
Chapter 2

Chu Jiao blinked, looking at the same fanned thick lashes, short arms and legs on the little person in the mirror. She thought to herself, so everything was actually real.

No matter if it was the matter of her being a character in a book or the matter of her transmigrating. 

She was already another "Chu Jiao".

This Chu Jiao, was different from her. She had a pair of parents who loved her and treated her like a princess growing up.

However, because they were involved in an airplane accident, she was left alone.

According to system 419's explanation, she was bound to a carnal desire system, so the world she transmigrated over to was a smutty one. These worlds were created under the author's pen strokes but because of many different reasons, they were unstable.

Her mission as the supporting female was to make her counterattack a success, so she needed to kick down the female lead and capture the male lead. And the only way to capture the male lead pointed out by the system was ——by making body contact.

"419, come out! Tell me, this body is only 5 years old! How do you want me to exchange body fluids with the male lead!!"

Chu Jiao was driven nuts.

As a person who never had a boyfriend staying single since birth, although she occasionally had her lonely nights, torrented porno and secretly read some eroticas but she had never bought a single dildo and needless to mention, put her own body into practice. 

"The host doesn't need to worry. There are many different ways of exchanging body fluid and making body contact, for example, kissing, giving oral…"

An ice cold voice continued on as Chu Jia's face flushed even deeper and she quickly called on it to stop.

"Stop!! It's still daytime, stop playing porno inside my head!"

Chu Jiao used her little fingers to rub her head. Let's take things one step at a time and see how it goes. 

Since she had already made her decision, she wouldn't regret it. 

Everything was just a mission. She slapped her own face, telling herself to get herself together. 

Receiving the synopsis of this world from the system, Chu Jiao was a bit speechless.

This world was based on a book called "Soldier Uncle fucks me inside out" and the entire story is basically a smutty piece of the female lead who was a dainty flower getting fucked in many different scenarios by the strong male lead.

Normally, she would not watch this kind of straight-up porn.

Quickly reading it over, Chu Jiao only remembered the male and female lead's name and identity. She only wanted to know the possible scenarios she could potentially face in the future so she didn't study the material meticulously and pretended to ignore the rest.

The female lead was called Li Menger and the male lead was Chu Minshen. The two of them met at the female lead's senior high school military practice. A handsome military instructor, a dainty high school girl, and an accidental misfire, it was not a happy encounter at all.

Chu Jiao was the male lead's niece according to the story. Because her parents passed away early, her uncle Chu Minshen took her in and because of that, she formed an abnormal attachment towards Chu Minshen, causing trouble for him everywhere. In the course of time, contrasting with Li Miner's kindness and generosity, Li Minshen grew more unhappy with Chu Jiao and fell more in love with Li Miner.

Chu Jiao's inner heart was roasting this piece of rotten story when she heard knocks resounding outside. 

She hurriedly ran towards the door, besting her nanny in opening it.

Inheriting her character's memories, Chu Jiao knew that yesterday was supposed to be the day her parents had come back home from abroad but she had waited for an entire night and nobody had come home.

Because, her parents had already passed away in the airplane accident.

And she, who didn't know anything, still waited at home like a fool.

"Daddy, Mommy!"

Chu Jiao called out without having even seen anybody.

The person who heard these words had a resolute face that suppressed pain. He put down his luggage and scooped up Chu Jiao for a hug.

"Jiao Jiao, it's Second Uncle."

Chu Jiao looked towards the man.

Dense sword eyebrows, tall nose bridge, the wears of travel covering his handsome face and his pair of sharp eyes were at this time, bloodshot.

This was the male lead, Chu Minshen.

He should have heard about the news of his brother and sister-in-law's death and quickly came back at the first moment.

"Second Uncle!" Chu Jiao softly and stickily smiled at him, hugging him back.

"Second Uncle, Jiao Jiao missed you! You haven't come to see Jiao Jiao in a long time!" In her memories, the first time Jiao Jiao saw this second uncle was a year ago. Chu Minshen was at the army all year round and rarely ever came home.

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"Why did Second Uncle come today, did you come back with daddy and mommy?"

"…..Jiao Jiao….."

"Your dad and mom, they… they…."

Chu Minshen was the kind of guy who handled matters with a firm hand, yet at this moment, he didn't know how to start speaking without hurting the little child in his arms.

"En? What happened to them?"

Chu Jiao started struggling, wanting to get down. She headed towards the door and started searching, wanting to see if her parents were hiding somwhere.

Chu Minshen felt his throat closing up and tightly embraced Chu Jiao. "They went to a very far place and will not be coming back anytime soon. Jiao Jiao will have to live with Uncle from now on, is that alright?"

"Where did they go?"

"Do Daddy and Mommy not want Jiao Jiao anymore?"

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"Jiao Jiao will be very good. Uncle, Jiao Jiao won't buy any more dolls, Jiao Jiao will be very behaved."

"Can you let daddy and mommy come back home, please?"

"Jiao Jiao is a very good child, why does daddy and mommy not want Jiao Jiao anymore?"

Chu Jiao, in the beginning, was pretending to be anxious but the more she talked, the more she could relate to the character's feelings. She had always wanted to say these words to her parents who abandoned her. She was a very obedient child, why did her parents not want her? She had been very very good at the orphanage, why didn't anybody want to adopt her?


Big teardrops slid down from Chu Jiao's eyes and dropped on Chu Minshen's neck, heavily, like it was dropping on the pit of his stomach.

"Jiao Jiao is the most well-behaved child."

"Daddy and Mommy don't want Jiao Jiao anymore."

"They only went to a far away place, Jiao Jiao still has uncle."

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"Uncle will accompany Jiao Jiao to wait together for Daddy and Mommy, ok?"

"Uncle is only by himself too. Doesn't Jiao Jiao like Uncle?"

A child's tendency to forget was big. Chu Jiao was only 5 years old so Chu Minshen could only use this method to placate her.

He had always rolled about within groups of men and had been straightforward towards his subordinates. There was nothing that couldn't be solved with by a fight.

But towards how to appease the little pampered lady, Jiao Jiao, he was simply at a loss of what to do.

Chu Jiao cried for a long time, having vented out the pent-up frustrations in her heart.

She felt a bit embarrassed. Even though she had a five year old's body, she was still a 20 something year old adult inside. Having bawled out loud was simply losing face for her.

She rubbed against Chu Minshen's thick tolerant shoulder.

The winter sun's rays passed through the mirror and soaked the two people's body.