom, early there before anyone else.

His teacher, Beom-Seok, sat at the desk reading over notes. He had slick orange hair, brown eyes, and thin glasses on, with a few wrinkles on his face.

Joon sat down at his own desk, pulled out a book, and started reading.

Beom-Seok asked Joon, "Early again huh?"

Joon replied, "O-Oh, yeah…sorry. I can stop if you want me too."

"No, no it's fine. Being early shows what you're really capable of. Those who are late, get the last piece of cake is what I always heard."

"Oooooo I heard that saying too!"

"Mhm Mhm."

Beom-Seok thought, 'Ever since the school year started he's been back from lunch early, earlier than the other students. Should I ask him why that is? Nah, I don't think I should. If I'm chosen by the constellation, I'll have the power to know everything. I wanna understand these kids in this day and age more. And maybe even myself at times.'

Minutes later, the other students started coming in, with Hana and Duck arriving into the classroom as well, sitting in their chairs.

As they sat down, Hana was staring at Joon. Joon noticed, but he didn't look her way, mostly because he didn't want to freak her out with how one of his eyes were missing, so he looked away, with his cheeks a little red.

Duck was watching, balling his paper up with one hand, thinking, 'How dare he blush at HANA? And how dare Hana stare at that shit nerd!'

Beom-Seok started to teach the class, and everyone was jotting notes down, besides Duck who had his feet kicked up in the chair, biting the end of his pencil.

(2 hours later)

School was over, and a flood of students started to leave the classrooms, chatting it up. Most of the talk was about the arrival of the Dragon constellation.

"Do you think that witch is the dragon herself?"

"Come on, that's such an ass theory."

"I'm gonna go online and see if they have any theories on this dragon constellation thing! Sounds like something straight out of a story!"

Joon was walking by himself, with earbuds in his ear, playing upbeat music. He kept his head down, looking down at the floor as he held onto his black school bag.

'I'm…so hungry.'

Joon was outside now, and he was out in the car lot, where parents came to get their children.

"Oiii, damn brat! Joon! Over here jackass!"

Joon looked up, and he saw his mother, leaning against the hood of a car, smoking a cigarette.

Her name was Yon. She had straight black hair, dark yellow eyes, and she wore a black choker around her neck.

Joon said, "Mom!"

Yon replied, "Huh? So like, What took you so long? Dealin' with bullies again? I'll beat their ass, right now. Point me to them."

Joon was getting in the car, saying, "Haha! No, it's fine. I'm ready to leave, it's been a really really long day."


One student was staring at Yon, and Yon saw them.

Yon jumped at them, saying, "Fuck you looking at, brat?"

Joon said, "Mommmm."

"Coming, coming, don't rush your mother, brat."

Yon got in the car, started it up, and drove away.

Joon was looking out the window as the car sped through the road.

Yon asked Joon, "Uh…you good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess."

"Rough day or something?"

"Guess you could say that."

"Mmm. Joon. My baby. My dear son. If you have any issues with anyone, you tell me right now."




"I WON'T! Maybe."


Joon turned back to look out the window, and said, "Why…did things have to turn out this way? Why can't I just…be normal?"

"Normal, Heh? You're not the only one in this God forsaken world with complications."

Joon looked at Yon, and Yon looked at him. Yon almost got emotional, her bottom lip quivered, and she looked away, thinking, 'I hate that my own son has to go through this. If anything, if fucking anything, it im chosen to make the wish when the constellation appears, I would change the past. Back to when…I wasn't fit to be a parent. It might've been my fault he lost his eye, due to my dumbass decisions to neglect him and my responsibility. And I vowed to never make that mistake again. So if this stupid ass constellation thing is true, then I'll rewrite the past. Damn it all for making me feel guilty every time I look at my own son, making my ass think I did all of this to him, I'm the reason why he can't have a normal high school life and hang out with friends or find love.'

Yon said to Joon, "Yo, Joon."


"Everything will be fine, don't worry. I suck at giving affection, I'm not gonna lie, but I lo-love you. A lot. Even though your father isn't with us anymore, he loved you just as much. Also…"


"You want some food? I'm hungry as hell, I haven't eaten all day."

"YES! You're paying, right?"

"HAHA! Funny. Little shit. You're gonna get a job one of these days."

(25 minutes later)

They arrived at the large 3 story house, pulling into the driveway. Before the car even stopped, the door to the house opened. And it was Joon's little brother, Gyeong, 13 years old. He had light brown hair, tan skin, and light brown eyes, and he was eating two bags of chips at once.

He said, "Did you bring food?! Did you bring food?! Did you bring food?!"

Yon got out of the car, saying, "Dude! You're eating two bags of chips!"

Gyeong threw the chips behind him, replying, "Huh? No I'm not? Where?"

"Hmph. Whatever. I brought you a piece of bread."


"Relax, brat. It was a joke. You're lucky I'm even feeding you at all."



Joon was walking to the house, chuckling under his breath.

Gyeong said to his older brother Joon, "Oi. Joon."


"I played your game while you were away at school. I got super bored. You don't mind, do you?"

"I DO! You probably broke something."

"Nope. Only a couple of records in smash bros. You're welcome."


"You have any friends yet? Or maybe a girlfriend? I wanna meet them."


"Okay, see ya!"

He started jogging away.

Yon asked Joon, "Yo, Joon. Can you take the trash out for me? It smells like rotten cow nipples."

"Gross! Ew! I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."

"Haha! That face!"

Yon started walking away, Joon walked with her, going inside and picking up the trash bag. He walked outside, and headed towards the trash bin on the side of the house.

Inside of the house, Gyeong ran up to Yon, saying, "You have 11 missed calls!"

He handed her the house phone, and Yon looked at it, recognizing the number.

"Those damn feds…"

"Your job spam calling you again? How annoying!"

"Hell yeah it's annoying. I told them to call my cell."

Outside, Joon was putting the trash bag in the trash bin, smelling the fresh air that gave off a scent of fresh food, feeling the wind breeze past him, letting the sun hit his skin, and hearing a loud crack in the sky.

Joon panicked, and he looked up, seeing the sky was getting darker really fast.

"Is this…?!" Joon stated as he was too much in awe to get the words out.

Gyeong and Yon came outside.

Gyeong was pointing, saying, "THE CHOOSING! IT'S GOTTA BE THE CHOOSING, RIGHT?!"

Yon smirked, looking up at the sky, scaratching the inside of her ear, saying, "About damn time. I was getting bored."

Suddenly, more people started to come out of their homes, looking at the sky which was turning pitch black.

All over the world, everyone was looking up at the sky, seeing that it was now pitch black. There were stars forming in the sky as well, moving around and forming into something.

"Look at that!"

"Is it gonna form into a dragon or something!"


"Look mom!"

"Dad, look!"


"I hope I'm chosen!"

Even Joon's classmates, Hana, Duck, and a few others

The stars all started to connect to each other, creating a large dragon, which left everyone even more speechless.

Joon said to himself silently, "Please choose me…please choose me.."

Yon heard him, and she didn't say anything.

Gyeong exclaimed, "Haha! If I'm chosen, I'm gonna wish for unlimited maids!"

Yon said to him, "Lewd brat. Who taught you that?"

"Some show."

"Yeah? Stop watching it."

Joon was heavily focused on the constellation. Suddenly the dragon's eyes started to glow white, and a bright light flashed everywhere, covering the entire earth.

(The Next morning)

(Joon's bedroom)

Joon opened his eye, sitting up fast. Looking around him, saying, "Uhhhh, huh? Weren't we just standing outside?"

Joon got out of the bed, continuing, "What the hell happened? Was that all a dream? If it was, it SUCKED. I mean like, HOW do you go from a shitty day to a great day and then ruin it again?!"

Suddenly, a red and black system window appeared in front of Joon. It said on the system window screen:

[Joon. You have been chosen by the system, and you have been chosen by the constellation to be the Apostle. While other Apostles have companions of small mythical animals or a small mythic being, you are the only one to have the system. All the other chosen Apostles have their companion explaining to them what I am about to explain to you: There are 100 million people chosen to be an Apostle, and you must be the last one standing. If you refuse to participate, I will kill you. If you manage to be the last Apostle standing, you will have any wish you want granted. You must have 1-3 kills a week, if not, you die by default by heart stoppage. Killing those who aren't Apostles does not count, but you have to kill only the chosen Apostles. They are being told the same thing that I am telling you. So they will have the same rules and guidelines. And you will know if another Apostle is nearby if you ask the system to identify the area. Companions are meant to help their assigned Apostles, for the system will help you. All Apostles were given unique magic and mythical powers and skills, all so they could defeat the other Apostles. You, Joon, have a power unlike others, you can shapeshift into any mythology god, taking their powers and weapons and abilities as well. To use your new powers, command the system. Happy hunting]

Joon started to breathe heavily after the system window went away, and he stumbled backwards, he felt light headed.

'No…this can't be real! This can't be happening! I thought…I thought…! We were all wrong! Wrong from the start!'

Joon immediately grabbed the remote to his flatscreen TV hanging on the wall, saying, "I have to check the news!"

He turned the TV on, and clicked all the way to the news channel. He gasped when he saw what he saw. The news showed disastrous scenes and videos, with the newsman saying:

"It has become a mess! We were wrong about it all! Millions of people now have powers, and are killing each other as we speak! Leaving thousands dead already!

The videos showed Apostles with powers brutally killing each other, one by one each video was gory and violent.

Then, one Apostle stood in the middle of a pile of dead bodies with smoke coming off of his body, bruised and battered with blood all over him, saying:

"I…I'll do whatever it takes…to have my wish granted. Even if I have to be…the last one standing."

Outside of Joon's house, two Apostles with bright powers were slashing each other with weapons, bashing through other houses, and causing the ground to crack a little.

Joon panicked in fear, backing up, saying, "No…no…!"

Joon tripped and fell to the floor, with his hands and eyes shaking in fear.

"I…I don't wanna kill anyone…I don't wanna be killed either…what am I…"

[Are you refusing?]


Walking into Joon's room, was Yon.

Yon said, "Joon…"

Joon looked at Yon.

Joon thought, 'Mom…is she…an Apostle too?'

[Are you refusing to participate? If so, you will die here. You have ten seconds to make a choice]