
Killing disrespectful maids

"I see what a coincidence," Ianna mumbled as she looked at the couple.

"Even so I'm still telling you that me and Ianna aren't the same," Ianna admitted as she stared closely at them.

"Whether you're Ianna or not you're still in our daughter's so you're still our daughter," Me Gishia assured her.

"Okay then, you can leave now!" Ianna smiled coldly as she turned to face the mirror.

Mr. and Mrs. Gishia were escorted out of their room, by the dark-skinned maid.

"Sir and Madam I deeply apologize for the young mistress's behavior," the maid Celia apologized as she bowed down.

"There's nothing to worry about," Mr. Gishia comforted Celia with a slight smile causing her to blush yet tremble. What did that smile mean?

"Then I shall excuse myself," the maid bowed politely as she left.

"Honey how could you let Ianna off after how she's misbehaving," Mrs. Gishia snorted as she crossed her arms.

"Edna, didn't you see her eyes? Compared to before and now don't you see a clear difference," Mr. Gishia looked at his wife with a serious face.

"Ahh," Edna paused as she too noticed something, did what their daughter say about being a different person true?

Her eyes were cold and she had this dark aura around her, but their former daughter had this bright aura around her.

"Then couldn't she be a demon?"Mrs. Gishia asked as she was slightly worried.

"No, she doesn't have the aura of a demon," Mr. Gishia assured her.

"Let's just see the new behavior of our daughter," Mr. Gishia said with an evil grin on his face as he walked away.




Ianna sat down on the stool around her makeup table as she looked around her bright and shiny room.

'Disgusting!' she thought as she looked at all those bright colours full of girliness.

Ianna then pressed the bell that was on the makeup table.

'I guess this is what the former girl used to call the maids,' she thought as she saw a button on the table.

As then a group of 4 maids entered the room as they started to attend to her.

But Ianna didn't expect that these maids…..would be so disrespectful.

The maid combing Ianna's long dark purple noticed the change in hair colour and flinched. However, she easily adapted to the change and combed her hair gently.

And the other maid took Ianna some plain clothes to wear and was ironing with some metal looking iron like the one from earth however it didn't have a power socket but had a bright red crystal in it.

As for the other two maids they did nothing but gossip behind Ianna's back.

"I'm hungry, bring me something to eat," Ianna ordered arrogantly as she glared at them.

'Since when did she have the audacity to be so arrogant,' both of the maids chatting thought as they cursed and walked away. Ianna then noticed the two guards that came to stand in front of her room door.

The other two maids working in the room looked slightly nervous as they got back to work.

After some minutes later, Ianna's hair was beautifully combed and she was slightly impressed and her dress was ironed well. All she needed to do was eat and bathe.

However, it seems someone doesn't want to make things easy for hair. Before her were the two maids she sent that brought a very plain-looking food. One had short brown hair and fair skin, but not so beautiful. And the other had a slightly longer black hair and was a little stout.

Ianna took one glance at her food and smirked.

"What is this trash?"

The two maids flinched at Ianna's comment. Most of the time she'll say nothing and just eat but now.

"My lady we can't waste such precious ingredients on an adopted daughter," the slim maid contested as she chuckled lightly.

"Ohh," all of a sudden Ianna's eyes turned cold as she looked at the two maids smirking and giggling.

Ianna immediately took the knife that was placed there to cut her stale bread.

As Ianna was shorter than them she stood on her stool which made her reach the height of the two maids and smirked at these two idiotic fools.

"What a bunch of fools," Ianna immediately slashed the maid with short brown hair's eyes in a flash.

"Aaarghhh!!" The maid screamed in terror as she fell to the floor below Ianna and blood spilled from her face. All of a sudden her vision was dark and there was some liquid oozing out of her eyes. Ianna just smiled at her work.

The stout maid looked at the scene in horror as she was slightly scared and confused. Was this the young mistress they knew?

"My lady how …..could you do this,.... what do you think the Duke would say about such vulgar behavior. I would….. discipline you on behalf of the....Duke and madam," the stout maid stammered as she yelled and she raised her hand high to slap Ianna, but before she could, she felt a sharp object piercing her belly. She then noticed that Ianna just stabbed her.

Ianna held the knife tightly as she showed a weird smile, looking at the maid with murderous intent.

Suddenly she gripped the knife more tightly, she slowly pressed the knife deeper into the maid's belly. Then to finish it all she slashed the maid's bellow who stumbled as clutched her stomach as she tried to breathe for air. Her insides were gushing out as blood flowed on the carpets.

"Please help me!!" The stout maid screamed in pain as she looked at the other maids hoping that they would help her, but they just turned their heads away as they were shaking in fear.

The stout woman continued to bleed as she felt weak and died. For the other maid, she was still screaming in pain.

The guards immediately dashed into the room as they witnessed her just killing a person for the first time. Before she could barely kill an animal what more of a human.

They shivered as Ianna's cold eyes swept by them.

"Dispose of the two of them. I have no need for disrespectful people," Ianna ordered as she smiled at the bloody scene. How refreshing.