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A young man is brought to the world of Miraculous Ladybug by Master Fu to help Ladybug and her allies. But the twist is, there's a different kind of Butterfly Miraculous in the Miracle Box that's completely different from the Moth Miraculous. Will Steel Butterfly fulfill his destiny, or will threats like Hawk Moth succeed? Chloe redemption. Future Bunnyx salt and redemption.

The_Fictional_Sema · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 22: The Mime


(Author's notes: In this chapter, Steel Butterfly will be fighting Fred Haprele's Akumatized form of The Mime with a little help from an assistant, Allen Lucero, also known as The Star Comedian.

Also, the first ever Question of the Day for this story: do you think Marinette's imagining Alya's reaction to being told about the Ladybug interview being accidentally deleted in the original timeline was hysterical? Especially the indecipherable mutterings? I SURE DID! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

(Quantic Universe Earth 139, Paris, France, April 28th, 2015, third person POV...)

In the streets of Paris, Ladybug is flying as discreet as possible to avoid being spotted heading to her balcony.

Ladybug hovers in flight to double check and make sure that no one is following her before continuing to her balcony.

Eventually, she reaches her balcony, heads inside her bedroom, and detransforms.

Marinette remarks, "Phew! That was a close call."

Tikki states, "What you and Steel Butterfly did for Alya today was really cool, Marinette!"

Marinette replies, "You think so? I would've liked to do more, but I kind of forgot about the new superpower usage limitations that Steel Butterfly provided. Perhaps I should give a longer interview while leaving out crucial information that could be abused."

Sabine then calls from downstairs, "Marinette! Alya's here!"

Alya then says from downstairs, "Don't worry, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, I'll just head on up."

Marinette states, "She didn't exactly wait long enough to actually tell me the big news. Quickly, hide, Tikki!"

Tikki successfully hides without being seen or making a sound.

Alya comes up from the trapdoor and remarks, "Girl, you will not believe what just happened to me!" On Marinette's balcony, Alya continues, "So, Ladybug and Steel Butterfly had just saved a bunch of construction workers and a bunch of kids from a supervillain! There were like a gazillion reporters waiting for the opportunity to interview them and... That's when this happened!"

Alya shows Marinette the interview on her phone, and Alya plays the video.

The video shows Ladybug rescuing a child and Steel Butterfly rescuing a trio of teenage triplet siblings.

Several photographers and reporters, including Nadia Chamack, continuously try to get Ladybug and Steel Butterfly's attentions by asking them for interviews while pushing microphones into their armored faces, the reporters' voices overlapping each other.

Suddenly, Steel Butterfly calls out at the top of his lungs, "SILENCE!"

A thunder crash is heard from the clear sky as Steel Butterfly's visored eyes glow to signify he was getting mad.

Everyone looks on in shock and fear as they kept their mouths shut.

Steel Butterfly continues calmer, "I don't deny that you all have questions, but unfortunately, my team and I have to find some way to clear our schedules for only one of you to interview us. And believe me, if there's one reporter among you that most of my teammates and I don't trust, aside from tabloid reporters who don't stop sticking their noses in other people's business, its Nadia Chamack."

Everyone gasped at what Steel Butterfly said.

Nadia then asks, "W-why don't you trust me?"

Steel Butterfly points out matter-of-factly, "Why don't I jog your memory? In some situations, you choose not to be patient when a good story in the city comes up, you put yourself at risk to get a good story without regard for the consequences, and you are very insensitive with whoever you want to interview. Take Armand D'Argencourt, for example. You tried to interview him after his loss of the Parisian mayoral election – without proper authorization, I might add – and the fact that you chose to keep pestering him about whether or not he was running in the election to avenge his Dark Ages ancestor Darkblade's defeat at the hands of a wealthy Frenchman was the final catalyst leading him to get Akumatized into an armored knight sharing the name of Darkblade!"

Everyone muttered how Steel Butterfly was right and that Nadia should've suffered the consequences for being so careless with her job as a reporter.

Ladybug then says, "But I'm willing to give at least one of you guys a chance based on this, um, lottery of reporters that SB had given me."

Everyone watches anxiously as Ladybug spins the lottery wheel in her clawed hands and the lottery wheel lands on Alya Cesaire, who has been filming the whole thing.

Ladybug and Steel Butterfly turn over to Alya as Ladybug asks, "Hey! Aren't you Alya Cesaire, the girl who writes the blog about me? The Ladyblog?"

Alya replies, "Uh, yeah!"

Steel Butterfly comes up and says, "LB likes your work. She thinks it's awesome. Keep it up! BUT, if I hear so much as a single question related to our identities and/or our love lives, you can kiss your career's butt goodbye! Do I make myself clear, young lady?"

Alya shivers under the underlying threat in Steel Butterfly's tone before responding, "O-of course!"

Suddenly, Ladybug's Miraculous beeps.

Alya points out, "Your earring, Ladybug!"

Ladybug shrieks, "Ah! Thanks. Better get going. Bug out!"

Ladybug takes off in flight.

Steel Butterfly turns over to Alya and asks, "Do you want to know why Ladybug's Miraculous was beeping?"

Alya replies before asking herself, "Yes. Please tell me why?"

Everyone gathers around as Steel Butterfly replies, "Ladybug's earrings, which are known to us as the Ladybug Miraculous, grant Ladybug the power of creation. She literally creates handy important objects to help us out on the battlefield. But the Lucky Charm objects are not exactly whatever it is that she wants. And originally, when she uses her Lucky Charm up to one hundred times, she has thirty minutes before she turns back to normal, and she has to recharge her powers. But for me, even before I upgraded her powers, I'm not bound by that weakness because, as an adult Miraculous user, my Miraculous uses my body's energy to allow me to stay transformed for extended periods of time after using my primary powers, as well as being able to use them an unlimited number of times."

Steel Butterfly's handheld lie detector makes a bell dinging sound only once to signify that he's telling the truth.

Alya then asks, "That's a pretty cool lie detector. But, um, are you sure that Ladybug is okay with you sharing this kind of information?"

Steel Butterfly replies, "Last time I checked, Ladybug is okay with me and the rest of my crew sharing information NOT related to our identities, our love lives or anything personal. And besides, in case you all forgot, I am the leader of our team. I was chosen to lead this team because of my battle experiences and because I'm much smarter than the entire population of the city and the entire population of New York City put together."

Steel Butterfly's lie detector makes another dinging sound.

Steel Butterfly adds, "But all the same, I get the feeling that Ladybug forgot that these days, she can now use her Lucky Charm power an unlimited number of times, thanks to an upgrade from yours truly!"

Alya then asks, "Wow! But wait, how can adult Miraculous users use their powers as many times as they desire?"

Steel Butterfly explains, "Well, the only way an adult Miraculous user can use their powers multiple times going to unlimited is if the Miraculous jewel in question uses the energy from a Miraculous user's body as fuel for their powers. But unfortunately, underage Miraculous users can't handle the strain unless they have their powers upgraded by either me, or by someone using my Miraculous or any similar Miraculouses with the same powers."

Steel Butterfly extends his butterfly wings and takes off as the video finishes playing on Alya's phone.

Marinette remarks, "Wow... that was super... but is Steel Butterfly absolutely sure that Ladybug was okay with that kind of information being revealed?"

Alya replies, "Girl, it's a little known fact that Steel Butterfly despises liars to an extreme. And he did remind us that he was in charge of the entire team of superheroes put together, Ladybug included. So, because of that handheld lie detector he had, yes, let's just say we all knew Steel Butterfly was telling the truth. Anyway, that WAS super cool, right? Ladybug and Steel Butterfly know me! They know about my blog! Ladybug thinks it's awesome! Awesome! Awesome!"

Marinette replies with practice hidden in her voice, "Yeah, you bet it was cool!"

Alya then states, "Let me go get my laptop!"

Alya goes back down to the bedroom to grab her laptop computer.

Tikki comes out as Marinette remarks, "You were right, Tikki, I think that made Alya a little too happy."

Tikki then asks, "Can I see the video?"

Marinette replies, "Okay, but fast."

Marinette carefully shows Tikki the video, and Tikki watches with bated interest.

As the video on Alya's phone finishes again, Steel Butterfly then telepathically shows Marinette and Tikki a scratch-made video representing Marinette imagining herself telling Alya the video was accidentally deleted and Imaginary Alya's reaction to being told the video was deleted.

It was the same as the original timeline: Imaginary Marinette makes cheerful but remorseful muttering depicting her telling Imaginary Alya that she accidentally deleted the video and asking Imaginary Alya for forgiveness. Imaginary Alya growls and makes angry muttering depicting her angrily chastising Imaginary Marinette for deleting the video and chasing her while hitting Imaginary Marinette's head with her phone.

Steel Butterfly telepathically bursts out laughing throughout the whole thing.

But what made Steel Butterfly laugh hard was the fact that Imaginary Marinette and Imaginary Alya making the muttering sounds was not loud or clear enough to determine what they were saying.

Steel Butterfly telepathically remarks, "Not even I could make out what imaginary you or Imaginary Alya were saying in your mind, and that made it twice as funny! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Marinette telepathically shot back, "That's not funny!"

But Steel Butterfly ignored her as he disconnected, so to speak.

Alya then comes up – Tikki thankfully hid herself in her purse beforehand – and states, "Marinette, come on down! You've got visitors!"

Marinette and Alya head downstairs to Marinette's room.

Once there, they see Sabine, Fred Haprele and his daughter Mylene.

Sabine asks, "What did you say the show was again, Mr. Haprele?"

Fred starts to answer, "Well, it's..."

His daughter Mylene answers for him, "It's called "'The Mime's Extraordinary Adventures,"' starring the most talented, amazingly awesome actor and mime!"

Mylene pulls her father over to the side and finishes, "My father! Give it up for Fred Haprele!"

Marinette, Alya and Sabine applaud Fred.

Fred humbly bows as he remarks, "Thank you very much!" He turns to Mylene and finishes, "Thank you as well, Mylene."

Sabine states, "Well, congratulations! You must make your daughter very proud!"

Fred replies, "Now, all I need is my hat to complete my costume."

Marinette grabs the hat she designed and gives it to Fred as she states, "Here it is!"

Fred replies, "Thank you, Marinette! Saving me at the last minute."

Fred makes miming gestures to imitate that the hat is inside a box.

Marinette looks on in awe as Fed opens the imaginary box and puts on his hat.

Marinette plays along and holds the imaginary box.

Sabine remarks, "Ha! I don't think Mylene was exaggerating at all!"

Fred replies, "Why, thank you!"

Marinette briefly explains, "I fixed the tear in it, and I also sewed the pocket on the inside, just like you asked me to."

Fred replies again, "You've done a perfect job. Thanks to you, I'll have my good fortune charm right here, next to me at all times. A picture of my beloved daughter."

Mylene replies back, "Aw, dad..."

Mylene hugs Fred.

Fred's phone rings.

He immediately sees that the caller is Sarah, the director of tonight's show at the Eiffel Tower.

Fred starts to say, "Hello, Sa—"

He's interrupted by Sarah asking, "Fred, where are you?"

Fred replies, "Yes, I had to pick up the hat I needed to complete the costume!"

Sarah replies back, "I need you here now!"

Fred states in response, "It's not an excuse! I'm well aware that the bus leaves in less than half an hour. I'll be there!"

He closes the call.

Fred explains, "That was Sarah, the place director. She's very nervous about the premiere and she's just about ready to blow a fuse! So, I best be going. See you tonight at the Eiffel Tower, girls!"

Fred goes down the stairs as Alya replies, "We can't wait!" and Mylene states, "Love you, Dad!"

Meanwhile, mime understudy Chris – surname unknown to even Steel Butterfly – and place director Sarah are about to board the bus headed for the mime show.

Chris asks, "So, what's his excuse this time?"

Sarah answers, "He had to pick up his hat from a repair shop. At least, that's what he said."

Chris remarks, "Well, he's a very convincing actor."

Sarah retorts, "Actually, he's a really skilled actor. But he's always making excuses for why he's late, why he's..."

Chris asks, "Falling asleep in the middle of the rehearsals? Why he has to leave early? Why he's missing parts of his costume? Come on, Sarah! When are you gonna wake up and smell the coffee? But it's up to you if you want to make the show suffer."

Sarah replies sternly, "Look, you're his understudy, Chris. Just be ready to take his place in case something happens, understand?"

Chris replies back, "I won't let you down, Sarah."

Sarah states in response, "Thanks."

Sarah leaves as she misses Chris tipping his hat and chuckling mischievously.

But neither of them are aware that Steel Butterfly was incognito, recording everything he needs to make a convincing case to have Chris arrested for stealing and fraud.

A perfectly concealed Steel Butterfly smirks evilly at the notion that The Mime will be avenged through a combination of Madea-style getting even and the law.

Walking away to prevent Chris from listening, Incognito Steel Butterfly quietly says into his walkie-talkie, "Lieutenant, I'm preparing to initiate phase 2. Over."

Lieutenant Roger Raincomprix replies on the other end, "Excellent work, Steel Butterfly. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Over and out."

Steel Butterfly walks away, quietly laughing maniacally to himself.

In the bakery, Marinette, Alya and Mylene are having lunch together.

Mylene finishes her lunch and says, "Thanks, Marinette. I gotta go. I need to swing by my house to change before the show starts."

Alya's phone rings.

Alya checks her phone and sees her mother calling her.

Alya picks up and says, "Hey, Mom... really? Okay... Look, the show starts tonight. Great. Thanks!"

Alya and Mylene leave separately on a good note.

Meanwhile, Fred is hurrying to board the bus.

Along the way to the bus, Sarah calls him again, but Fred doesn't know that Chris was calling him through Sarah's phone.

And the two actors are unaware that the phone call was being tapped into by Steel Butterfly to further nip in the bud at the court that Chris should be arrested for his actions.

Fred says into the speaker of his phone, "Don't worry, Sarah, I'm early. I'm just around the corner."

Chris replies on the other end, "No, this is Chris. Sarah asked me to call you with a last-minute location change. The bus is picking us up in 10 minutes, in front of the Louvre Pyramid."

Fred states incredulously, "Really?! That's on the other side of town!"

Chris replies with some hesitation, "Yes, but, uh... It's closer to the Eiffel Tower."

Fred replies back, "Well, okay. Uh, fortunately, I'll just make it on time. Thanks for letting me know, friend."

Chris replies back, "Sure, no problem! We'll see you there!"

Fred and Chris hang up and Chris chuckles mischievously again, unknowingly playing into Steel Butterfly's metaphorical clawed hands.

Later on, Chris is talking to Sarah.

Chris states, "We have to get to the Eiffel Tower for the dress rehearsal. If you wait any longer, you'll be jeopardizing the entire production."

Sarah sighs in response as she replies, "You're right, Chris. Let's get going. You'll be taking Fred's place tonight."

Chris smirks as he replies, "I definitely won't let you down."

Unknown to them, Steel Butterfly is incognito, giving the unsuspecting Chris the middle finger as he mouths, "You better be prepared to keep the change, you filthy lying f***** of an animal."

Meanwhile, at the Louvre, Fred is waiting for the bus and he doesn't see it.

Fred asks himself, "Where are they?"

Fred runs into Theo Barbot and asks, "Excuse me, you haven't seen a bus with the poster for The Mime's Extraordinary Adventures on it, have you?"

Theo shakes his head no in response.

On the bus, Sarah's phone rings and it shows that Fred is calling.

Chris remarks, "He's got some nerve. Calling now? I wouldn't give him the time of day if I were you."

Sarah ignores Chris and picks up her phone.

Fred asks from his side, "Sarah, where are you?"

Sarah replies, "We waited for you, but you never came."

Fred replies back, "But I'm on time! In front of the Louvre pyramid."

Sarah asks, "What are you talking about? Why would we be meeting there?"

Fred replies honestly, "Chris said the meeting on the bus had been changed at the last minute!"

Everyone doesn't realize that Steel Butterfly orchestrated the whole thing to ensure that Chris suffered the consequences for his actions.

But Steel Butterfly anticipated that it would take more of a bigger effort to get Chris to confess.

Sarah replies, "Fred, I don't want to hear any of your lame excuses."

Fred asks, "What?"

Sarah explains, "It's not just this excuse, either. It's every excuse. It's always an excuse. Well, enough is enough. Chris will be taking the lead role in the performance tonight at the premiere. At least I can count on him."

Sarah hangs up.

But then, Steel Butterfly instantly teleports into the bus, causing the bus driver to stop the bus safely.

Steel Butterfly restrains Chris with electric handcuffs and says, "Sarah, I've got urgent news: Fred is gonna get Akumatized within a few seconds, and it's Chris' fault."

Chris opens his mouth, but SB telekinetically seals it shut.

Sarah asks, "How is it Chris' fault Fred gets Akumatized?"

Steel Butterfly explains, "It's simple. Chris was very desperate to get the lead role in tonight's performance that he stole your phone to lie to Fred about the change in the meeting at the bus stop, and he fed upon your complaints about Fred's excuses to convince you to replace Fred. So, basically, Chris here is guilty of stealing your phone and fraud, so to speak."

Sarah angrily turns over to Chris and slaps him across the face HARD.

Everyone winces at the sound of the loud crack from the slap.

Lieutenant Raincomprix emerges from a hiding spot in the bus and takes the electrically handcuffed Chris out of his seat as Sarah says, "Chris, you lying, sanctimonious b******, YOU'RE FIRED!"

Lieutenant Raincomprix adds, "And you're under arrest for theft and fraud."

Chris is about to protest, but he finds he's unable to open his mouth.

And that's because Steel Butterfly is telekinetically forcefully closing Chris' mouth shut.

Steel Butterfly cackles like a mad scientist at Chris struggling to open his mouth and struggling against Lieutenant Raincomprix's grip.

In Hawk Moth's lair, just before Chris' arrest, the window opens.

Hawk Moth remarks, "Hmm. An actor who misses his own premiere. Now, that's a true tragedy."

Hawk Moth turns a butterfly into an Akuma.

Hawk Moth sends the Akuma on its way and says, "Go, my evil Akuma, let's hand this actor the role of a lifetime!"

The Akuma flies on its way to the Louvre.

In the present day, Chris' mouth is still telekinetically sealed shut as he muffledly shouts angry protests while he's being escorted to a police cruiser.

Chris' muffled shouts annoy Steel Butterfly to the point where he unsheathes his cane swordstick at Chris' nape and snarls, "Shut the f*** up, you piece of trash. You've caused more than enough trouble already, and don't expect me to save you from Fred's Akumatized form, whatever the hell it'll be."

Chris wisely stays quiet even after Steel Butterfly unseals his mouth.

Meanwhile, at the Louvre, Fred bemoans, "What did I do? I can't believe I fell for such an obvious lie from my own understudy. You're gonna be so disappointed in me, Mylene..."

The Akuma appears and infects Fred's picture of Mylene.

Fred looks straight ahead as Hawk Moth says, "Mime, I am Hawk Moth. I'm giving you the power to make whatever you gesture come to life. Destroy this premiere performance! You may be a mime, but they can't silence you! However, in return, you must bring me Steel Butterfly, Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses. So, shall we get on with the show?"

Fred silently smirks, and the Akuma transforms him into The Mime.

He sees the posters for the show, he gestures an invisible sword and cuts the posters into tiny pieces.

Everyone screams in fear at The Mime and run away.

The Mime swings his invisible sword at the posters Theo Barbot is wearing, but the sword only cuts through the posters, leaving Theo unharmed as he runs away.

A police car with Lieutenant Raincomprix inside drives onto the scene with the sirens wailing.

The Mime stands still and mimics a baseball bat.

Once the police car comes close enough, The Mime swings his invisible baseball bat at the police car, knocking it into the sky.

Thankfully, the cruiser was caught by Steel Butterfly's yoyo as he hides himself long enough for his new champion, The Star Comedian, to catch up.

Steel Butterfly then says quietly into his highly advanced walkie-talkie connected to the walkie-talkie for the police car, "(Softly) Stay out of the line of fire; my troops and I will handle this one."

One of the police officers replies, "You got it, sir."

(Two minutes earlier...)

Steel Butterfly finds an aspiring comedian and actor by the name of Allen Lucero eating in the Place des Vosges park.

Steel Butterfly sends a Tenshi to Allen's picture of his cat and the Tenshi merges with it.

Steel Butterfly says while projecting a hologram of Fred and The Mime at the end, "Star Comedian, I am Steel Butterfly. I'm granting you the power to make everything you gesture – and I mean EVERYTHING – come to life. At the same time, you'll also be given the power to show and tell people through words what you and I find to be a lame, but silly joke. In return, I need your help in deakumatizing this man: Fred Haprele, also known as The Mime. So, shall we get our show started?"

Allen Lucero, also known now as The Star Comedian, replies with his voice changed, "Now, let's get started, Steel Butterfly!"

Allen is turned by the Tenshi into The Star Comedian, a superhero fusion of both The Mime and the two iteration appearances of The Comedian in the Watchmen franchise.

The Star Comedian mimes a set of glider wings attached to a self-functioning jetpack and takes off in flight.

(Present day...)

The Star Comedian and Steel Butterfly arrive on the scene.

Steel Butterfly calls out, "Hey, Mime!"

The Mime turns over to the two heroes and scowls.

Steel Butterfly continues, "If there's something p***ing you off, perhaps we could talk about it."

The Mime shoots an invisible arrow at Steel Butterfly's shoulder pad, only for him to catch it.

Steel Butterfly snarls as he mimes a replica of the Death Machine Gun from Transformers Cybertron, only this one had real invisible bullets.

Steel Butterfly takes aim and sneers, "Fine! See if you can dodge THESE!"

Steel Butterfly pulls the trigger, causing the machine gun to fire multiple rapid rounds.

The Mime mimics a metal bulletproof shield and deflects the bullets.

Star Comedian sneaks up on The Mime from behind, only to get shield-bashed in the head for his troubles.

Steel Butterfly snarls and draws his swordstick, challenging The Mime in a swordfight.

The Mime obliges, gestures an invisible sword, and the two combatants clash blades.

Ladybug and Cat Noir arrive on the scene, and they are surprised that Steel Butterfly was holding his own against a villain with an invisible sword.

Star Comedian watches the scene unfold, and everyone watches aghast as Steel Butterfly shatters The Mime's invisible sword.

Steel Butterfly and Star Comedian gesture missile launchers on their forearm guards and fire their missiles.

The Mime jumps out of the way and fires his own rocket launcher.

Steel Butterfly slices the invisible rocket in two.

The Mime continues firing rockets, and with each rocket that The Mime fires, Steel Butterfly continues getting closer.

The Mime imitates a whip, and Steel Butterfly slices that in half.

On the sidelines, Cat Noir remarks, "Wow. Steel Butterfly's good at this."

Ladybug replies, "Yeah, but what if The Mime keeps this up all day?"

Hearing that question, Steel Butterfly uses his super speed and his accelerated perception to snatch The Mime's hat and rush over to his two comrades.

Once the world revolves back into normal movement, The Mime imitates a lasso and tries to toss it to his hat, only for Star Comedian to slice it in half with his combat knife.

Steel Butterfly monologues, "You want to know what was so great about my powers, Mime? I literally built a strong enough case to have Fred Haprele's FORMER understudy arrested for stealing and fraud. Basically, I did Fred Haprele a favor; Hawk Moth and The Mime just happened to show up at the wrong place and the wrong time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The Mime quickly disables Star Comedian and takes back his hat.

But before Steel Butterfly can even say "Time out," The Mime locks the four heroes in a cell and locks it.

Steel Butterfly roars, "DAMN IT! This is what happens when people like me monologue at the wrong time and when we celebrate too soon!"

The Mime mimics a car alarm remote and a car alarm beeps.

The cell disappears and Steel Butterfly flies onto The Mime's car.

The Mime throws him off, much to everyone's surprise, and he drives off.

Getting airborne, Steel Butterfly shouts, "DON'T JUST STAND THERE! AFTER HIM!"

The heroes take off in flight.

In the streets of Paris, The Mime is riding his invisible car and the heroes manage to reach him.

Cat Noir remarks, "Nice ride, but if I were you, I would've at least made it a convertible."

The Mime angrily steps on the gas, smashing other cars out of the way until the bus for the premiere is in view.

Steel Butterfly asks, "Remember my little monologue, guys? (Everyone nods) Well, it's true! Fred Haprele is The Mime!"

The Mime turns a street corner and gets out of the car like a Grand Theft Auto character bailing with a high risk of injury.

Ladybug asks, "Where's he going?!"

Ladybug gets in the driver's seat and says, "We gotta stop this thing!"

Star Comedian suggests, "Quickly, slam down on the brake!"

Ladybug asks, "What brake?"

Ladybug sees a woman and her child crossing the street, unaware of anything happening, and Ladybug quickly hits the invisible brake, bringing the invisible car to a stop.

Cat Noir remarks, "Not bad, for driving an invisible car."

Steel Butterfly gestures to the growing crowd as he adds, "But unfortunately, they'll never believe us if we try to tell them we saved their butts."

Meanwhile, the Mime mimics putting on a helmet and driving an invisible motorcycle after the bus.

Ladybug, Cat Noir, Star Comedian and Steel Butterfly fall to the ground as the invisible car disappears.

Ladybug and the others get back up as she says, "He's already off again! We gotta get to that bus before Mime does!"

Steel Butterfly opens a portal to the roof of the bus and the heroes jump onto the roof of the bus.

Cat Noir then asks, "Where could the Akuma be, SB?"

Steel Butterfly replies, "Inside his hat. The object is a picture of Fred Haprele's daughter, Mylene Haprele."

The Mime appears on the scene in his invisible motorcycle.

Ladybug tries to make a net with her yoyo, but The Mime manages to jump through a hole in the net.

Mime jumps across many cars to land on the bus, and he brings out another invisible sword.

Steel Butterfly growls as he brings out his swordstick again.

Steel Butterfly charges first, and suddenly, the entire fight plays out in slow motion.


Of course, The Mime doesn't even notice as he slashes across Steel Butterfly's chestplate. But like before, the invisible sword doesn't even leave so much as a scrape.

Star Comedian and The Mime get into a swordfight.

Because of the bus continuing to drive down the road due to the bus driver's fear of getting killed with a head-on collision, that results in the swordfight to continue.

Steel Butterfly even played some battle music: the same battle music that was played during his fight with Darkblade several weeks ago.

The music in question was none other than the ending credits battle music from the ending scene of the film Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. Not that Steel Butterfly actually likes the movie, mind you; just the music.

The swordfight continues, even after the bus finally stops.

Everyone is watching amazed as Star Comedian gets The Mime on the ropes.

But when the Mime manages to somewhat graze Star Comedian's leather and metal chestplate, Steel Butterfly snaps his fingers and The Mime is teleported in front of the Eiffel Tower and the heroes join in transit.

Steel Butterfly's faceplate morphs into an evil smile as he holds up the Mylene picture tauntingly.

Eyes open and mouth agape in silent shock, The Mime checks his hat and sees a photo of... Corvo blowing raspberries in a taunting manner.

But before the Mime can get the photo back, Steel Butterfly rips the picture in half.

Ladybug does her usual spiel and unleashes the Miraculous Ladybug cure, reversing the damage that The Mime caused – including somewhat grazing Star Comedian's chestplate – and reverting him back to Fred Haprele.

The heroes do their traditional fist bump.

The heroes disperse as Star Comedian is teleported to the now vacant Place des Vosges and is reverted back to Allen Lucero.

Steel Butterfly says through his Tenshi, "I'll call upon your assistance again next time."

Allen goes on his way home.

In Hawk Moth's lair, Hawk Moth fumes over his newest in the string of failures.

Hawk Moth states, "The show's not over yet, Steel Butterfly, Ladybug and Cat Noir. You three just wait. There's still a last act to come when you least expect it."

The window closes, engulfing Hawk Moth's lair in darkness once again.

Steel Butterfly, witnessing the whole thing from a distant rooftop, says while his voice is in a wind-like whisper, "We shall see, Gabriel. We shall see indeed."

Meanwhile, at the Eiffel Tower, The Mime show is about to begin.

Marinette, Alya and Miguel are sitting next to each other.

Adrien shows up and says, "Ah, hey. You three are here too. That's cool. I thought I was gonna sit here by myself."

Miguel laughs in response, "Hahahaha! As if! Come on, my boy."

Adrien takes his seat next to Marinette.

The Mime show begins with Fred and a carbon copy Steel Butterfly made miming according to their rehearsal scripts.

Later on, everyone leaves and expresses their feelings for the show.

Marinette remarks to Alya and Miguel, "I don't know what I loved more, the show or seeing a true mime, not like what Hawk Moth had in mind!"

Miguel then states, "Alya, right? Anyway, Marinette's got a nice surprise for you in the theater, onstage."

Alya gushes, "Ooh, I love surprises!"

Alya rushes inside and sees Ladybug and Steel Butterfly.

Ladybug calls out from the top, "Hello! Alya, right? The last time Steel Butterfly and I saw you, I was in a bit of a hurry to recharge my powers. Of course, I kind of forgot about the amount of times I can use my powers, but SB and I have got a bit more time now if you want to interview us for your Ladyblog."

Alya replies, "No... Seriously? Do I! Do I!"

Alya rushes up the stairs to the chairs.

Steel Butterfly states, "Have a seat, my dear."

Alya begins recording and says, "You don't know me, but FYI, this is like the biggest moment of my life."

Steel Butterfly chuckles warmly, catching both of the girls off-guard for a few seconds.

The interview went swimmingly well, especially when Steel Butterfly showed Alya through different kinds of holograms the ten reasons why even the likes of Ladybug has to keep her identity a secret.

Steel Butterfly's explanation went like this: "Reason number one: if Ladybug's parents ever found out who she was, chances are they would try to force her to retire permanently out of extremely unhealthy concern for Ladybug's safety or something else in that category. Reason number 2: tabloids and the press are savages. They'll literally cross several lines for a good story, especially when it comes to superhero secret identities. Reason number three: if the po-po found out who Ladybug was, they would try to force her to surrender the Ladybug Miraculous just because they don't trust superheroes that are not rookie vigilantes as the police tends to claim from time to time. Reason number four: if any new student at Paris' schools found out Ladybug's identity and that particular student happened to be a remorseless, sociopathic compulsive liar, that liar would try claiming to be Ladybug just to be famous and have everyone believing anything that the liar says. Reason number five: any sort of criminal or terrorist organization out there would not hesitate to capture Ladybug, steal her Miraculous and abuse its power to amass large amounts of money and big murderous body counts amounting to anyone trying to stop them. Reason number six: if the relatives of Ladybug's enemies in terms of normal criminals found out Ladybug's identity, they could try to sue her for causing irreparable harm to their criminal relatives. Reason number seven: if the world found out about Ladybug's identity, there would be a lot of legal ramifications, pressure, and public scrutiny for a young woman taking up the mantle of a magical ladybug-themed superhero despite being thoroughly trained for the job. Reason number eight: some heroes tend to be feared by some villains and normal criminals alike. Since almost every criminal here in Paris fears Ladybug, if they knew who she was, they wouldn't fear her anymore. Reason number nine: even Ladybug has to live a normal life. It would be extremely difficult for her to go shopping or go to the movies if people knew who she was. And lastly, reason number ten: if Hawk Moth found out who she was, the terrorist of Paris would not hesitate whatsoever to kidnap or outright kill Ladybug's friends and family to force her to surrender the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses. And trust me, with the way Hawk Moth is today, I know for a fact that he won't hesitate to Akumatize criminals and other supervillains alike to get what he wants. And since you already know about Hawk Moth's goals, you can make an educated guess on how disastrous it would be if any of Hawk Moth's allies in the future got the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses for him."

Outside the theater, Marinette rushes over to the entrance and slows down her beating heart through deep breaths.

Tikki remarks, "Alya's very fortunate to have a friend like you, even if it's the wrong time and place for us to know about Miguel's true origins yet."

Alya comes out with her eyes glued to the floor as she uploads the interview onto the Ladyblog.

Marinette exclaims, "Let me see!"

Alya replies, "Only after I finish uploading it onto my blog! There's no way I'm gonna lose this video!"

Marinette calls out, "Hey!"

The two girls laugh as Marinette chases Alya.

A hidden Miguel chuckles in amusement at the sight of the two girls running in the opposite direction.

Miguel discreetly transforms into Steel Butterfly and he flies off into the Parisian nighttime skies.

(Steel Butterfly's voice-over POV as he writes in his Rorschach-inspired journal on the top of the Eiffel Tower...)

Steel Butterfly's journal.

April 28th, 2015.

I'm in a good mood tonight. And you readers want to know why? Well, I'm gonna tell you why I'm in a good mood.

I finally did it! I actually managed to avenge Fred Haprele!

Now, his former understudy Chris is fired and is currently in jail, awaiting trial.

But because of this, not only is security at Fred's job going to be doubled, but also Sarah's boss says that she is gonna have to take some courses on how to be less harsh with her employees from here on out while taking lessons in recognizing lies to prevent anything like today's events from happening ever again.

Sarah's probably not going to be less harsh with her employees, but some is better than nothing.

But whatever the case, I intend to make sure that what happened with The Mime won't ever happen again.

Besides, what Chris did – even if Gabriel Agreste wasn't Hawk Moth – was totally unforgiveable and unacceptable. I mean, for crying out loud, Chris nearly ruined Fred's reputation and his livelihood!

But thankfully, thanks to me, Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Star Comedian, we were all able to stop The Mime before he can really cause irreparable harm. And thanks to me, Chris is currently in prison, awaiting trial for fraud.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling that even I won't be so fortunate with other criminals and supervillains of Chris' caliber and Hawk Moth's caliber.

Either way, I have never failed in my missions, and I'm not about to fail my missions now. Even if, let's say, Hawk Moth somehow brings an alternate universe version of my evil youngest brother as an Anti-Butterfly into this timeline.

But unfortunately, even though we were raised in the same religious household, my brother is a firm supervillain lover, and he doesn't seem to care about the atrocious and evil things that supervillains of every category do on a daily basis to get what they want.

Sadly, when my brother tried to destroy my Transformers action figure collection, only to get caught by me and our parents, I swore upon my great-grandfather's grave that I would kill the little motherf***** no matter if God and my parents approve of it or not.

As far as I'm concerned, my brother is no brother of mine anymore. As far as I'm concerned, he stopped being my brother when he started being more than a spoiled brat as a child. And as far as I'm concerned, the final straw that broke the camel's back was when he attempted to destroy my Transformers toy collection and he would've succeeded if we didn't catch him in time.

Normally, I never talk about my personal life with anyone, not even Ryoka, and especially not by writing about my personal life in my journal. But I figure, if people are reading my journal in the future after I die and get pronounced on Judgement Day, they may as well get to know me in spirit.

And that especially goes for my teammates, my protégés, my descendants, and even my favorite Miraculous Ladybug heroes.

In any case, the next Akumatization to prepare for is the legendary Jared "Jagged" Stone, also known as Guitar Villain, a rock star supervillain with Fang by his side as a giant purple dragon.

Remind anyone of the Purple Dragons from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise?

Anyway, back to the topics at hand. I have always hated XY and Bob Roth.

In particular, Bob Roth thinks that just because he's a businessman and an employer that he can do whatever he wants and get away with it, no matter if what he does isn't approved of by even Jagged Stone, and no matter if what Bob does is illegal. And Bob also thinks that people everywhere will agree with his opinions on certain things that will attract Jagged Stone's fans and net Bob more money, such as Jagged changing his style to match XY's ludicrous style or Jagged appearing on the Quantic Universe's silly but real cartoon, Rocker Wants A Wife. But he's sadly mistaken.

By the time I'm through with him, he's gonna wish he had played by the rules, but not in his own twisted, greedy and arrogant viewpoint.

And considering the rest of his crimes in the Silencer, Psycomedian, and Gabriel Agreste episodes, I'm gonna have to start planning on how I can kill him without anything being traced back to me.

Granted, it's wrong, but considering how rich and dirty Bob is, he can easily get out of prison and avoid standing trial.

I can't take any chances, especially if he thinks of stooping to new lows to get his revenge along with getting back what was confiscated and along with making an even more corrupt-on-the-inside business with him at the helm and with a board of directors that obeys his orders to a T. Potentially the cause of some form of mind control.

God, forgive me.

Anyway, I have a feeling that even if Jagged's Akumatization into Guitar Villain doesn't happen, this will most likely be the last time that I ever get to use my dragon mode.

Not to worry; I'll find more uses for it in the battles to come before the Second Coming of Christ.

But no matter what happens, I'm going to get rid of the people of Miraculous Ladybug I hate no matter what Ladybug, Cat Noir, or Master Fu have to say about that.

They might think that saving the people they hate just because they're superheroes might make people respect them more, but unfortunately for them, I AM NOT LIKE THEM. I DON'T PLAY BY THOSE F****** STUPID RULES. And besides, even if I saved Bob from Silencer, Psycomedian, and/or the Collector Sentimonster, Bob still doesn't learn his lesson.

Ladybug and Cat Noir are just too good-hearted for their own good.

And of course, even my godlike Absolute Persuasion superpower might not work on either of them in some ways.

But thankfully, with my Butterfly Miraculous, I make the rules here in this universe.

And if there's one thing I've learned being a half superhero and a half antihero, it's that you gotta do a little bit of bad to do a whole shipload of good in the future.

BUT that doesn't necessarily mean I'm acting like Superman from the Injustice video games or any version of General Zod.

But no matter what, I will get rid of the villains of Miraculous Ladybug no matter if I kill them or not.

In any case, the next Akumatization before Guitar Villain and after The Mime in this timeline... well, it's impossible to say.

Due to me averting the Akumatizations of a few supervillains along with defeating others using my foreknowledge, my armies, my arsenals, my powers, and my other vast resources, the next Akumatizations to prepare for are sometimes blurred in my precognitive visions until the Akumatizations actually happen.

Eh. Never mind; I actually welcome surprise challenges.

Anyway, this is goodbye for now.

(Third person POV...)

The next afternoon, another Akumatized supervillain by the name of Lion Blade emerged, and as his name suggested, he has the ability to control lions of different types.

But thankfully, Steel Butterfly previously used his Sublimation to give him the ability to be right when he says that all Miraculous holders will never experience any animal tendencies or Miraculous side effects after any specific and non-specific periods of time after using their Miraculouses for a whole year at most, but only if a supervillain attack happens and as long as said animal tendencies and Miraculous side effects don't affect the Miraculous users in their civilian lives whatsoever.

Lion Hunter went to the 1st Arrondisment where Lion Blade was and he used his sonic roar combined with his freezing scratch power to paralyze the lion army and assimilate his dominance over Lion Blade's army.

Upon deakumatizing Lion Blade, Lion Hunter sent the unakumatized lion supervillain to Roger Raincomprix, only to find out that the person in question was one of Roger's childhood friends who became detached from their friendship when Roger started to become a police officer.

Steel Butterfly came onto the scene and says for the second time in a while, "You did good, my big cat."

Steel Butterfly started petting Lion Hunter like a domestic cat, and Lion Hunter started to purr.

After 10 minutes, Miguel Guevara was in his lair, recovering from his intense training with his robots in practicing his skills in the following martial arts styles: Taekwondo, Ninjitsu, Karate, Capoeira, Sambo, wrestling, Krav Maga, Line, Rough and Tumble, Vale Tudo, Bacom, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Silat, MCMAP, Engolo, Tahtib, Moraingy, Dambe, Lutte Traditionnelle, Istunka, Senegalese wrestling, Nguni stick-fighting, Nuba fighting, Bajan stick-licking, Huka-huka, Luta Livre, Defendo, Okichitaw, SPEAR System, Wen-Do, Colombian grima, Juego de mani, Tire machèt, American Kenpo, Collegiate wrestling, Combatives, Jeet Kune Do, Jailhouse rock, Kajukenbo, Kapu Kuialua, Butthan, Lathi Khela, Boli Khela, Baguazhang Kung Fu, Drunken Boxing, Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Five Animals Kung Fu, Xingyi Kung Fu, Hung Gar Kung Fu, Monkey Kung Fu, Bak Mei Pai Kung Fu, Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Fujian White Crane Kung Fu, Jow Ga Kung Fu, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Taijiquan Kung Fu, Choy Li Fut Kung Fu, Dog Style Kung Fu, Five Ancestors Kung Fu, Hak Fu Mun Kung Fu, Dragon Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Shuai Jiao, Fut Gar, Malla-Yuddha, Angampora, Banshay, Bataireacht, Bōjutsu, Gatka, Jūkendō, Kalaripayattu, Kendo, Kenjutsu, Krabi-krabong, Kuttu Varisai, Mardani khel, Shastar Vidya, Varma kalai, Thang-ta, Vajra-mushti, Adimurai, Tinju, Tarung Derajat, Kapap, Sumo wrestling, Japanese jujutsu, Judo, Aikido, Shorinji Kempo, Taekkyon, Subak, Tang Soo Do, Hapkido, Hanmudo, Muay Lao, Mongolian wrestling, Bando, Lethwei, Naban, Pongyi thaing, Bokator, Pradal serey, Mano Mano, Suntukan, Sikaran, Buno, Lerdrit, Muay boran, Matrak, Sayokan, Hokutoryu Ju-Jutsu, Gouren, Qwan Ki Do, Savate, Ringen, Unifighting, Pankration, Gilma, Taranto, Foggia, Brindisi, kickboxing, regular boxing, catch wrestling, Bartitsu, Cornish Wrestling, Cumberland wrestling, Westmorland wrestling, Defendu, Devon wrestling, Suffrajitsu, shin-kicking, Chess boxing, Choi Kwang-Do, Arnis, Jieitaikakutōjutsu, Taekkyeon, To-Shin Do, Silat Melayu, Unifight, Mirakung-Fu, Akumakung-Fu, Tenshikung-Fu, and all other real life and fictional forms of martial arts.

Miguel goes into his apartment to shower, and he finishes showering in cold water in under 10 minutes due to him being mindful of having to pay for the water bill.

Miguel goes into the butterfly garden of his headquarters and starts exposing himself to both static electricity and direct sunlight as two of the many ways he recharges his powers with and without being in any of his Steel Butterfly armors.

As Miguel bathes in static electricity and sunlight to recharge his powers and heal the wounds he got from his training exercise – signifying that at the present time, Miguel's absolute invulnerability doesn't apply to when he has his Miraculous in camouflage mode or if his Miraculous has been removed – he gets a phone call from a classified contact named Salvatore Wellings.

Miguel picks up and questions, "Hello?"

The classified contact states, "Boss, great news. Our stocks in our partnership with the Parisian branch of Hasbro has increased."

Miguel replies before asking, "Well, that's wonderful to hear, Salvatore. Now, do you have any more good news?"

Salvatore answers, "Well, more evidence of Lila's crimes before coming to Paris has been collected and filed with the other pieces of evidence. At the same time, our case in collecting evidence of Gabriel Agreste's crimes as Hawk Moth is coming along splendidly. And it turns out that because of the need to put Mrs. Agreste on life support, Gabriel purchased his own generator and other untraceable things to avert suspicions in trying to pay the electricity bills."

Miguel takes a look at the data being uploaded to his personal computer and replies again, "I see. Thanks for your services, Salvatore. I'll be sure to give your paycheck for the week a big raise."

Salvatore replies back, "Thank you very much, Monsieur Guevara."

Miguel replies back again, "No problem, Salvatore. Keep it up."

Miguel hangs up.

Leppey then queries, "Miguel, can you please explain to me how you became the richest man on this Earth while keeping your identity a secret?"

Miguel goes on to explain that for the past 30,000 years, alongside his training and preparations, he was secretly working all sorts of high-paying jobs in teaching, writing, accounting, architecture, construction, as a priest, as a doctor, farming, book-making, instrument-making, toy-making, utensil-crafting, music-making, art, tailoring, mining, carpentry, brick making, storytelling, massage therapy, spying, and many other high paying jobs in both ancient times and in modern times under different identities and appearances that was also helped by his ability to manipulate his age for long periods of time without physically aging or de-aging like a human being naturally aging or like Silvermane de-aging to the point of being turned back into a baby and/or de-aging to the point of popping out of existence permanently.

Leppey was shocked and impressed all at once, especially since Miguel kept his larger stores of money locked up while using specific amounts of money for either buying food, buying safe drinks, buying clothing, paying rent, paying bills, and donating to different charities among other things.

But Miguel had to reassure Leppey that just because he kept specific amounts of money does not make him out to be greedy.

And Miguel revealed to Leppey something he once did back on his Earth: collecting Transformers action figures, specifically transformable ones from Beast Wars all the way to Studio Series Rescue Bots Academy in 2039.

When Leppey asked Miguel why he was bothering with buying billions of converting Transformers action figures, especially including generic drones to represent generic foot soldiers in military-style formations, Miguel's answer was, "Because I intend to follow this particular example in the internet's era of YouTube: making my own stop-motion Transformers YouTube series."

Leppey asks again, "But why?"

Miguel answers again, "Well, most people with big Transformers toy collections will often make their own stop-motion series to depict their own fanmade takes on the Transformers franchise, ranging from the Great War between Autobots and Decepticons to the Beast Wars between Maximals and Predacons to the various Autobot/Decepticon wars in the live action Transformers films in 2007-2029, to potentially including fanmade takes on the Aligned continuity. Specifically the Transformers War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron video games, the Cybertron parts of the Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark video game, the Transformers Exodus, Exiles, and Retribution novels, the Transformers Universe and Transformers Online video games, and the Transformers Prime, Rescue Bots, Robots in Disguise 2015, and Rescue Bots Academy cartoons. Anyway, I intend to feature on YouTube at some point in the future my own Transformers stop motion series. And I intend to feature it in the same style as some Transformers multiverse crossing over fanfiction stories I used to write back on my Earth in my college days. More specifically, Transformers multiverse crossovers in which the main protagonist who happens to be the 14th Ultimate Prime summoning into the Aligned continuity's Transformers Prime cartoon in season 2 all of the various Autobots, Maximals, Beast Wars Predacons, and Decepticons from the many Transformers cartoons, movies, video games, comic books, and toy lines to assist the Transformers Prime Autobots in the war against the Decepticons. While managing to exclude the Generation 1/Revenge of the Fallen Bludgeon, the Generation 1/Hunt for the Decepticons Banzaitron, the Armada/Energon Demolishor, the Armada/Energon Cyclonus/Snow Cat, the Robots in Disguise 2001 Sky-Byte, Slapper, Gas Skunk, Dark Scream, Scourge, Mega-Octane, Movor, Ro-Tor, Rollbar, and Armorhide, the Beast Wars/Beast Machines Megatron, the Beast Wars Scorponok, the Beast Wars Terrorsaur, the Beast Wars Rampage, the Beast Wars Dinobot II, the Beast Wars Quickstrike, the Beast Wars Inferno, the Beast Machines Vehicon drone army, the Cybertron Thundercracker, the Energon Scorponok, the Energon Terrorcon armies, the Generation 1 Insecticon clone army, the Generation 1 Astrotrain, Blitzwing, and Octane, the Cybertron Mudflap, the Cybertron Menasor, the Cybertron Thunderblast, the Cybertron Ransack, the Cybertron Crumplezone, the Cybertron Sideways, the Cybertron Soundwave, the Movieverse Wreckage, and the Movieverse Divebomb among other Decepticons and Predacons to exclude in being summoned to the Transformers Prime cartoon."

Leppey then inquires somewhat excitedly, "Can I help you in my human form?"

Miguel answers, "Of course, you can. BUT in order to avert suspicions on who I am in my normal civilian disguise, I need a picture of something endearing to me to put on my YouTube profile after setting up a username and while putting my skills in filmmaking and whatnot to good use. And I intend to use Sentibeing clones of several people from my childhood and my high school days to help with voices and with making the toys do the required actions per episode."

Leppey nods in understanding.

Traveling back in time and forward in time to the time periods before Gabriel Agreste became Hawk Moth and after the trials of Gabriel, Nathalie, and Lila, Miguel and Leppey spent up to 2 and a half years getting their stop-motion Transformers series together, filming all of the scenes and doing all the things animated and live action cartoon and movie directors and camera people do to get everything right.

Surprisingly, Steel Butterfly and his Sentibeing clones of people from his past on his Earth were so efficient in their endeavors over the course of 2 and a half years that they could easily put Ida Lupino, Bong Joon Ho, Woody Allen, Tim Burton, and many others like them to shame.

At the same time, Miguel said that for the Autobots to have human allies in the stop motion series, the directors and voice actors can use human toys of either toy soldiers from different real life militaries, the Star Wars Jedi and Sith armies, human soldiers from all across the Transformers toy franchise, human soldiers from Babylon 5, and so forth as long as the toy human armies were used by heroes of fiction. And the same can often be used for Predacons and Decepticons by using human villain armies to depict humans being evil in their own ways or betraying their own people by joining the Predacons and Decepticons. The only two exceptions of evil humans who don't join Autobots or Decepticons being MECH from Transformers Prime and V.E.N.O.M. from Transformers Generation 1.

And so, the toys that Miguel willed into existence and/or purchased using his immense wealth or even created using the resources he created – the same resources he had back on his Earth before 2040 – became fictionalized characters in Miguel's YouTube stop motion series. Including human toys made to be moveable while still being small to big size Transformers like Bumblebee, Barricade, Optimus Prime, and Megatron.

The only problem Miguel encountered was finding some way to animate scenes of Primus and Unicron interacting with the human and other Transformers characters while having Primus and Unicron being planet-sized to the viewers' point of view.

But they all managed to fix the problem using Miguel's more complicated superpowers and by using advanced animations.

Upon saving the information on Miguel's hard drives, flash drives, memory sticks, and so forth on their smartphone cameras, computers, and other electronics with memory options, the crews were ready for giving Miguel's YouTube profile a name.

Upon careful consideration, Miguel chose to name his YouTube account as Mig Chock 29103754739 Major 192370173386129746228621 Twain 10284792 Black Messy Messy Messes 7271648392 Prime 182689201737492 Anders 182910347291392716384.

When Leppey questioned Miguel why he wanted something so long and complicated for his YouTube account, he answered that when he and his family in their first household got their first computer thanks to his stepfather being a computer engineer, he learned the easy way that this was one of the few ways to ward off computer hackers.

Leppey nodded in understanding, his own supernatural, nearly godlike intellect telling him what he needed to know about computers, hackers, and anti-viruses of the like.

After returning to the present day with everything they needed for now, Miguel released his Sentimonster clones from his control and from their feathers to sever his link to their existence by simply saying, "Sentibeings, I hereby release you from my control and from my link to your continued existence for all of eternity, and thereby make you all into actual human beings with all of the legitimate proof in this timeline that you exist that isn't forged or tampered with whatsoever, with this universe's counterparts of everyone in your family ties and friend circles from your other world knowing you exist and so forth in the things I use the Butterfly Miraculous for the blessings I need to make you actual human beings."

The peacock feathers/Compos Mentises emerge from the Composized objects and are purified before flying to Steel Butterfly's Tenshi and Compos Mentis Storage Vault.

The former Sentibeing clones turned human beings are largely unaffected by the whole thing.

The former clone of Jupiter Whitlock then says gratefully before asking, "Thank you so much, Dad! But where are we all going to be living now that we aren't creations of your Butterfly Miraculous or any Peacock Miraculous anymore?"

Maniacally grinning, Steel Butterfly pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Jupiter.

She and the others read it, revealing to them that it's a bunch of renting deeds to a couple of free available apartments in all of the 21 Arrondisments of the city. And the rent deeds had all of the former Sentibeings' names on each of them, amounting to 289 former Sentibeings and up to five and/or eight occupants at a time for each of the apartments on several floors.

The former Sentibeing named Thale Fellowes remarks in shock and awe, "These are rent deeds to free available apartments for each of us up to eight of us in all 21 Arrondisments!"

Steel Butterfly briefly explains, "My best connections plus up to four thousand euros to pay for your rent and living spaces for each of you."

Jupiter gawks as she questions, "You sacrificed one million, one hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars in French euros for all of us to live somewhere in the city?"

Steel Butterfly nods before explaining, "Yes. I may be rich, but I have to make sacrifices to my immense wealth in order to avoid tuning greedy. If there's one thing out of millions in any version of Earth that I hate, it's greed. And besides, all of you need to have separate lives of your own, and part of superhero armies living separate lives, especially when you can't live somewhere like Wayne Manor or the Justice League Watchtower for any specific reasons at all, you'd have to find someplace to live while having a job to sustain your income for food, clothing, paying bills and so forth. Besides, even the Justice League Unlimited army has troops living in their own homes on Earth instead of in the Watchtower, as shown in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon. And aside from that, as shown in Transformers Generation 1, the Unicron Trilogy, the live action Transformers films, and so forth in the Transformers franchise, the Autobot army always has multiple bases established on Earth and on the Moon in the event they forge an alliance with the human governments to fight the Decepticons after arriving on Earth, contacting specific human government branches, and establishing only once that the Autobots are heroic warriors who are looking for a temporary home until Cybertron can be revived."

Thale then questions, "Okay, aside from all of those fictional references, isn't there any space in your headquarters for us to live in?"

Steel Butterfly answers, "There is, but that would only qualify for if you guys were part of my forces in the French Miraculous Superhero Team and if you guys have your names and other identities out of the public eye in every way possible, including no records of birth and places of education on this fictionalized version of Earth. On the other hand..."

Steel Butterfly takes out his yoyo and says, "Sublimation: I give myself the ability to will 289 additional Miraculouses into existence for my 289 new recruits."

Steel Butterfly's yoyo opens and he takes out before placing into his allies' hands the following 289 Miraculouses: the Australian Terrier Miraculous with the power of obviation. The Quoll Miraculous with the power of disinsection. The Goliath Frog Miraculous with the power of commemoration. The Beaski Miraculous with the power of chlorination. The Bowfin Miraculous with the power of acculturation. The American Cocker Spaniel Miraculous with the power of remediation. The Newfypoo Miraculous with the power of situation. The Elephant Shrew Miraculous with the power of transvection. The Sable Miraculous with the power of adenylation. The Tree Frog Miraculous with the power of usufruction. The Gharial Miraculous with the power of striation. The Wrasse Miraculous with the power of ululation. The Cesky Fousek Miraculous with the power of variegation. The Yorkie Poo Miraculous with the power of presstitution. The Bull Shark Miraculous with the power of castration. The Japanese Macaque Miraculous with the power of accrimination. The Honduran White Bat Miraculous with the power of innervation. The Flying Fish Miraculous with the power of percontation. The Aphid Miraculous with the power of agglomeration. The Saarloos Wolfdog Miraculous with the power of reincarnation. The Newfoundland Miraculous with the power of obstipation. The Beaglier Miraculous with the power of infarction. The Banjo Catfish Miraculous with the power of insertion. The White Rhinoceros Miraculous with the power of hydration. The Red Knee Tarantula Miraculous with the power of pandiculation. The Elephant Seal Miraculous with the power of vituperation. The Mountain Bluebird Miraculous with the power of pontification. The Golden Dox Miraculous with the power of fluxion. The Locust Miraculous with the power of resiliation. The Minke Whale Miraculous with the power of acceleration. The Galapagos Tortoise Miraculous with the power of transmeation. The Indochinese Tiger Miraculous with the power of abacination. The Ass Miraculous with the power of abruption. The Pugshire Miraculous with the power of misconception. The Golden Saint Miraculous with the power of captivation. The King Cobra Miraculous with the power of creation. The Human Miraculous with the power of attraction. The Borador Miraculous with the power of supererogation. The Goldador Miraculous with the power of defalcation. The Roseate Spoonbill Miraculous with the power of disintegration. The Cat Miraculous with the power of aberration – NOT the Black Cat Miraculous. The Pugapoo Miraculous with the power of antennation. The Mink Miraculous with the power of effectuation. The Kerry Blue Terrier Miraculous with the power of deflation. The Brittany Miraculous with the power of deceleration. The Puss Moth Miraculous with the power of comminution. The Butterfly Fish Miraculous with the power of disinfection. The Frengle Miraculous with the power of lipoduction. The Yorkie Bichon Miraculous with the power of arsenication. The Dugong Miraculous with the power of litigation. The Wyoming Toad Miraculous with the power of humanation. The Chow Shepard Miraculous with the power of ideation. The White-Tailed Deer Miraculous with the power of introgression. The Antelope Miraculous with the power of inchoation. The Tiger Salamander Miraculous with the power of carbonation. The Diamondback Miraculous with the power of resuscitation. The Turkish Angora Miraculous with the power of abirritation. The Dromedary Miraculous with the power of lactation. The Louse Miraculous with the power of ectocanthion. The Hare Miraculous with the power of fluxuation. The Siberian Tiger Miraculous with the power of guardianship. The Swai Fish Miraculous with the power of automation. The Frilled Shark Miraculous with the power of imagination. The Horned Lizard Miraculous with the power of propitiation. The Fishing Cat Miraculous with the power of codifferentiation. The Mourning Dove Miraculous with the power of rejuvenation. The Yellowfin Tuna Miraculous with the power of proration. The Gentoo Penguin Miraculous with the power of dehydration. The Mammoth Miraculous with the power of annotation. The Bloodhound Miraculous with the power of loyalty. The Sea Urchin Miraculous with the power of fertility. The Bassador Miraculous with the power of denervation. The Sardines Miraculous with the power of singulation. The Megalodon Miraculous with the power of combustion. The Giant Armadillo Miraculous with the power of urination. The Euro Miraculous with the power of salination. The Mayfly Miraculous with the power of accumulation. The King-Emperor Penguin Miraculous with the power of restriction. The Alaskan Malamute Miraculous with the power of recuperation. The Cavapoo Miraculous with the power of discombobulation. The Giant Schnoodle Miraculous with the power of crenellation. The Golden Masked Owl Miraculous with the power of instruction. The Norwich Terrier Miraculous with the power of uncompression. The Banteng Miraculous with the power of deacculturation. The Marginated Tortoise Miraculous with the power of margination. The Francolin Miraculous with the power of repudiation. The Shoebill Stork Miraculous with the power of disquisition. The Fangtooth Miraculous with the power of cremation. The Colossal Squid Miraculous with the power of interlineation. The Swedish Vallhund Miraculous with the power of bloviation. The Box Turtle Miraculous with the power of good fortune. The Boston Terrier Miraculous with the power of scintillation. The Honey Bee Miraculous with the power of averruncation. The Chinese Paddlefish Miraculous with the power of debation. The Sri Lankan Elephant Miraculous with the power of prosperity. The Polecat Miraculous with the power of elevation. The Tang Miraculous with the power of courage. The Bea-Tzu Miraculous with the power of recension. The Lorikeet Miraculous with the power of obsoletion. The Siberpoo Miraculous with the power of extrication. The Bush Baby Miraculous with the power of affixion. The Toadfish Miraculous with the power of transduction. The Walleye Fish Miraculous with the power of falcation. The American Coonhound Miraculous with the power of figuration. The Belgian Hare Miraculous with the power of completion. The Pond Skater Miraculous with the power of exhilaration. The Japanese Chin Miraculous with the power of exilition. The Clouded Leopard Miraculous with the power of diversity. The Impala Miraculous with the power of transcreation. The Bolognese Dog Miraculous with the power of vigilance. The Arctic Hare Miraculous with the power of diligence. The Desert Rain Frog Miraculous with the power of trilobation. The Bassetoodle Miraculous with the power of friendship. The Barb Miraculous with the power of persistence. The Sturgeon Miraculous with the power of phonation. The Wandering Albatross Miraculous with the power of foresight. The Black-Backed Jackal Miraculous with the power of elastication. The Wolf Spider Miraculous with the power of devotion. The Beagador Miraculous with the power of addiction. The Irish Terrier Miraculous with the power of compellation. The Binturong Miraculous with the power of meditation. The Eurasian Wolverine Miraculous with the power of the defusion. The Serval Miraculous with the power of resegregation. The Sperm Whale Miraculous with the power of acetylation. The Golden Pyrenees Miraculous with the power of discontinuance. The Bengal Tiger Miraculous with the power of gracefulness. The Boxador Miraculous with the power of tabulation. The American Alsatian Miraculous with the power of bifurcation. The Anteater Miraculous with the power of contraction. The Ibis Miraculous with the power of magic. The Chihuahua Miraculous with the power of exhaustion. The Wood Frog Miraculous with the power of participation. The Amazon River Dolphin Miraculous with the power of staycation. The Australian Labradoodle Miraculous with the power of attenuation. The Leopard Tortoise Miraculous with the power of confabulation. The Springbok Miraculous with the power of revirgination. The Sea Otter Miraculous with the power of intermediation. The Ibizan Hound Miraculous with the power of entabulation. The Sand Lizard Miraculous with the power of superannuation. The Chorkie Miraculous with the power of interpellation. The Peregrine Falcon with the power of abstraction. The Nightingale Miraculous with the power of levitation. The Bearded Collie Miraculous with the power of carination. The Insects Miraculous with the power of abalienation. The Cheagle Miraculous with the power of reconsolidation. The Tiger Shark Miraculous with the power of operation. The Borneo Elephant Miraculous with the power of nitration. The Welsh Corgi Miraculous with the power of incrimination. The Blobfish Miraculous with the power of pernoctation. The Epagneul Pont Audemer Miraculous with the power of quintation. The Pronghorn Miraculous with the power of aprication. The Rottsky Miraculous with the power of reciprocation. The Cesky Terrier Miraculous with the power of honesty. The Bullmastiff Miraculous with the power of prosecution. The Adelie Penguin Miraculous with the power of nasion. The Bavarian Mountain Hound Miraculous with the power of rephosphorylation. The Rockfish Miraculous with the power of endurance. The Raccoon Dog Miraculous with the power of trickery. The American Pit Bull Terrier Miraculous with the power of adaptation. The Vervet Monkey Miraculous with the power of propitiation. The American Foxhound Miraculous with the power of iseion. The Anatolian Shepard Dog Miraculous with the power of abacination. The Aye Aye Miraculous with the power recompletion. The African Golden Cat Miraculous with the power of connection. The British Timber Miraculous with the power of guidance. The Moose Miraculous with the power of acclimation. The Zonkey Miraculous with the power of reaction. The Lemur Miraculous with the power of defoliation. The Common Buzzard Miraculous with the power of concertion. The Albacore Tuna Miraculous with the power of ablation. The Moth Miraculous with the power of ovulation. The Patas Monkey Miraculous with the power of indigitation. The Ainu Miraculous with the power of abomination. The American Eskimo Dog Miraculous with the power of reclusion. The Yellow-Eyed Penguin Miraculous with the power of tessellation. The Afghan Hound Miraculous with the power of alertness. The Maltipoo Miraculous with the power of abstriction. The Saber-Toothed Tiger Miraculous with the power of arpeggiation. The Dogo Argentino Miraculous with the power of communication. The Ferruginous Hawk Miraculous with the power of eutrophication. The Doxiepoo Miraculous with the power of lamination. The Chinstrap Penguin Miraculous with the power of convolution. The Caiman Lizard Miraculous with the power of light. The Chinchilla Miraculous with the power of detonation. The Tortoise Miraculous with the power of aureation. The Basking Shark Miraculous with the power of prevention. The Pug Miraculous with the power of palpation. The Gerberian Shepsky Miraculous with the power of sophistication. The Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Miraculous with the power of prediction. The Spadefoot Toad Miraculous with the power of translation. The Tarpon Miraculous with the power of escalation. The Sardines Miraculous with the power of reregulation. The Guppy Miraculous with the power of deattribution. The Cross River Gorilla Miraculous with the power of direction. The Siberian Husky Miraculous with the power of remonstration. The Rock Hydrax Miraculous with the power of retaliation. The Hammerhead Shark Miraculous with the power of option. The Snapping Turtle Miraculous with the power of leviration. The African Palm Civet Miraculous with the power of biotinylation. The Fallow Deer Miraculous with the power of justice. The Orangutan Miraculous with the power of experience. The African Tree Toad Miraculous with the power of entertainment. The Saint Berdoodle Miraculous with the power of metallation. The Spanish Goat Miraculous with the power of persecution. The Labradane Miraculous with the power of progenation. The Red-Handed Tamarin Miraculous with the power of accredition. The Crab-Eating Macaque Miraculous with the power of furcation. The Silver Labrador Miraculous with the power of aprication. The Purple Emperor Butterfly Miraculous with the power of dilation. The Toucan Miraculous with the power of vellication. The Golden Newfie Miraculous with the power of education. The Discus Miraculous with the power of cofractionation. The Poodle Miraculous with the power of reflation. The Cairn Terrier Miraculous with the power of assimilation. The Boykin Spaniel Miraculous with the power of trilateration. The Red Wolf Miraculous with the power of cognation. The Puffin Miraculous with the power of actuation. The Barred Owl Miraculous with the power of cooption. The Krill Miraculous with the power of defibration. The Great Danoodle Miraculous with the power of requisition. The Javan Rhinoceros Miraculous with the power of circumspection. The Yorkie Poo Miraculous with the power of emergence. The Poison Dart Frog Miraculous with the power of discipline. The Boxweiler Miraculous with the power of discourse. The Grizzly Bear Miraculous with the power of definition. The Mike Whale Miraculous with the power of sensibility. The Peekapoo Kwami Miraculous with the power of conscience. The Toy Poodle Miraculous with the power of estimation. The Gar Miraculous with the power of compossibility. The Monte Iberia Eleuth Miraculous with the power of commensurability. The Clumber Spaniel Miraculous with the power of consciousness. The Coral Miraculous with the power of categorization. The Pademelon Miraculous with the power of belief. The Akbash Miraculous with the power of coalition. The Stingray Miraculous with the power of selection. The Tetra Miraculous with the power of casualty. The Fennec Fox Miraculous with the power of adjudication. The Glow Worm Miraculous with the power of demonstration. The Cichlid Miraculous with the power of ambition. The Spanador Miraculous with the power of contraction. The Black Russell Terrier Miraculous with the power of farnesylation. The Huskador Miraculous with the power of immigration. The Skye Terrier Miraculous with the power of immunoprecipitation. The Florida Panther Miraculous with the power of fulfillment. The Bullfrog Miraculous with the power of aberration. The Codfish Miraculous with the power of laetification. The Geoffroys Tamarin Miraculous with the power of insufflation. The Alabai Miraculous with the power of exocanthion. The Pyredoodle Miraculous with the power of animation. The Olm Miraculous with the power of deconfliction. The Tuatara Miraculous with the power of abortion. The Pigeon Miraculous with the power of obstipation. The Squirrel Monkey Miraculous with the power of salvation. The Steller's Sea Cow Miraculous with the power of fate. The Finnish Spitz Miraculous with the power of social mobility. The Collie Miraculous with the power of aspiration. The Malayan Tiger Miraculous with the power of inoculation. The Meagle Miraculous with the power of happiness. The Magellanic Penguin Miraculous with the power of redemption. The Newt Miraculous with the power of hypothecation. The Mastiff Miraculous with the power of acrylation. The Corkie Miraculous with the power of dreams. The Pomeagle Miraculous with the power of endocanthion. The Morkie Miraculous with the power of common sense. The Bichpoo Miraculous with the power of freezing any targets with any form of cold, even in the form of a weapon. The Tibetan Mastiff Miraculous with the power of regression. The Blue Iguana Miraculous with the power of addition. The Rockhopper Penguin Miraculous with the power of harmony. The Neapolitan Mastiff Miraculous with the power of romance. The Muskox Miraculous with the power of domestication. The Manta Ray Miraculous with the power of defecation. The Navy Swallow Miraculous with the power of mystery. The Dragonfish Miraculous with the power of deception. The Ragdoll Cat Miraculous with the power of fear. The Numbat Miraculous with the power of worship. The Stick Insect Miraculous with the power of growth pleasure. The Labmaraner Miraculous with the power of precognition. The Banded Palm Civet Miraculous with the power of mind control. The Australian Mist Miraculous with the power of healing others through punching. The Rottweiler Miraculous with the power of power absorption. The Sea Dragon Miraculous with the power of healing through voice. The Green Bee-Eater with the power of environmental adaptation. The Airedoodle Miraculous with all manner psychic powers. The Frigatebird Miraculous with the power of possession. The American Bulldog Miraculous with the power of replicating animal powers. The Glechon Miraculous with the power of armor forging. The Booby Miraculous with the power of combat clairvoyance. And lastly, the Shepadoodle Miraculous with the power of multiplication cloning.

The former Sentibeing named Aldwin Wickham exclaims in awe while hugging Steel Butterfly and while holding the Goliath Frog Miraculous in his hands as carefully as possible, "Oh my gosh! Thank you, Dad!"

Steel Butterfly hugs his "child" in reciprocation and replies, "You're most welcome, my son."

After the 289 future new Miraculous users have left Steel Butterfly's lair, Steel Butterfly says, "Leppey, Elegant Wings Die."

Steel Butterfly detransforms back into Miguel Guevara.

Miguel then heads to his apartment and goes to sleep.

In the next chapter, Guitar Villain will be faced with his polar opposite: Andreas Archer, also known as Guitar Hero.

At the same time, there'll be a bonus scene for the third part of Heroes' Day, BUT it's a surprise for you all.

See you all in chapter 19: Guitar Villain vs. Guitar Hero.

The_Fictional_Semacreators' thoughts