
dropped.. for now

accremovxd · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

1-0: Prologue

{ A.N : First events are from my novel, so if you wanna check the novel out ,

It's "Tale of the death seeking emperor" ( About an mc who's looking for true death... )

Anyway I'm writing this fan-fic, I'm gonna make a harem out of some waifus ( Not just getting pokemon around , it'll be a limited number of waifus with proper romance as they won't be used around as toys.. ) , and also try and see if I'm good at writing r-18 scenes..

Current writing schedule: 5ch/week ( weekdays , no weekend chapters )

10 power stones -> 1 extra chapter!

Also 800~ words on this chapter .

Anyway , enjoy reading! }



" Damn , that guy is truly lucky to have Vermin by his side ! I courted her for all this while. but she didn't glance me for even once. " muttered Damon as he gritted his teeth , remembering about the difference between the treatement of Vermin to him and Adel...

He was about to go back to his house when he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his head and dropped unconscious.



On a large piece void , One can see a floating soul , next to it is a guy with the aura of someone extremely powerful through the void with a sneeze.

The soul has been gathering energy from the void slowly but surely , as the guy was looking throufh as time slowly passed by , he opened his eyes..

" Damn , that was weird! It felt like my whole soul has been expelled from my body , and these foreign memories ... " As soon as Damon was going to continue though , he looked at some memories where stuff like novels , anime , manga, etc. which was there as if it was its original place .

He turned around to look at the place where there were nothingness everywhere , but a guy with an overbearing aura enough that would kill him were it not for him suppressing it.

" Hello , young soul . This is I , from what you recall from your memories as R.O.B . And I have a job for you. " Said the R.O.B in a manner that meant that he wasn't taking a 'no' as an answer.

"Wait , can you explain where I am first? And also what's this on my memories ? It feels like it was there to begin with , but I surely remember never being on a planet names Earth.. " Said Damon worriedly , noticing the tone of the R.O.B .

" You are currently in the void , in my personal void of course as this void isn't even 0.1% of the actual void's lethality in your dimension...

About your questions , Earth is a parallel dimension where mortals are limited at the peak of mortal realm, and also have a divine ability that even they don't know of - Which is turning everything they imagine into reality.

Now you see , the manga , anime , novels , fan-fics , etc. That you have on your brain actually exist - But on parallel dimensions as future is unpredictable , because it changes even on imaginations.

Now now , for the reason I picked you , it is pretty simple.. I have found a specific place where all the other several omniverses of manga , anime , novels connect , but isn't limited to heavens or laws as many could call it, with a specific shop that I got my hands on its ownership.

And I want you to be the shopkeeper over it." Finished the R.O.B slowly to let Damon digest the information , but still remained the dominating pressure he was excusing , as if still saying that he was not taking a 'no' as an answer.

"Okay , okay , stop with the pressure I might die.. And what of back there in my hometown? What about the people over there? " Asked Damon worriedly as he still couldn't get over having Adel get Vermin.

" Now , you should forget about Vermin as Adel's existence is something that's beyond your scope of thinking right now , as his parents are terrifying.

Well that's if you don't change your mind later on though..

As for how I chose you , well I randomly chose a mortal soul - So It would be either a coincidence made by fate , as you being acquainted with Adel , or you having a backer strong enough to interfer with fate itself..

You see , it's because the laws don't permit us fighting someone below the ****** realm, which you can't even know due to your current weak strength.

I could bend the laws a bit, in order to kill Adel, though the consequences of offending Adel's parents isn't something I should think of doing lightly..

It's mainly because the world where you were at was divided by several planes , and it was linked to Earth in a way , and also linked to the other omniverses of anime , novels , manga ,etc.

Which in turn shows the danger of your actual world.

Now as for you being the shopkeeper , you'll be having a system that uses a bit of Nao in order to activate , and the system actually is used to get the items to sell.

The more you sell , the more energy stones you get which you can use to start cultivation.

As for cultivation , it is better if you follow your main world's cultivation system - As the others aren't as good in the long terms.

Enough about this , now time to get serious." As soon as the R.O.B finished his words , he waved his hand and the 'void' that Damon was in shattered , and his soul was sent to another body that was sleeping in a bed , on an empty room...
